Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Aww you're not a wally hun... That's Where's Wally's job! :D oh dear, I'm not helping much am I?? Xxx
Lol! I used to love Where's Wally...I used to spend ages trying to find all the characters :)

I'm so tired tonight I could sleep on a clothes line. I know it's easy to keep blaming stress, but I do think that the last week couple of weeks is starting to take its toll (I know, I know, I should have spent more time being productive on Sunday instead of flirting pointlessly! :eek:). I feel guilty if I go to bed early though as there's so much I should be doing, which makes the stress worse! It's a vicious circle! xx
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Could you not have tonight as an early night make sure you get plenty rest and then you have a fresh start tomorrow to do all the stuff you need to do x
Tuesday 10th August (EE)

The food plan so far...


2 clementines


Pork stir fry with noodles - 3 syns


Cheese, red onion, prawn and tomato omelette (HexA)
Baked beans
Smoked paprika and garlic sweet potato wedges
Ketchup - 0.5 syns

Snacks and drinks:

3 ginger nut biscuits - 6 syns
Meringue nest with pineapple, raspberries and and a yoghurt - 2.5 syns

Today's syns: 12

Total syns: 69

Syns remaining: 36/105
Wednesday 11th August (EE)

The food plan so far...




Cheese, red onion, prawn and tomato omelette (HexA)
Baked beans
Smoked paprika and garlic sweet potato wedges


Fried egg on wholemeal toast (HExB) + 2 syns
Ketchup - 1 syn

Snacks and drinks:

3 ginger nut biscuits - 6 syns

Today's syns: 9

Total syns: 78

Syns remaining: 27/105
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Could you not have tonight as an early night make sure you get plenty rest and then you have a fresh start tomorrow to do all the stuff you need to do x

I think I probably will hun. I'm staying behind late in school again tomorrow as there's a rugby match on, so I'll get a couple of hours of work done at the end of the day. I think it's a mental soon as I step through the door at home I feel like I should be downing tools, lol! xx
With regards my dad...they've decided he's got to go to Cardiff for a biopsy on the growth in his brain, and they've said if they can they'll operate while he's there. At least he seems a bit more positive :) xx

Do you know how long before he goes Sian ??? It sounds like he is going to be very well looked after and not messed about.

Haha! I'm a wally I know...this is why I'm still single at the age of 28!! Xx

Oh so old !!!!! 28 !!!!! you are a baby, younger than Kate Middleton was when she married her prince.!!!!
Do you know how long before he goes Sian ??? It sounds like he is going to be very well looked after and not messed about.

Oh so old !!!!! 28 !!!!! you are a baby, younger than Kate Middleton was when she married her prince.!!!!

Hiya lovely Sue! They were supposed to be doing the biopsy this Thursday, but now they've had to postpone it to next Tuesday as there was an emergency with a child or something. I really hope they don't push it back again after that, my mum said he's losing quite a bit of weight so the stress must be getting to him.

With regards to Kate Middleton...if I looked like her I think I'd be fairly smug in my convictions that there's be a prince somewhere in my near future! :D xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Good evening Sian.. How's things?? Xx

Hiya lovely! I'm ok thanks, just got back from work. The joys of sharing a lift with a PE teacher! At least it meant I got quite a bit of work done after school as I'm whacked now! How are you hun? I'm going to try to get around some of the diaries tonight, they just move so quickly! Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Hiya lovely! I'm ok thanks, just got back from work. The joys of sharing a lift with a PE teacher! At least it meant I got quite a bit of work done after school as I'm whacked now! How are you hun? I'm going to try to get around some of the diaries tonight, they just move so quickly! Xx

Does that mean you can chill tonight?? That's what I'm doing.. In my onsie all nice and snug with a hot choccy :)
I know what you mean about the diaries moving so fast lol xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I've got to go on a literacy course today all day, and then got an inset day on Friday, so at least I won't have to talk much. Now that I've developed lurgy I actually feel less body must have given up trying to fight it, lol! Xx