Trainee Human On Board
Well after lurking on everyone else's baby diarys for a few weeks, I thought it was time to start my own.
I'm Shel, I'm 29 and today I'm 10 weeks pregnant. We have had three scans so far, will put the 2 scan piccies up at the end of this post. Baby is doing well, and my lord is it growing!
I have an 8 year old son by my first husband who has mild special needs (social/communication), and he is hugely excited about the baby. This is my husbands first, although he has been an amazing stepdad for the last 6 years. Hubby is even more excited than DS! He has a week by week baby book that he reads regularly.
My son is one of my concerns, as there is a possibility that my birthing 'technique' was responsible for his SEN. I failed to pant and shot him down the bed, which caused a pneumothorax. It was undiagnosed for 24 hours, and he then spent 3 days in SCBU. His SEN have been linked to low oxygen levels at birth. For this reason, I am terrified of giving birth again, and am praying for a c-section.
I'm classed as a very high risk pregnancy, as I have Systemic Lupus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome amongst other problems. The combination gives me an 80% chance of miscarriage, although with treatment this reduces to 20%. Waiting to get the first heartbeat at scan was tortorous, but now that we've had it I am having daily heparin injections to thin my blood and prevent DVT/Stroke. This is my 5th pregnancy, but the 3 that ended in MC ended well before 10 weeks, so I'm feeling very positive.
I've had a Gastric Bypass, which is where they staple off most of your stomach to the size of an egg, and re-route part of your intestines. This means my intake is limited by restriction and also by malabsorption. I'm on lots of extra vitamins and minerals for this anyway, so Baby will be fine, but if I don't manage to eat enough, I will suffer through this pregancy. Post Bypass patients who don't eat properly are prone to malnutrition and deficiencies so I'm being very careful. That said, since finding out I'm pregnant I've lost 10lbs even though I've been trying to maintain my weight but this is mostly due to the morning sickness.
I had terrible morning sickness from around 5 weeks. It got to the point where I struggled to eat or drink anything, and became horrifically constipated and impacted. The morning sickness is now easing off, and is only really a problem first thing in the morning. I've maintained my weight since this change
I'm 10 weeks today, and have just had to start wearing maternity trousers. My jeans were getting very uncomfortable, even with the weight loss, as I have a very definate little bump already. Am slightly concerned there may be 7 more little babys in there that the scans missed! I assume it is prominent because I am a lot slimmer now than when I had my son (am a size 10-12) and because my tummy muscles are shot from babys and weight change.
I'm seeing the midwife for the first time on Thursday, although I've already 'booked in' at the hospital. Next scan is Whitsun week, which will be my 12 week scan.
Think thats all for now lol, sorry if I've bored you!
7 weeks -
8 weeks 3 -
I'm Shel, I'm 29 and today I'm 10 weeks pregnant. We have had three scans so far, will put the 2 scan piccies up at the end of this post. Baby is doing well, and my lord is it growing!
I have an 8 year old son by my first husband who has mild special needs (social/communication), and he is hugely excited about the baby. This is my husbands first, although he has been an amazing stepdad for the last 6 years. Hubby is even more excited than DS! He has a week by week baby book that he reads regularly.
My son is one of my concerns, as there is a possibility that my birthing 'technique' was responsible for his SEN. I failed to pant and shot him down the bed, which caused a pneumothorax. It was undiagnosed for 24 hours, and he then spent 3 days in SCBU. His SEN have been linked to low oxygen levels at birth. For this reason, I am terrified of giving birth again, and am praying for a c-section.
I'm classed as a very high risk pregnancy, as I have Systemic Lupus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome amongst other problems. The combination gives me an 80% chance of miscarriage, although with treatment this reduces to 20%. Waiting to get the first heartbeat at scan was tortorous, but now that we've had it I am having daily heparin injections to thin my blood and prevent DVT/Stroke. This is my 5th pregnancy, but the 3 that ended in MC ended well before 10 weeks, so I'm feeling very positive.
I've had a Gastric Bypass, which is where they staple off most of your stomach to the size of an egg, and re-route part of your intestines. This means my intake is limited by restriction and also by malabsorption. I'm on lots of extra vitamins and minerals for this anyway, so Baby will be fine, but if I don't manage to eat enough, I will suffer through this pregancy. Post Bypass patients who don't eat properly are prone to malnutrition and deficiencies so I'm being very careful. That said, since finding out I'm pregnant I've lost 10lbs even though I've been trying to maintain my weight but this is mostly due to the morning sickness.
I had terrible morning sickness from around 5 weeks. It got to the point where I struggled to eat or drink anything, and became horrifically constipated and impacted. The morning sickness is now easing off, and is only really a problem first thing in the morning. I've maintained my weight since this change
I'm 10 weeks today, and have just had to start wearing maternity trousers. My jeans were getting very uncomfortable, even with the weight loss, as I have a very definate little bump already. Am slightly concerned there may be 7 more little babys in there that the scans missed! I assume it is prominent because I am a lot slimmer now than when I had my son (am a size 10-12) and because my tummy muscles are shot from babys and weight change.
I'm seeing the midwife for the first time on Thursday, although I've already 'booked in' at the hospital. Next scan is Whitsun week, which will be my 12 week scan.
Think thats all for now lol, sorry if I've bored you!
7 weeks -

8 weeks 3 -