Shelly Belly's Bridesmaid Blitz

Wow, Shelly, absolutely amazing the difference in 10 weeks! What an inspiring picture. And an average of 2lbs a week is more than you'll get from most diets, that's for sure.

I also love what you said about the best diet is the one that you can stick to. In fact I think Sara has uttered those wise words herself before :) I'm convinced you need to follow a diet that resembles your natural eating habits as far as possible, or you'll always be miserable. Unfortunately for most of us our natural cravings lean towards sugar, fat, carbs and alcohol, but still, there are ways to educate your body and still follow things that suit you :)

Happy naked dance today in honour of your bikini bod!

Hey Guys!

Thank you so much!

I have stayed off the scales, but I'm already looking forward to the next weigh in :) Monday's my weigh-day

So on Monday I was feeling all light and lovely, shared my picture with you... and then disaster struck:

I saw a colleague that I know, not very well, but just to say hello to, outside my office as I was going for a afternoon Diet Coke break (sadly, without the window cleaner) with my lovely Canadian friend who just got back to Tunisia. I greeted her as usual, and she took my hand very excitedly. I thought she was going to say something about my weight, as many people have been making nice comments lately like you're looking well, and have you lost weight? so I smiled, but my smile quickly turned to horror as she said:
"Wow! you are looking so great... You know, I saw you before, and your tummy was so big - I thought there was a baby in there!! (ROAR OF LAUGHTER - funnily enough, not from me) But now you are looking great!"
My friend just stood their cringing the whole time, and as we walked away my blood boiled to the extent that even an ice-cold Diet Coke couldn't cool me down.

I was so upset. I am still just so furious. I know my body has changed, but you know what? that girl who was here three months ago - that was still me too. This weight does not define me. And I feel defensive over my former weight, as it was not fun being that size, or easy. I never woke up in the morning and thought to myself "how glorious it is that none of my clothes fit! and this heat makes me so uncomfortable and my body makes me feel so self conscious!". And so for someone to make a comment like that - like THANK GOD, YOU LOST WEIGHT!! YOU WERE LOOKING PREGNANT! That is just a nasty comment in a nice ribbon.

That evening I was really sad, but I called my Mum for a bit and she gave me lots of choice responses which I should have used - I won't repeat them here, because they were pretty colourful! but they have certainly given me some ideas for future encounters.

The whole episode got me thinking: It's nice when people compliment you on your weightloss, they are taking note that you are working hard to improve yourself, but why does it sometimes feel so catty and *****y? And why do we let our weights define us as women? I know I certainly do. I look back to events in the past - remembering what I was wearing, and then recalling how big I was at the time. I think I have alot of ideas that I'm gonna have to let go of on this journey.

I also wanted to share this interesting quote here, It's by Naomi Wolf, from her book, the Beauty Myth, How Images of Beauty are used against Women:
“A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.”

Anyway... I was feeling down Monday night and really fancied having a bit of a binge. So before dinner I ate a massive aubergine. There's a page about Aubergines and Pectin on the Dukan Website. Suffice to say, it worked the magic, and the desire to overeat was gone!

Yesterday was a PP day - nothing exciting - I had my Fajitas again.

Tonight it's my friend's 30th Birthday and I baked the cake! I'm really excited about it, because she's a Coeliac so I had to go to special efforts to make a nice cake for her - sadly, I can't eat any, but seeing her happy will be enough. It's Pistachio and Carrot Cake :) Also, I called the restaurant, and as it's (still) Ramadan I had to check if we could have something that was ordered a la carte and they're gonna do it for us, so that's really exciting. And it's all a surprise, so I can't wait :)

My Sister's Wedding is just over 6 weeks away and I have over 11lbs to go. It won't be easy, but I am gonna give it my absolute best shot.
Another factor which complicates things slightly is that in just over 4 weeks, we have the 4-day hen party.... in.... (wait for it).... IBIZA!!!

So Bikini Bodies at the ready!!! Okay, but for now, Just trying to focus on being 10st 10lbs for wedding Next Saturday. One step at a time ;)
At least I've got my dress ;) and apparently I don't look pregnant anymore ;)!!!

