Shelbell's Baby Diary

wow that's great news! :D And super fast.. what have you been buying?
I bought a few pink bits today - cardigan, bibs, blanket and a cute black t-shirt saying 'baby' in zebra print (from Asda for £1.50)! lol we got that in 3-6 months though as it'll be cute when baby is chubbier and a little older! lol
Got some toys and rattley type things, some hospital bits for me, and the last of the bedding. Getting a swing on thursday, then nearly all done :)
:) sounds great! :)
I must confess I haven't bought any toys yet as know that xmas will bring those! lol father xmas and all that ;)
All seems really real these days I must admit, people open doors for me, I've had two tummy touchers this week at school.. lol And am struggling with clothes so time to upgrade my wardrobe in a few weeks for winter I think. :sigh:

How you feeling? whens your scan this week or next?
Feeling so so, having huge issues at work right now that is taking it's toll on me.

Scan is today :eek: later on this afternoon. Somehow I have to get through the morning first! I've had one toucher in work, I tend to exude an atmosphere of keep away though so she only did it once! Am not a touchy feely type unless it's with hubby. I've been struggling with clothes too, mostly tops, as most off my pre-pregnancy ones don't really fit very well now, being tall alot of them don't give me bump coverage, and although I've got some bump bands I'd rather be fully covered up properly! Casual stuff I'm ok for but smart stuff is a bit sparse.
Best of luck with your scan today Shell, everything crossed, even ears haha laughed at your FB this morning!

I need to get some pregnancy bands soon, know the feeling of being tall and tops sitting somewhere around your belly button, specially having big boobs its a nightmare... so they sound like a fab idea!

Cant wait to hear how scan goes!!
Scan went well, bean is growing normally on measurements, he's on the lower percentiles but still well within normal ranges. To be fair, with my drastically reduced calorie intake, you wouldn't expect me to have a large baby, so that's fine :)

So I get a 4 week repreive, have to go back at 32 weeks for another scan and appointment, she was going to see me at 30 weeks but is pleased with how things are going so feels happy to leave it, especially as i am at my GP surgery every day for my jab and will see my midwife at 31 weeks.

So time to relax and finally breathe out. Nipped into Sainsburys after and got 3 long line tops, not maternity or owt but stretchy fabric and a 10 instead of my normal 8.
Shel, So glad your scan has put your mind at rest about beans progress. Just noticed your due date.

I had my daughter on 15th Dec 1999 and she was the best Christmas present I have ever had, cant believe she is 10 this year.

Good luck.
Thanks :)

Hit the new mamas and papas in Liverpool today, they had 10% off everything and 20% off clothes for the one day for the store opening. Only bought a big cuddly elephant though.

Then hit toys r us and got the last few things I wanted for the bean, so I *think* we have everything now! I want some kind of blanket for the car seat/pram, something like this one if anyone has seen anything similar? Doesn't need to have the legs part, but like the hood.
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can't see the link hun..

Well done on the elephant in M&P. I must admit I haven't bought toys yet! lol waiting for xmas to get a bit closer I think. :)

That's fab news from the scan - being on the lower end is fine and must feel like a relief for you I'm sure. Roll on 32 weeks eh!! :D I must admit I'm excited to be heading for the 3rd trimester!! :)

Kirsty - I'm not tall.. 5'3".
I just fell in love with that blanket! no wonder they are out of stock! im going to have a hunt round for those, they are fab! that baby looks so cosy!

Shel, absolutely over the moon that everything looking good with baby, enjoy the next 4 weeks lol, so pleased for you!!
They do have the bee version in stock, but I'm not so keen on it. I did have a leaflet from the baby show for something similar, but without the legs, but think I've binned it! Will keep hunting.

Had a phone call to say that my iron levels were low in the bloods I had done on Wednesday, so got to go back on iron. Most post-op bypass patients need iron anyway, but I've always been able to maintain a good level on my own, so it was kind of inevitable during pregnancy!
I like the 2nd one - as it doesn't ask for the arms to be wrapped up. I think honestly that most babies/toddlers won't keep arms in and you'd put on a jacket or cardi on the top half easy enough anyhow in chillier weather. :)

Very cute though! :D
Whoops forgetting to update again! Well I went with the Morrck in the end, it came the next day and is as snuggly as I remember :)

Bean seems to be doing well, when we had the scan he was breech so keep waiting to feel him turn again, as I definitely felt him turn last time!

Am feeling much bigger this week, the bottom of my bump seems to be catching up with the top, but the MW said that would happen from 28 weeks so that's good :)

Today I'm off to tesco to get the last bits for my hospital bag, and then will get that packed and sorted. Then I need to get beans done and we're ready! Have been flapping over feeding bean in hospital, as I want to express feed for the first week. Have ordered some steri-bottles from boots which solve part of the problem, and when I see my MW at 31 weeks will ask about arranging the hospital tour so I can talk to the staff on the wards about how I can manage it all.

After me putting on an epic 3lbs in 2 weeks, I had a sneaky mid week weigh this morning and am 2lbs down :eek: so it seems that getting bigger is just not on the agenda. I think that subconsciously I have been eating less this week after some nasty comments in work on Monday about my weight. Must try harder.
Hi Shelbell,

Take no notice of others peoples comments on your weight. It is keeping you and bean healthy that count. Growing beans are good at getting all they need from their mum. But dont forget there needs to be a little left for you, particularly if you want to breast feed, therwise you will make yourself ill.

Your photo's show just how brilliantly you have done.

SORRY Lecture over.

love from
omg gets me so mad when people make comments you look fab and have doen so well just ignore people just jealous thats all x
I really need to get my bags sorted will buy some bits next week :eek:
Great update and great MW comments on bump too. ((Hugs)) SO pleased to read it! :)
Don't let the horrible peoples comments get to you hun, honestly I can't believe how cruel people can be. I've had loads of comments too and it is hard to ignore but ignore we must! I wish I could say I was losing the odd lb but sadly that'll have to come later!

As for hospital bag, I have a few bits and must get the babies clothes out and work out what i've got etc - as have loads - what I need etc to finish off my bag. I do want to pack one and have it 'done' in case I end up in hospital, but fingers x'd I'll be unpacking it at home.
Hi Shelbel,
I've had a few digs from a work colleague when I first fell pregnant, now people just stare at my bump. That or if someone hasn't seen me for a few weeks they may look a bit shocked and say something about me getting bigger...I just say 'yep, still growing that baby!'

It sounds like your all organised when it comes to your hospital bag...well done you