congrats on hopefully becoming a great auntie today
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :bighug:
Thanks hun, no news at yet, but you know babies arrive when they want not when it's convenient for us lol xx
Glad you are feeling better. I had similar last week, I think it's a bug doing the rounds.
Looking good for a super loss for you this week- every cloud Lily!
I am hoping for a loss of anykind, but somehow I am not feeling it....not been on scales trying not to weigh until group...but usually I can feel if I have gained or lost...nothing ....so we'll have to wait and see what they say tomorrow night xxx
Awww! how sweet! I hope you get to meet the new arrival soon!
Glad to see so many positives from you today, enjoy that soup! *hugs*
Thanks hun, I love my soup I seriously could eat it every day for every meal....although had 2 bowls today so far and feel really full...hopefully that's a good thing lol
Got some jelly made up should I need anything later xx
Glad you're feeling a bit better.
Poor Mal. First you take away his ciggies and now his choccies. How's he doing with the no smoking?
Thanks hun, definitely feeling a bit better, hate these 24/48 hour bugs they really zap your energy, I am not going to exercise today, just not got it in me, so maybe tomorrow will have another go at reaching my january target.
Mal has calmed down a lot, still a grumps but then he's naturally a grumps so can't really tell :giggle:
Didn't take all his chocolate, he's still got enough to feed a small army, but it's all stuff I wouldn't touch, just took away the things I have been tempted by and even given in to.
Mal is still not smoking, I believe that's about 2 weeks (I din't keep a note of when he stopped and neither did he ....on the other hand the date I stopped is imprinted on my memory forever lol). He has been struggling so foolishly I said to him to give in and get some bacca thinking he'd say no way, but he went and bought some, says he hasn't touched it and the packet he put in the cupboard is still intact, but I have a sneaky feeling that's a red herring. He has started to go out every day for a few hours, not like him either, and he has started to cough again...he says it's just him coughing up the rubbish, my gut tells me different, and my guts not often wrong....we'll see, he asks me why I don't trust him, how about you've lied to me every single time so far and sneaked ciggies and even got Kirsty to lie for him.
If he could smoke a couple a day and stick to that, I'd say ok then (he can actually do what he likes it's his life, I'm just sick of listening to him cough and complain about his chest), but he lasts no more than 2 days and within a week he's back to 50 a day...so I am going to stick with it and insist he stays off them and hope he uses the bacca he has as a deterent or as I did with 5 cigarettes when i first gave up, as a safe guard in case :hug99: xxxx