Sometimes I come on here and I think "ooh, I'll just write something quick".
Never happens.
Good Morning!

Sorry for the outburst yesterday, I think I just had alot of pent up frustration!

Feeling awesome today - Dinner last night was wonderful - it was all a surprise for my friend's 30th birthday. She hadn't planned anything, as she was going away for the weekend and meeting her husband (who lives overseas) today, but I planned a really small quiet dinner at a beautiful traditional restaurant.
For once, I'm starting to focus on more than just the food :) The restaurant was beautiful, we sat out in an open courtyard under boughs of hanging flowers. I will talk about the food a little though, obviously. I found it easy to stick to Dukan :) really easy. This is becoming much easier :) I had a salad to start and then sea bass for main course. They brought out a soup with wheat in, and a pastry appetiser, but I skipped them both. Then we went to the roof terrace for tea and cake. I obviously didn't have the cake but when the waiter explained that all of the mint tea was already mixed with sugar, I panicked and ordered a coffee. At 10:30pm.

Cue me, pacing round my house at midnight, all wired up!! oh well! at least I got some cleaning done!

PP today and I have some chicken drummers in the fridge for lunch. Dreaming of burgers for dinner. I cook them on the George Forman to make them less fatty, and I guess I'll whack an egg on there too! Can't wait - and I JUST had breakfast.
Three weeks of Insanity complete. I feel pretty insane by now ;)
Ouch! Shelly, you sound like such a wonderful, bubbly, fun person, where do you find these horrible people? And you still referred to her as your 'lovely Canadian friend': I hope that was sarcasm!

Have to run as I'm still at work, but I think you're doing so well, and I'm super impressed by all your stories. Keep 'em coming!

Hehe! Oh you lovelies!
Yeah, I really don't know where I find these nutcases!!

No, No, Dukanista, I was taking a Diet Coke break with Lovely Canadian when I was accosted by the Womb-Commentator! Lovely Canadian just observed the incident in horror then calmed me down afterwards. :)

The best revenge is sweet sweet success :)
Oops! Well, that's better, at least you had a Witness, and someone to vent your anger on afterwards!

You're absolutely right about the double-edged sword of people commenting on your weight. In a way, we want people to comment as it proves that we're making visible progress, bit at the same time, we don't want the reminder of how big we were - and that people noticed.

A colleague did something similar to me after my initial dukan weightloss. Most people in the office hadn't said anything, also I guess because the people who see you everyday don't notice as readily. But this crazy girl from another office came in after not seeing me for a couple of months, and practically shouted in front of the entire office 'oh my god you've lost so much weight', and proceeded to turn me around and point at my bum. Cringeworthy moment of the year - for everyone, not just me.

Luckily I relocated a few weeks later :)
Hehehe! Caro! I'm sorry that really made me laugh!

People can be so funny - I honestly don't think I have ever commented on someone's weight, without them first telling me they had started a new workout regime or diet. Oh well!

I am itching to get on the scales! this wait is infuriating!! But I secretly love it. It's keeping me accountable and making me remember that consistency is key.

I have completely given up chewing gum now, and no longer sit chewing like a cow in the office anymore - I think my jaw is thanking me. There is also some evidence to suggest that Sugar free gum does contain some carbs, so while the odd bit now and then would probably do no harm, yacking on it day in day out should probably be avoided. I also watched a terrifying documentary about aspartame to try to help me kick my Coke Zero habit. But old habits die hard, so I think I'll just make a really conscious effort to cut down. I thought about trying to have no Coke Zero while at work, because I usually have a 500ml bottle at lunchtime.

Otherwise diet is going splendidly. Today is a PV day - does anyone else wildly enjoy cold bolognese sauce, or is it just me? Delicious!

