Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Listen missy.. Im gonna give you a telling off (no I'm not *big hugs*)

But I am gonna be firm.. Hehe

Remember how you used to feel before you started all of this? When you used to wear that big ole coat that in your photo album on here and it wasn't loose like it is now? Well we are not going to allow that to happen to you again lily. Nah uh. No way.

You know what you need to do, you know how to do it.. So let's do it!!! We have 6 stones to lose this year and I don't want you to not come to the thread we created because you don't feel like youre not on plan.. On plan or not I want to see you there ok? *hugs*

You have an amazing number of people that follow you on this forum and I am very fortunate to have been one of the first people to have welcomed you in your diary :D and so glad I'm still here to experience this journey with you.

Make your food plan, you're already such a body magic freak anyway (hehe only messing) and let's smash it next week xxxxxxx
Excellent news Lily - not the gain but the attitude :)

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sounds like you have got a really good C there :bighug:

glad the excitement is starting to build up again :D

and I just wanted to say a massive well done for going and facing the music tonight, you're a much braver woman than me :hug99:
That's it you are now in the right frame of mind, onward and downwards, you know you still want to do it. You have a holiday to buy lovely small new cloths for!

Have a good week


I do want this you're right....but up till today my head was in gear but my tummy was still lagging I really do believe that they are both in sync.
It was horrendous and wonderful all at the same time at group tonight...horrendous cos of my gain but wonderful because there were lots of big losses and that made me more determined, plus as awful as it is we had a lady join last week (she joined before for 1 week and never came back till last week, about a year later)she weighs just shy of 30st...I looked at her and saw me at the beginning of my journey and I don't ever want to go back there, plus she only lost half a pound and her daughter gained ....that as well made me feel bad for her but for me too. So I am back and I will lose the 9.5lb I gained since just before xmas and I will lose a lot more .

Thank you all so much for your support you are wonderful ...oh and please feel free to nag me lol :bighug: xxxxxxxxxx
Hi lily sorry about your gain, BUT you are one of the strongest ladies i know, so i know for a fact that kick up your bum from your god was just the motivation i needed to get on it, well done in advance for next week!xx
Firstly, a big hug from another big'un who does really understand xxx

I watched a programme i'd recorded tonight that is a series and it is really inspiring. Google it, it's on Sky 1. It's called obese a year to save my life. This week was a woman who weighed 34 stone and I found it really covered the emotional side of the eating and it was extremely good. I think it's on a Monday. I think it will help you x
Listen missy.. Im gonna give you a telling off (no I'm not *big hugs*)

But I am gonna be firm.. Hehe

Remember how you used to feel before you started all of this? When you used to wear that big ole coat that in your photo album on here and it wasn't loose like it is now? Well we are not going to allow that to happen to you again lily. Nah uh. No way.

You know what you need to do, you know how to do it.. So let's do it!!! We have 6 stones to lose this year and I don't want you to not come to the thread we created because you don't feel like youre not on plan.. On plan or not I want to see you there ok? *hugs*

You have an amazing number of people that follow you on this forum and I am very fortunate to have been one of the first people to have welcomed you in your diary :D and so glad I'm still here to experience this journey with you.

Make your food plan, you're already such a body magic freak anyway (hehe only messing) and let's smash it next week xxxxxxx

Roziee, I love you hun, you know exactly the right things to say to me and you somehow know me so well for someone I've not met yet...even down to staying away from the 6st thread....I am now in the right frame of mind at I said head has been tummy hasn't but now they are in sync and I promise you I will lose at the very least 4lb next week, I do know how to do it and I do love my exercise...which by the way I am off to do right after this.
Thanks again lovely lady :bighug: xxx

Excellent news Lily - not the gain but the attitude :)

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Thanks hun xxx

sounds like you have got a really good C there :bighug:

glad the excitement is starting to build up again :D

and I just wanted to say a massive well done for going and facing the music tonight, you're a much braver woman than me :hug99:

