Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Hope you feel more human this week!

Is this your last week of work too?

Have a happy Monday xx

Hiya hun. Sorry for not replying sooner, I'm just having a bad week. I'm feeling pretty exhausted but we've still got loads of preparation for next year to do. Stress! As a results my week has been crap...don't think I've eaten anything healthy all week. Oh well, I'll just have to accept the gain on Friday and carry on. How are you? Xx

Hey Hun you ok ??

Sorry I've been missing daughters been poorly :( x

Hiya hun. Awww, sorry to hear your daughter's been poorly. I hope she's feeling a bit better now. My week's been pretty awful in terms of dieting to be honest, I'm just too exhausted and busy to really care this week. Never mind, I'll sort myself out soon. Hope you're having a good week xx
Hiya hun. Yeah I'm fine...can't wait for the end of term on Tuesday. As expected I gained 3lb this week, and the next few weeks are going ot be a bit of a nightmare really, so I'm dreading what weight I'll be by the time I start back in school in September. Had a leaving do last night for a colleague who's retiring so we went for a meal and drinks...syn-tastic! Also got a trip to Oakwood on Monday with the kids, my sis-in-law to be's hen do next Saturday, a reunion the following weekend with the girls from uni and then the wedding a fortnight afterwards. I guess I'll just have to try as much damage limitation as possible the rest of the time, but being at home with my parents for 6 weeks isn't going to make that very easy. Hmmm, depressing! :( Going to be like a whale by September! :(

How are you hun? xxx
Hiya hun. Yeah I'm fine...can't wait for the end of term on Tuesday. As expected I gained 3lb this week, and the next few weeks are going ot be a bit of a nightmare really, so I'm dreading what weight I'll be by the time I start back in school in September. Had a leaving do last night for a colleague who's retiring so we went for a meal and drinks...syn-tastic! Also got a trip to Oakwood on Monday with the kids, my sis-in-law to be's hen do next Saturday, a reunion the following weekend with the girls from uni and then the wedding a fortnight afterwards. I guess I'll just have to try as much damage limitation as possible the rest of the time, but being at home with my parents for 6 weeks isn't going to make that very easy. Hmmm, depressing! :( Going to be like a whale by September! :(

How are you hun? xxx

Oh no Hun just take it one day at a time that's all you can do Hun,and don't put too much pressure on yourself x
Happy first day of the holidays Sian! Hope you're well and enjoy the break! x
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Thanks ladies. It's nice to finally be on holiday, it's been a long half term!

I tried my dress on earlier for my brother's wedding on 17th August and it's definitely feeling tighter than the last time I tried it on :( This is not good! I'm going to have to try being really good over the next few weeks, but with a hen do to go to and a reunion with uni mates, both of which are going to involve lots of food and drink, I'm feeling quite stressed tonight! The dress still fits me fine, but if I put much more weight on it may not :(:eek::(:eek:
Hi Sian!

The nights out sound like two nights out in two weeks, is that right? If so, that's 2/14, and if you're on plan the rest of the time then a loss is totally achievable!

Don't write the next fortnight off before you've even started as that is a sure way to guarantee a gain. Instead be angelic at every given opportunity and allow yourself to enjoy your planned nights out xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Hi Sian!

The nights out sound like two nights out in two weeks, is that right? If so, that's 2/14, and if you're on plan the rest of the time then a loss is totally achievable!

Don't write the next fortnight off before you've even started as that is a sure way to guarantee a gain. Instead be angelic at every given opportunity and allow yourself to enjoy your planned nights out xx

Hiya hun. Yeah it's 2 nights out of 14, or 3 days including the day after the reunion with the uni girls as I won't be back until late. What you've suggested is what I was planning to do, as I know if I don't that my dress won't be comfortable to wear by the wedding! :eek:

I'm just feeling so frustrated and disappointed in myself as I just don't seem able to stick to the plan...a bad day turns into a bad week and before I know it I'm about 3lb heavier. I wish I could lose the weight half as quickly as it seems to go on when I do have a bad week! :( xx
Hiya hun. Yeah it's 2 nights out of 14, or 3 days including the day after the reunion with the uni girls as I won't be back until late. What you've suggested is what I was planning to do, as I know if I don't that my dress won't be comfortable to wear by the wedding! :eek:

I'm just feeling so frustrated and disappointed in myself as I just don't seem able to stick to the plan...a bad day turns into a bad week and before I know it I'm about 3lb heavier. I wish I could lose the weight half as quickly as it seems to go on when I do have a bad week! :( xx

Oh snap Hun !!! I wish xxx
Get back posting your diaries on here daily Hun lets see if we can all help xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Friday 26th July (EE)

Morning all! Well as I expected I gained this week, but thankfully only a pound. With all the events of this past week I was expecting it to be far more!

Despite the hen night tomorrow I'm going to try to keep my food as angelic as possible for the next week...I know I'll never manage to keep within syns with the alcohol, but at least I can minimise the damage if I eat well :) So I shall be back to my regular posting of meals from today, although I've got to get myself ready to have my hair cut so I shall write my food diary later :)

Hope you all have a great day! Xx

The food plan so far...


Chocolate orange scan bran cake - 1.5 syns


Ham and cheese sandwich - HexB + HexA + 2 syns


SW scotch egg wrapped in bacon - 3 syns
Pasta salad (pasta, peppers, cucumber, tomato, spring onions, chives, salad cream and el mayo - 2 syns)

Snacks and drinks:

Mullerlight ice cream with a low calorie jelly - 0.5 syn

Today's syns: 9

Total syns: 9

Syns remaining: 96/105
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Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Saturday 27th July (EE)

Morning all! It's the final countdown to the hag do, so today is all about the stodge...the aim is to eat food that's likely to absorb the alcohol. The aim for tonight is to drink a lot of soft drinks early on, as the do is starting at 6, which is far too early in my opinion as I don't usually go out until about 9. Never mind, it'll be funny to see what everybody's wearing for fancy dress. I'm dressing up as a cat (it was the only outfit I could find that wasn't likely to expose my knickers/bottom...not a pretty sight, haha!! :D)

Hope you all have a great day! Xx

The food plan so far...


Chocolate orange scan bran cake - 1.5 syns


Savoury rice
Green beans


SW scotch egg wrapped in bacon - 3 syns
Pasta and sauce with philli stirred in (half HexA)
Garlic mushrooms and courgettes

Snacks and drinks:

Bacon wafflers - 3.5 syns

Today's syns: 8

Total syns: 17

Syns remaining: 88/105
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Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Just getting home from the hen do's been a brilliant night! I may have finally told somebody I fancied for 2 years how I feel, and we may have ended up snogging until nearly 7 am :D:D
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Morning hun! My head's absolutely fine today...I had lots of soft drinks between all the alcoholic drinks, so I'm feeling ok. Just very tired after 3 hours sleep. That's my own fault though, ahem! Haha! :) xx