Whoops forgetting to update again! Well I went with the Morrck in the end, it came the next day and is as snuggly as I remember
Bean seems to be doing well, when we had the scan he was breech so keep waiting to feel him turn again, as I definitely felt him turn last time!
Am feeling much bigger this week, the bottom of my bump seems to be catching up with the top, but the MW said that would happen from 28 weeks so that's good
Today I'm off to tesco to get the last bits for my hospital bag, and then will get that packed and sorted. Then I need to get beans done and we're ready! Have been flapping over feeding bean in hospital, as I want to express feed for the first week. Have ordered some steri-bottles from boots which solve part of the problem, and when I see my MW at 31 weeks will ask about arranging the hospital tour so I can talk to the staff on the wards about how I can manage it all.
After me putting on an epic 3lbs in 2 weeks, I had a sneaky mid week weigh this morning and am 2lbs down

so it seems that getting bigger is just not on the agenda. I think that subconsciously I have been eating less this week after some nasty comments in work on Monday about my weight. Must try harder.