Hey Jo,
You are so right, I think I need to tighten the reins if I'm gonna shift these last few lbs. I have definitely got more relaxed. For example, the place I was getting my lunchtime chicken from all last week (they do chicken steak brochettes cooked) gave my gluten in-tolerate friend a really nasty reaction, so I think they must baste the chicken in something - possibly containing flour. I have decided to bring in all my own lunch this week, I did a bit of batch cooking at the weekend.
Menu for yesterday (PV)
Breakfast: Oat-bran Microwave bread (2 Oatbran, 1 Wheatbran, 2 Semi-Skimmed milk, 0% natural yogurt, baking power), 1 tomato, 30g fat-free quark
Lunch: Roast chicken salad (tomato, lettuce, cooked aubergines and courgettes), balsamic vinegar, diet coke
Snack: Boiled egg
Dinner: Mussels (in a white wine sauce), Rocket Side Salad which had some oil on (though, not loads), and some Parmesan, which I (mainly) picked off.
Nightime treat: Sugar free jelly
Menu for Today PP:
Breakfast: Galette (made with quark) and dipped into a 0% natural yogurt flavoured with cinnamon
Lunch: Roast chicken and Konjac rice (spiced with chill cos it tastes a bit funky!)
Snack: Boiled egg and a low-carb protein shake (I know, I know.... it's the last of my whey protein, it's just because I have a tennis lesson tonight and I need to have something to tide me over. I never use them a meal-replacements, just as a snack once in a while. It's 100cal, 20g of protein, and 2g carbs)
Dinner: Curried Sardines (literally tinned sardines in tomato sauce cooked in curry powder) and 2 egg whites + jelly
Yesterday an Belgian Artist called Stromae came to play the Amphitheatre here and we had tickets! We went for a dinner to celebrate my friend's birthday first, and I HAD to have mussels because Stromae has a famous song called "Moules Frites". I think one of my problems is focussing on how good I'm being... Not having any wine, bread, croutons, birthday cake (I baked the mango, banana and coconut one again

), that i fail to see how things creep into my meals, the marinade on the mussels, the oil on the salad... and a bit of parmesan. I think this is going to go alot slower for me, largely because I am pretty lucky and get to eat out so much (and also an obliged to do it for work often too).
I discussed with a friend yesterday, about the plateau and I asked what I should do, and she said, that I should tighten up, but I shouldn't "change" anything. I know this is working, I just need to stick at it. The slower this comes off, the more sustainable it will be. Also, if I do anything drastic to drop weight quicker, like a chain of PP days, it's only likely to come and bite me later on. Agreed. So will tighten up and stick at it.
And Jo, you are so right about chucking in a few more PP days to get better results - waste of time and energy. I need to just trust the process and trust that this diet has been developed to be the most effective and sustainable
Have a great day!!