Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Well I weighed myself this morning and I'm back down to last week's weigh in :) Hopefully, if I don't go mental today, it won't be any more than that tomorrow morning when I weigh myself! Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Thursday 20th June (Green)

It's going to be a bit of an odd food day today as I've got to go and visit a school the other side of Neath, so I have to leave home at 11. I had a lovely lie in though! :D Off to kettlebells tonight, so that'll shift some calories!

The food plan so far...


None as I had a very early lunch


More like brunch, but I had scrambled egg with spring onions (part HexA)
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
EL spread - 2 syns
BBQ Baked beans


3 Weetabix (HexB2 + 3 syns)
Milk (HexA2)
Raisins - 4 syns

Snacks and drinks:

Syns for today: 9

Total syns: 99.5

Syns remaining: 5.5/105
I love scrambled egg with spring onion, even nicer with some cheese in there (cheese makes everything better, even cake!). Hope you have a great day sugar and enjoy kettlebells tonight xx
I'm really p!ssed off this morning...I've put on half a pound :( I've been angelic and still put on weight. What's the bloody point! :mad::(

It's so frustrating isn't it? I've just had two weeks like that - 100% and yet I gained 0.5lb and then STS. But I shook things up this week, with 3 success express days and more superfree and superspeed on the other days and lost 4.5lbs this morning, so don't give up! x
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Wow! That's fantastic hun. I'm probably not going to have a very good week to be honest...ended up having a large piece of cake today, I'm at home with my parents which is never good, I'm on a course in Cardiff on Monday so it's a two course meal that I have no control over. I'm also going to see Hairspray with the school in Cardiff on Thursday, so I'm out all day with very little control over lunch :(:eek::(

I'll just have to be extra good the rest of the time :eek::eek:
Lol - these things are sent to try us! Sounds like a difficult week ahead, but don't beat yourself up about it, just refocus when you can and it will come off again. I love hairspray - have a great time! x
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Thanks hun! I'll get my head back in the game tomorrow...not planning on eating any more today anyway! When I'm not gadding about this week I shall be doing my best to stick completely to plan. My target is to get down into the 13s by my brother's wedding in August, so I currently need to lose 2.5lb by then. Not too bad! Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Evening all! Just got back from watching was fantastic!! Definitely the funniest musical I've ever seen :) I'd thoroughly recommend seeing it if you get the chance at any point.

As for the prospect of weigh in in the morning...I'm actually dreading it! I have had a terrible week food-wise...think of the worst week you've had and quadruple it. It's my own fault though, so I shall just have to face up to the gain tomorrow. I'm looking at about 7lb :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: So ashamed of myself! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Ah well chica, at least you've enjoyed it. Just take it on the chin and get back on the horse...!

Glad you loved Hairspray - I think it's fab! xxx