well done on the loss lily thats fab!! will be interesting to see the new book in the new year.
ohh don't get me started on parcelforce. We use them at work and to say they're useless is a compliment!!!
Thank you hun, I still can't get over the fact that I actually lost and not just a tiddly amount either.
There are a number of changes to the plan, most involve a small increase in allowances, one of the major (I know a lot of people won't be happy about this one) changes is that where as before you could have 3 slices of a Weight Watchers Danish for a Hexb, you can now only have 2...I know a lot of people that loved the fact you could have 3 slices...not me cos as far as I was concerned the bread was like eating rice paper, no substance to it lol
I am even more angry now as Kelly just rang and asked me if I wanted to go shopping and I've had to say no...I am beyond fuming

....they can stick their service where the sun doesn't shine, I'll go back to parcel2go lol
Hope you're having a lovely day Aaliyah xxx
Morning Lily ( just )

Well done on being the groups road tester
are you going to give the changes a go this week
once you've read through the book ?
Pah to Parcelforce ! that is very annoying...
I knew I would be the road tester as soon as he said it, I went go on then lmao
I am in the process of trying out the changes, they aren't major the WW bread is one, another is that Tomato puree is now free, you're allowed more bread, cheese, cereal, most bread has gone up to 60g from 57g, cheese from 42g to 45g, Skimmed milk from 350ml to 375ml, Cereal from 28g to 35g . They have added more fruit and veg, fish, beans etc but also removed some too.
I told my C if I gain weight this week i am blaming the plan and expect a refund of my fees:giggle:...so we'll see, I'll keep you updated as I go. xxx