Not sure about the new 17 weeks picture
Did a bit of reading last night, and craving ice is a sign of anaemia during pregnancy, so just had a full blood count at the doctors. My surgery makes me more prone to anaemia, and it's not been checked since about 7 weeks.
Morning sickness has been bad this weekend. In the past though I've had nausea when my iron levels have been low so will be interesting to see what the test results bring.
Saturday I spend the day at the trafford centre with a load of fellow weight loss surgery miniminers, which was a fab day out. Had a couple of funny turns which wasn't so great, but think it's more to do with my lupus/fibro rather than the pregnancy. Took it very easy yesterday as a result and aside from the sickness starting to feel better. Today my son has an inset day from school (boooo) so he's been with me for my daily injection and blood test this morning, which he loves (he's a bit odd). Wasn't good having to lie there with a needle in my tummy while the doctor showed him where it all was and where the contents go and wiggled it round to show him where the end of the needle was! Morning sickness and needle phobia

Am determined that he won't inherit the phobia though so I put up with it! He sees me having the injections quite regularly and sees that it doesn't hurt so it's not so scary for him when he needs things.
Still no movements from bean, well I don't think so. A few things that have made me wonder. Only 3 weeks on wednesday to our 20 weeks scan, so excited about that.