Shelbell's Baby Diary

Hi Shel - just read through both your posts and purple hugs (oh i feel so broody!!!) your baby bump (intestines) look lovely and i can imagine the excitement in your home right now.

My babies are all grown up now (Tim is 26 and my baby Alexandra is 22 lol) but i can remember all the details like it was yesterday and i think i was very lucky when i delivered Tim because i gave birth to him just like yourself.

Do you have any cravings yet? I know strange thing to ask a bypasser but you never know - with Tim it was strawberries and with Alexandra it was BigMac's (and i hate them!!!!!)

Your scan's are lovely and i think the 3D ones are just amazing you can't believe what technology can achieve - being able to see a little miracle growing its just so precious.

Will keep an eye on your posts here (if that's ok) as i think pregnancy and birth is such a special time.

Look after yourself properly, take the advice of your midwife/and nutrionalist and get the rest you both need.

Sending you hugs with fairy dust to make you safe and sparkly xx
Thanks for the visit Topsy, of course you can come again :)

Only cravings have been carby things, which is very common in the early days as the tiredness makes your body crave a quick energy fix.

With my son, I craved brocolli, and jelly&evap.
I hadn't thought of that with carb laden foods, I guess you are right though. :)

Topsy, how wonderful your baby is due to graduate soon, you must be very proud I expect. :)

Cravings are a funny thing aren't they! lol

Hope you're feeling well Shel :)
Great to see your scan pics. Glad its going ok for you.

Can you offer any advice on pain relief for fibro as know you have it as well. Stopped all meds the thurs I found out just over a week ago. I was 28+4 wks and didnt know as illnesses masked it. I haven't put any weight on other than a couple pounds from this weeks hols as I eat a cooked breakfast most days as cant remember the last time as been on diet for ages.
Bang goes the bypass for the time being hope I dont have to wait too long after as will prob have to have planned section as last time he got stuck and had too have a emergency one due to him getting distressed, hence the special needs I think.

Any info gratefully received

Sorry moonflower no ideas for suitable pain relief. My fibro has been very calm for a long time now since the bypass so I've managed to cope with just the occasional paracetemol. You'd need to talk it through with your doctor.
See your GP for some meds for your fibro - i am sure they will be able to prescribe something that won't harm baby. Or how about finding a good homeopathist to see if there are some natural products you can take

Hope you all stay well xx
Morning all. Sickness has stayed around, not as bad as a month ago but still worse than it was being.

Tomorrow we have the 12 week scan and consultant appointment (aka lecture about my weight loss). I'm planning on raising the issue of caesarian/sterilisation and also discussing breast-feeding. As BF used 500-700 calories per day, I'm 99% sure I'll be advised against it as that's not much less than I can eat in a day lol.

Going to get hubby to take another bump pic later, so I can compare, as it definately seems bigger.
Good luck for your scan hun! :) And for the lecture.. sounds like formula will definately be your path later, don't feel bad if it is as we've had many many foster babies and all have done well on formula, my girls were both bottle fed too with no health concerns. It actually helped my adopted daughter as she had excema and was on soya milk for a while to ease it. Even now she doesn't drink normal cows milk much to her school teachers annoyance (that's the teachers issues not my daughters). lol

Hope all is well with bump in your scan, bet you're excited. :) 12 weeks already!
Hope all goes well today Shel - with scan and doctor. I have told friends in the past that they shouldn't feel guilty about BF as you can get just as close with your baby when they are bottle fed as long as they are loved and happy then that is all that matters.

Sending you hugs with fairy dust to look after you today x
Scan went well, baby is a jumping bean and wouldn't keep still! Haven't scanned the piccies in yet so will pop them on later.

Raised the question of caesarian/sterilisation and doc didn't seem at all keen. Explained about the traumatic birth and connection to my son's SEN and she's going to write to the hospital he was born at for more details.

No more scans till 20 weeks :eek:
Wow welcome to the 'normal' world!! lol waiting till 20 weeks for a scan and all! ;)
Seriously glad that all is well, and waiting till 20 weeks demonstrates this perfectly. :D
Also glad midwife is on the ball about your sons SEN and birth complications, I thought of you while watching a documentary last night as it mentioned a similar case scenario (programme about hospitals in SW Wales.. very interesting and thankfully not really relating to my hospitals close to me other than that they close when full - yes this worried me somewhat I must admit).

Anyways.. back to your lovely baby! ;)
Only 8 weeks till your next scan so really not that long hun, it'll pass quickly i'm sure and at some point before you'll get to hear a heartbeat with midwife and feel 'quickening' I expect.. eventful really! x
wow that is a serious growth spurt!! :D
I'll be willing my bean to grow the same amount in the next 2 weeks then! lol
Morning all.

Have been and picked up my Mum To Be Bounty Pack and free Huggies Newborn Pack from Asda this morning. Packed full of vouchers :) As the queen of frugal I looooove vouchers!

Am feeling concerned about my weight today. I've been telling myself it's ok to lose weight in the early days through morning sickness etc but I'm at 12 1/2 weeks and I'm 12lbs lighter than when I found out I was pregnant. All the books I've read say that I should have gained 5lbs in the first 12 weeks, so does that mean that I've 'lost' 17lbs? Does that makes sense? I'm trying very hard to eat lots but my surgery makes it very difficult. I just can't see how I'm going to gain the weight that I'm supposed to! Now I'm passed 12 weeks I'm supposed to be gaining 1lb a week! It's all I can do to maintain my weight.

Trying to take reassurance from the fact that maybe has been measuring consistently for the dates we had, which means bean is growing properly right?

Anyway, seeing my bariatric consultant and dietician this afternoon so I can talk things through with them.
Cheers Kirsty. It was one of the baby magazines said 5lb in first 12 weeks, then 1lb a week in 2nd trimester, and 6-8lbs in total in 3rd trimester.

Appointement went really well, dietician is much more knowledgable than my previous one, and has dealt with post op pregnancies before.
I do wonder how I am getting bigger but not putting on weight. My tummy is several inches bigger, my face has filled out and each thigh has put in at least an inch each...but my scales say I am only 2lb heavier than 10 weeks ago. Maybe I have a honey comb centre? or maybe I am just full of gas =)
lovely bump!! wish my tum was that tidy! lol

Angie the body is a marvelous thing.. I didn't gain a lb with my first till I was 7 and a half months! :)