Shelbell's Baby Diary

Really am SO CHUFFED for you!!
Just dont' let baby in on the secret.. make it think it has to stay put for another 16 weeks! ;)

I've been hoping everyday that you get here hun. I wish I could give you a big cuddle and share the tears that are in my eyes!
I'm just far too emotional these days! lol
Does anyone know much about tax credits and maternity leave?
Well, currently we get the minimum tax credits, around £10 per week. I think that when I go on to Mat Leave, our credits will go up sufficiently to allow me to take the full leave, but I'm not sure. If I ring them will they be able to tell me? I can't just wait and see cos if it's not going to go up I'll only be able to take the 6 weeks on 90%.
The inland revenue have a tax credit calculator. u can put in all ur details and they will tell u what u could expect
*HUGS* thats tough going. U will have an extra £40 or £50 child tax credit a week and the child benefit. Its bound to help a bit.
And just ran this years expected income through entitledto as if it were last year (so moved the babys due date back to 2008 etc) and it said that when the baby came our allowance would have gone from 10.50 per week to 21.00 per week. So not enough of a difference to actually help.
The frustrating part is our nursery won't take them till they've had their first jabs (8 weeks). You couldn't expect a healthy person to return to work after only 6 weeks, I honestly don't know how I'm going to manage.

I'd be better off if I kicked hubby out.
I totally agree. I know we've stopped fostering but it's because of my pregnancy. And also I only get maternity allowance (£126 a week) for 39 weeks. If i hadn't have paid my own NI contributions I wouldn't be getting that. Graham doesn't pay his he is 'exempt' under the small earnings. I was for a while too but chose to pay mine.
Trying not to stress.

Just got back from antenatal clinic, had a 24 week appointment (no scan). The doctor measured my fundal height as 23 cm, which is slightly under what it should be. She said that was probably ok though, but then asked about my fibroid. It hasn't been measured for a long time, and could be hiding a problem. The fibroid would make me measure bigger than I actually am, if that makes sense, but without a growth scan on bean and the 'broid we don't know :(

Obviously with the Lupus, growth is the one huge area of concern. Hearing anything negative about growth freaks me out lots. My bump, although more noticable, is still very small :( Anyway, got a midwife appt in 2 weeks, then a growth scan 2 weeks after that, so 4 weeks today. Fingers crossed bean has a growth spurt in the meantime!

I am not going to worry. Much.
Staying as stress free is the best way you can help your baby hun. ((Hugs))
I measured 1cm below the 'average' on my last visit to MW too - did spring into my mind they expect 1cm a week but then they reassured me it's not always the case as babies grow at different rates.

All we can do is hold onto that thought and carry on as we are ((hugs))
Really hope the scan proves things are ok, but if you're concerned still have a chat with them to see if they can do a scan at your next appointment. Might be worth asking.
I know PH, if it were just the 1cm it wouldn't be an issue, it's the 1cm and fibroid combination. The fibroid could, for example, me making me measure 2cm bigger than I actually am, which would make me 3cm under what I should be. Sorry, it's hard to explain.

The 28 week scan was already booked, but you're right, if it was urgent they would have done stuff sooner.
I can see what you mean. Really would give them a ring if you're worried though. They can scan as often as they like and is better than stressing for 4 weeks ((hugs))
How you doing Shell? Been thinking of you x
I'm ok, a lot calmer today. Taking things easy as my bump has been sore underneath for the last few days and I don't want to develop SPD, so have been advised to rest and avoid certain positions. Feeling knackered at the moment so the rest is a good thing.
Really glad you are listening to your body hun ((Hugs)) SPD is supposed to be awful. Fingers x'd you don't get it.
Are you still working? How's that going if you are?

Also glad you are de-stressing a little. :) Bean will be happy with his/her mummy. ;)
Yep, still working. Hating every minute of it and wish I could leave! Mission for mat leave is to find a new job, but work isn't exactly prolific around here right now.
spd isnt very nice. my cousins wife had it with her 2nd baby. im sure she ended up having to have an operation and she couldnt drive for over a year b4 they ended up operating.

shame about d job. its hard enough working while pregnant...wont be for much longer
Not great anywhere unfortunately. :( really hope you can stay as stress free as possible and time flies to maternity leave! ((hugs))

Reminds me I MUST do my maternity allowance form soon! lol