Once again I'm so bored!! I've done sod all in terms of marking as I just can't be bothered. After such a hectic half term I just want to sleep for a whole week, not have to spend my holidays working.
Unfortunately the boredom is making me want to eat all day every day...I'm so hungry!
Also, I thought I'd kicked my totm into touch after having a period for about 10 days, but it seems to be back again!

Sorry, too much information I know! This mirena coil is doing my head in...if it wasn't for the fact it made my periods lighter and far less painful I'd have the bloomin thing taken out! I also think it's what's given me a sore left boob for the past fortnight (again, tmi I know, sorry!) as I can't feel a lump or any heat/redness.
Sorry, I'm a right moaning Minnie today!