Feeling pretty tired though, so glad it's Friday! Bring on the weekend :) It will just be running errands and tidying up, but I can't wait. Back in the UK next Friday too - really so excited. I have a little shopping list of Dukan essentials that I'm planning to stock up on - Buy your cottage cheese now, ladies, because the shops will be out next weekend!! :)

Haha - thanks for the cottage cheese warning, Shelly! I was living in china when I started dukan and I used to come home with trolley loads of quark when I found it at the international supermarkets - I always wondered if there were other dukaneers living there that I might be competing against for low-fat dairy products :)
Good Morning!!

Weighed in today. 1lb down :)
It's not amazing, and I did have a pretty perfect week - but the real progress this week was probably my attitude. For one of the first times I truly felt like "I don't care how long this is gonna take, I'm gonna get there" and that felt super. Plus a lb is a lb, I feel trimmer and better, I'm sure I am putting on muscle too, courtesy of Shaun T, so no complaints here.
I have a wedding this Saturday, so I'll do my best, but I'll probably be off plan most of the day. Will do PV the other days in the UK, followed by a three day attack when I return next week on Tuesday. Perfect planning and all that...

So 21 (and 3/4!) lbs in 11 weeks - you can't argue with that!
A stone and a half! A stonking stone and a half! :)
Hi Shelly,

I'm a newbie on this forum, and to the Dukan diet in general. This is actually my first post - I've been reading your diary over the last three weeks and just had to say a massive THANK YOU for sharing your Dukan journey. Dieting can be so lonely when most others around you aren't, so these forums are great for ideas and motivation, and I have to say your approach is so refreshing!

Wedding season is looming for me too, with a number of hen weekends coming up in the next couple of weeks...I was completely panicking about putting all the weight back on after said hen weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday in country house this weekend with pizza EEEEEEEK and other meals being provided!) until I read your last post - a mid-Cruise Attack to get back on track - genius!! Thank you, and keep up the good work, you've done amazingly and must be feeling great!

Jenny x
Are you in the UK now? Hope you're enjoying the weather. Have you brought Shaun T with you, or are you on a break from insanity? :)
Shelley can totally relate to your incident - I have people who reacted different to my weight loss - some with jealousy! One guy in particular used to flirt with a couple of friends in front of me - now he tries to include me in that but I know he didn't have the time of day for me when I was big so I deliberately give him the cold shoulder and don't acknowledge him - I was the same person inside even when I was big!!!! Xx chin up gal and try just to ignore nasty comments xx
Hi Shelly,

I'm a newbie on this forum, and to the Dukan diet in general. This is actually my first post - I've been reading your diary over the last three weeks and just had to say a massive THANK YOU for sharing your Dukan journey. Dieting can be so lonely when most others around you aren't, so these forums are great for ideas and motivation, and I have to say your approach is so refreshing!

Wedding season is looming for me too, with a number of hen weekends coming up in the next couple of weeks...I was completely panicking about putting all the weight back on after said hen weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday in country house this weekend with pizza EEEEEEEK and other meals being provided!) until I read your last post - a mid-Cruise Attack to get back on track - genius!! Thank you, and keep up the good work, you've done amazingly and must be feeling great!

Jenny x

OMG! Jenny, your message made me so motivated :)
I definitely have to agree with you on the "dieting can feel so lonely" comment... Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world with a weight issue. It seems like everyone else is just chowing down like no ones business! I watched an interesting documentary the other day about obesity in Brazil, called "Weigh beyond Weight" and in it there was a speech by Jamie Oliver which said that we have basically created a landscape around us in which we are surrounded by the temptation to eat and to overeat. Some days, I really feel like that is unbelievably true.

I will try to post a like here, but I don't know if it will allow it. if now, a little internet search should find it.

Way Beyond Weight - Official Version - YouTube

And the fact that weddings, like all celebrations in our culture seem to revolve around food... sometimes it's so challenging! But yes. Line under it and straight back on. That's the only way to do it!

Are you in the UK now? Hope you're enjoying the weather. Have you brought Shaun T with you, or are you on a break from insanity? :)

Hey Caro, gonna fly to UK Friday. Just there for the weekend until Monday. Cannot wait for the break, it's 40 degrees here today and I can hardly breathe, bring on some of the British summer, so unpredictable, but so much fun ;)

I timed Shauny T perfectly so that my "recovery week" starts on Friday (clever girl! :) ) So I will just bring the recovery workout. I think I would miss him too much otherwise!