Emily my C really is amazing, I couldn't do this without him, like Roziee he seems to know what buttons to push and he does lol
I will be honest and say i really did think about not going but then I thought of all the times I told my daughter that she had to go if she wanted to break the cycle and knew I had to listen to my own advice...if I hadn't gone tonight, I don't think I ever would have gone back and then I would have stopped coming on here and I would have regained all the weight...and believe me that isn't going to embaressed as I was and I really was (I even blushed ...yep me lol), I had to do it and fess up...I am sick of these hitch hikers they are going, 1 down 1 to go ...
Thank you all so much for your love and support...I luv ya all :bighug: xxxxxxx (oh and just to embaress myself a bit more here, I am :cry::cry:)
i'm sure you will lose it quickly, i have decided its the january blues
derailing us:rolleyes:

we were all full of enthusiasm after christmas but jan just seems to go on for ever cold bleak and miserable:eek:

maybe we should all listen to your C :D and challenge our selves to a back to basic's week. think i might do this next week when the cash flow is a bit better and i can get a load of fresh fruit and veg.
the dogs drug habit drained the coffers a bit :eek:

Firstly, a big hug from another big'un who does really understand xxx

I watched a programme i'd recorded tonight that is a series and it is really inspiring. Google it, it's on Sky 1. It's called obese a year to save my life. This week was a woman who weighed 34 stone and I found it really covered the emotional side of the eating and it was extremely good. I think it's on a Monday. I think it will help you x

Hi Lucia thank you hun xx
I do watch the programme, only I record it from the repeat on thursday, so I'll have to wait, but I had heard it was a good one....I am looking forward to seeing that especially the emotional eating part, it's a big hang up of mine...and one that I haven't yet conquered, but I will.
Thanks again hun :hug99: xxxx
And look at our stats, where we are now and where we are aiming for - Lily we are going to cross that finishing line together, get back on the bloody bike!!!!
Emily my C really is amazing, I couldn't do this without him, like Roziee he seems to know what buttons to push and he does lol
I will be honest and say i really did think about not going but then I thought of all the times I told my daughter that she had to go if she wanted to break the cycle and knew I had to listen to my own advice...if I hadn't gone tonight, I don't think I ever would have gone back and then I would have stopped coming on here and I would have regained all the weight...and believe me that isn't going to embaressed as I was and I really was (I even blushed ...yep me lol), I had to do it and fess up...I am sick of these hitch hikers they are going, 1 down 1 to go ...
Thank you all so much for your love and support...I luv ya all :bighug: xxxxxxx (oh and just to embaress myself a bit more here, I am :cry::cry:)

Awwwwwww bless ya :bighug:

I honestly can't word how glad I am that you went. You've been such a pillar of strength and support for a lot of us, now it's our turn to repay the favour.

Have you got a plan for tomorrow? xxx
i'm sure you will lose it quickly, i have decided its the january blues
derailing us:rolleyes:

we were all full of enthusiasm after christmas but jan just seems to go on for ever cold bleak and miserable:eek:

maybe we should all listen to your C :D and challenge our selves to a back to basic's week. think i might do this next week when the cash flow is a bit better and i can get a load of fresh fruit and veg.
the dogs drug habit drained the coffers a bit :eek:


Hi Mandy and thank you, I have been through this before (3 years dieting you do go through things time and again), but nowhere near as bad as this one....I think I became complacent and even a bit swollen headed, so many people look to me for help, it all got a bit like I can do this blindfolded....but humility is a grand thing, it's brought me back to earth with a bang and thank god it did.
I have decided to read through my optomising book thoroughly and to reread all the help pages on the web site and really get myself set up ....oh and to plan my meals again that was half the problem...Kirsty and I have said this weekend we are going through all the cook books and making menu's for at least the next 4 weeks....going to try the creamy coriander and minted chicken, from the new all in one cook book, my daughter hasn't stopped raving about it, so i'll post my thoughts tomorrow after dinner lol :bighug: xxxx
And look at our stats, where we are now and where we are aiming for - Lily we are going to cross that finishing line together, get back on the bloody bike!!!!

