Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Enjoy the course. Hope the lurgy does the decent thing and leaves your body ........FAST !!!
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Feeling really bleurgh tonight. Can't wait to get into bed! The literacy course I was on was a really intense day...way too taxing for my sons brain. I've eaten a load of absolute rubbish today...definitely going to have a gain tomorrow :(

The only thing cheering me up is the bargains I got in New Look...3 pairs of shoes for 23 quid! :D:D:D

Here they are!




My personal favourites:


Oh, and look what else I found in Morrison's!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Shoes are amazing!!!!!!!

Sorry you still feel yuk, maybe tomorrow you'll feel a bit brighter?

Oh and I hope your sons brain is ok tomorrow too?? :confused:

Hahaha! I think I meant to put poor brain...unless I've somehow acquired a son?!?!? :eek: xx
I love those shoes I have been searching for a pair of shocking pink shoes that I like for weeks and so far no luck, how about new look lol.I am going tosee if they are online and if they post to Spain.

Hope you are feeling rested by tomorrow and then just think after that it is the weekend.

hugs xxxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Thanks Sue. They had several pairs of shocking pink shoes in their sale, but I'm not sure about whether they post to Spain or not. They may well post internationally! Xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Morning! Hope everyone's well! I still feel bleurgh, can't wait for today to be over. I've got a training day today so at least I don't have to teach.

As I predicted I gained weight this week...I put on 1 pound :(:( I knew I was going to, although other than my binge yesterday I'd been really good this week!

Never mind, onwards and downwards. We're gettin lunch provided today, so I have no idea what that will be. I'll just have to try to make SW-friendly choices :)

Have a lovely day everybody! Xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Friday 13th August (Green)

The food plan so far...




Jacket potato
Ham (HexB1)
Coleslaw - 3 syns
Rice salad - 2 syns
Tomato pasta salad


Sweet potato wedges
Fried egg
Baked beans
Cheese (HexA1)

Snacks and drinks:

2 aldi benefit bars (HexB2)
Douwe Egberts chocolate coffee (part HexA2)

Today's syns: 5

Total syns: 5

Syns remaining: 100/105
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Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Sorry about your gain Sian.... Today's food looks fab though :)
Any nice plans for the weekend?? Don't say school work lol xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Hahaha! Afraid so hun. I must sound really boring to you all because I don't seem to do anything other than work at the weekend! :(

I'm home alone tomorrow evening, so I will probably get bored and go out to show off my new shoes! :D:D:D xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I spend all my money on shoes, so I can't afford new clothes to go with it! I wore my black dress last Saturday so I might have to wear my denim skirt with a black top...something quite plain so that it doesn't clash with the sparkly shoes! Xx
Saturday 14th August (Green)

The food plan so far...




Tomato and herb pasta and sauce
Green beans
RF cheddar (HexA)


Asda turkey burgers - 1 syn
Jacket potato topped with aldi pineapple cottage cheese
Salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, peppers, grapes, spring onions, beetroot, pickled onions
EL salad cream - 1 syn

Snacks and drinks:

Half a raspberry and almond scan bran cake (half HexB)
37.5 alcohol syns

Today's syns: 39.5

Total syns: 44.5

Syns remaining: 60.5/105
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