Scooter - I don't even know with men - they are the weirdest! I really am offended on behalf of my heavier self when they start to show interest now.
More than anything though, what they say is right - you really have to do this for yourself!

Have a wonderful day ladies!
PV day here, and I'm sipping the Cucumber water :)
I'm feeling a bit down today. Progress is slow, or not at all and it's really getting to me.
I tried on a size 12 skirt that I used to always wear last night and it was maybe 3inches from doing up. It used to be big on me! It got me really down. I know this is a process. I know it will take a long time. I know that I didn't gain this weight overnight (however much it feels like it), but I had really hoped to see some more changes.

A little NSV to log: I came home from work today and put this skirt on, the one I was moaning about... 6 weeks later and it blooming fits!

Well done on the NSV and on your insanity timing. Are you doing the full 6 day program? I must admit that I could only manage 5 days a week - it was tough! Really need to get it going again...

Weather is still great here: less than 40 degrees but you'll still be surprised by the heat!

Awesome news on the weather - really can't wait! :)

I'm having one of those Mad-Hungry days today - feels like I have eaten so much - and why does it always happen on PP days?!? Oh well. Sticking to plan and getting on with it. I have a massive packet of turkey breast fillets at home ready to devour tonight - and a tray of eggs, should things escalate ;)
Fill your boots!! If you're hungry eat - it doesn't slow your weight loss down at all - I have days like that even now I'm on conso - that's the beauty of dukan you can eat as much as you want xx enjoy :)
Hey everybody!

I'm back in Tunisia after a really wonderful weekend!

High drama as always, at the airport on Friday, I got a call from my Mum to say that my Nanny (my maternal grandmother) was very ill and that I should try to come home. This filled me with immense dread and terror, but I was least grateful that I was on my way to the UK anyway. I called again as soon as I had landed, and was reassured that she had improved and that I should visit (a trip down to Kent) on Sunday, as she was now expecting to receive a stream of guests. So, encouraged by my mum, I still attended the wedding on Saturday, and went to see Nanny Sunday. She had been moved into a respite home, and she seemed very well and in good spirits, and she vowed to get better until i return to the UK.

Anyways! Dieting highlights as follows:

* Took a packed lunch of turkey cooked in curry powder for the plane and didn't eat the (horrendous looking) spaghetti bolognaise which was served. This was a very good thing because flight was 5 hours delayed!!
* Had some amazing M&S salmon on Saturday morning for breakkie, while boyfriend went with groomsmen for bacon butties and champagne
* Didn't eat any canapes, or bread, or potatoes at the wedding (go me!!)
* In addition to Dukan friendly stuff.... did eat avocado, creme brulee dessert (and boyfriend's....ahem!) and wedding cake (lost some battles, won the war ;) )
* There was a lot of champagne - but I don't think champagne at wedding has any calories, right? Because it's part of the "traditions" part of the day, not part of the "meal"
* Also over the weekend went out for a bonza Nandos! Amazing!!
* Did Insanity Recovery week everyday - there's this brutal bit called the "shoulder burners". Horrendous.
* Did some great shopping, now have cottage cheese, greek yogurt, quark and shirataki noodles :)
* At airport on way back, was worried about the plane food so stopped at Pret a Manger, where you can buy 2 boiled eggs and some spinach in a protein pack - AMAZEBALLS!
* Weighed in this morning 10st 9.25!!!!! ahhhhhh!!!! I feel like a CHAMPION!!!

So back on it! 2 days of PP right now, and then back to 1/1 rhythm. I have 4 weeks and a few days until my sister's wedding (the one I am bridesmaid for) and between now and then, I also have a load of birthday parties, concerts, bbqs, and a 4 day hen party in Ibiza! ahhhh!!

P.S. Boyfriend's reaction to baby ab muscles which are starting to emerge from my tummy made every bead of sweat worth it. I know people say your should "do it for yourself" but that sparkle in his eye was kinda brilliant ;)