Yes think so Caroline. Well I'm back to my Pre-Xmas weight again! So as things stand today I just need to lose 4.5lbs.
I'm getting a bit apprehensive as the w/e draws near though, as it is always my downfall. Well it is now I'm not doing 8-10 mile runs. Hopefully will soon be back to that distance, then the worse damage is STS, instead of putting the lbs on!
These are my goals for the w/e, to hopefully get me safely through:
I will stick to my cals over the w/e.....!!!
I will do a 7 mile run...!!
I won't get drunk and have a bad hangover, then eat junk the next day...!!!
Well ok, getting drunk was maybe a bit harsh.....!!!
I will not have a hangover and eat junk..!!!
They are my w/e rules. If you read that I have broken any please give me a good kicking!!!!