Lucia we are going to cross that line together hun...I'm back on the bike right now :hug99: xxx

Awwwwwww bless ya :bighug:

I honestly can't word how glad I am that you went. You've been such a pillar of strength and support for a lot of us, now it's our turn to repay the favour.

Have you got a plan for tomorrow? xxx
Hi sweetie, thank you what a lovely thing to say and yes you have all been here for me always and I really do love you all for it, I have had a few blips but this was an earthquake in comparison....but I'll just rebuild my passion.
Yep got my plan for tomorrow, already sorted food as in the post up there ^^^ and Mal is taking me out walking said sod the cold lol....and got exercise routine planned with neighbours son too, actually looking forward to it :hug99: xxx

:wavey: hello my lovely twin. i am back to nag you :D:D:D
that gain is food bloat :) that will be off next week :D :bighug:xxxxxxxxxxx
Aww hi my lovely lovely twin, so glad you popped in hun xxxx
You nag away hun, youy always make me feel positive sweetie, without you even my positives didn't seem as positive :giggle: (it's true)
It's a bit more than bloat, been picking at the shortbreads, but now they are all gone, made him eat them and what he couldn't finish went in the bin lol also told my niece who buys them every year not to buy them anymore and that's an order lol :bighug: I'll say it again, welcome back my lovely twin xxxx

So now I am off to do my workout, catch you all later :bighug: and thank you all so much you all xxxxx
workout :eek: at this time of night :eek:

you would be proud of me Lily I set myself a little target of a minimum of 40 mins brisk walking with Carla each day to start my exercise off again and I've exceeded this each day even though its freezing cold.

YOur positives are fab :D and hope you saved me a shortbread ;) xxxxx
Well done Lily - you are a star. That 4 and a bit pounds will be off in next to no time xxx
Lovely lily what can I say that hasn't been said x x just know you are one of the reasons I haven't left minimins after my big gain after Xmas . I would of done before but with your help I stayed and faced up to my fears and here I am taking it hour by hour day by day and am here for you too every step of the way x x x
workout :eek: at this time of night :eek:

you would be proud of me Lily I set myself a little target of a minimum of 40 mins brisk walking with Carla each day to start my exercise off again and I've exceeded this each day even though its freezing cold.

YOur positives are fab :D and hope you saved me a shortbread ;) xxxxx

Hi sweetie, I have worked out in the wee hours sometimes as late as 2am when I can't's very exhililarating and actually does help me to sleep and last night was a prime example of that, fell into bed and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I am up early, not done that in a while and I am raring to go fanman arriving again today, I won't hold my breath they've got it right this time (last time sent a plasterer...why??? stupid people)
I am so proud of you hun, yes for the walking but more for coming back, I know how hard that was for you.:bighug:
and no I didn't save you any shortbread sweetie cos you don't need it anymore than I do :hug99: have a lovely day sweetie xxxx

actually Lily I had a think about that as I've been doing all this exercise :D hope you saved me two shortbread :8855:
:giggle: nope not even a crumb :bighug: xxxxx

Well done Lily - you are a star. That 4 and a bit pounds will be off in next to no time xxx

thanks Becky yep it will be gone this week, I have done this before and I will do it again, 2012 is my year, I will be a smidgen away from my target by the end of it :hug99: xxx

Lovely lily what can I say that hasn't been said x x just know you are one of the reasons I haven't left minimins after my big gain after Xmas . I would of done before but with your help I stayed and faced up to my fears and here I am taking it hour by hour day by day and am here for you too every step of the way x x x

Katie what a lovely compliment, but not nice to make me :cry: this early in the
Everyday is a battle for all of us and I am so proud that I could be of some help to you, but you too have been to much as I may have been the reason you stayed, I have too because you and all my other wonderful mini family have given me the love and support I have needed to stay on this wagon. I too am taking it hour by hour, it's scary this journey we're on but together we can all complete every step thank you hun and all my other wonderful friends on here. :bighug: xxxx

Now that's enough I don't do slush (well I do but if you tell anyone I will have to kill you :giggle: ) xxxxxxxxx