Hey Guys!
Thank you so much!
I have stayed off the scales, but I'm already looking forward to the next weigh in

Monday's my weigh-day
So on Monday I was feeling all light and lovely, shared my picture with you... and then disaster struck:
I saw a colleague that I know, not very well, but just to say hello to, outside my office as I was going for a afternoon Diet Coke break (sadly, without the window cleaner) with my lovely Canadian friend who just got back to Tunisia. I greeted her as usual, and she took my hand very excitedly. I thought she was going to say something about my weight, as many people have been making nice comments lately like
you're looking well, and
have you lost weight? so I smiled, but my smile quickly turned to horror as she said:
"Wow! you are looking so great... You know, I saw you before, and your tummy was so big - I thought there was a baby in there!! (ROAR OF LAUGHTER - funnily enough, not from me)
But now you are looking great!"
My friend just stood their cringing the whole time, and as we walked away my blood boiled to the extent that even an ice-cold Diet Coke couldn't cool me down.
I was so upset. I am still just so furious. I know my body has changed, but you know what? that girl who was here three months ago -
that was still me too. This weight does not define me. And I feel defensive over my former weight, as it was not
fun being that size, or
easy. I never woke up in the morning and thought to myself "how glorious it is that none of my clothes fit! and this heat makes me so uncomfortable and my body makes me feel so self conscious!". And so for someone to make a comment like that - like THANK GOD, YOU LOST WEIGHT!! YOU WERE LOOKING PREGNANT! That is just a nasty comment in a nice ribbon.
That evening I was really sad, but I called my Mum for a bit and she gave me lots of choice responses which I should have used - I won't repeat them here, because they were pretty colourful! but they have certainly given me some ideas for future encounters.
The whole episode got me thinking: It's nice when people compliment you on your weightloss, they are taking note that you are working hard to improve yourself, but why does it sometimes feel so catty and *****y? And why do we let our weights define us as women? I know I certainly do. I look back to events in the past - remembering what I was wearing, and then recalling how big I was at the time. I think I have alot of ideas that I'm gonna have to let go of on this journey.
I also wanted to share this interesting quote here, It's by Naomi Wolf, from her book, the Beauty Myth, How Images of Beauty are used against Women:
“A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.”
Anyway... I was feeling down Monday night and really fancied having a bit of a binge. So before dinner I ate a massive aubergine. There's a page about Aubergines and Pectin on the Dukan Website. Suffice to say, it worked the magic, and the desire to overeat was gone!
Yesterday was a PP day - nothing exciting - I had my Fajitas again.
Tonight it's my friend's 30th Birthday and I baked the cake! I'm really excited about it, because she's a Coeliac so I had to go to special efforts to make a nice cake for her - sadly, I can't eat any, but seeing her happy will be enough. It's Pistachio and Carrot Cake

Also, I called the restaurant, and as it's (still) Ramadan I had to check if we could have something that was ordered a la carte and they're gonna do it for us, so that's really exciting. And it's all a surprise, so I can't wait
My Sister's Wedding is just over 6 weeks away and I have over 11lbs to go. It won't be easy, but I am gonna give it my absolute best shot.
Another factor which complicates things slightly is that in just over 4 weeks, we have the 4-day hen party.... in.... (wait for it).... IBIZA!!!
So Bikini Bodies at the ready!!! Okay, but for now, Just trying to focus on being 10st 10lbs for wedding Next Saturday. One step at a time

At least I've got my dress

and apparently I don't look pregnant anymore
