Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Morning Lily x

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Fingers crossed Lily fingers crossed
failing that you can always send in the heavy mob
ie me and Tilly and we will spork the biatch for you

happy Wednesday dear lady x
Morning hun, hope you have a good day today xx And hope that form gives someone a kick up the backside to finally get something done about your neighbour xx
Morning lily, i don't understand why London council aren't doing something for you! When someone complained to derby council about my dog there was letters and visits and Shenzi ended up with a asbo and that was just for an hour of balking a a day lol! i hope they do something for you soon lily can't be nice have nuisance neighbours xx

Hey Emma, funny you should say that, when our previous neighbiur lived there, they reported our 2 alsations for barking constantly and the council were here at the door straight away and we got letter after letter....funny cos we've never owned 1 alsation let alone 2 and we had a collie that didn't even bark when the inspector knocked at the door...but yeah we have the same thing here, just not with humans, there is nothing we can do, can't call out the police anymore they don't want to know...have to call the hotline which is supposed to be open till 1am Mon-Fri and 2 am Sat&Sun, but when we rang at 12.35 we got no answer even though we let it ring for a solid 10 minutes and then rang back and did the most nights she doesn't get in till gone 3am and then turns the music up loud...what pees me off more is that everyone moans about her and yet no one except us has done a thing...I asked 3 neighbours who said they were going to report her if they had and no they are still going I am fighting this alone...I feel really angry about it, but my hands are tied. xx

Fingers crossed Lily fingers crossed
failing that you can always send in the heavy mob
ie me and Tilly and we will spork the biatch for you

happy Wednesday dear lady x

I think the heavy mob will have to be the answer, I'm not holding my breath....Oh no it's Tuesday hun, lose a day lose a friend...please don't let it be me :giggle:
Happy Tuesday hunni xxx
You know when you write that tomorrow I am going to get de ja vu don't you :8855: xxxx

Morning hun, hope you have a good day today xx And hope that form gives someone a kick up the backside to finally get something done about your neighbour xx

Hey sweetie, thank you, I hope it does too, but not going to hold my breath, hope you have a good day too xxx

Morning Lily x

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Hi Lisa, hope you're having a good day xxx

Morning lovely :)

Hope you have a lovely day. X

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Hey sweetie, hope you have a lovely day too xx
How did boot camp go hun...oops sorry Lieutenant sir/mam (salutes) :giggle: xxx
hahaha I finally worked it out Lily
bloody shift work you lose all sense of time

Umm I don't do shiftwork (well not any more), so does that mean it's old age with me then ? :giggle: xxxx
Time to be honest here, I am struggling at the moment, not been too naughty and am mostly ok Monday to Friday, but the weekends for the last 4 or even more weeks have been horrendous, I haven't been eating like I used to but I have been eating way too many wrong things for head is saying I can do this and I know I can and I also know this is a blip...I have had a few of these over the last 3 years since I started this journey, but this is by far the hardest one....I'm NOT giving up, I still want this more than anything, I just have to be patient and let my head get back into it, my heart is still in it and I know it won't be too long before the rest of me is 100% there again....I keep having spurts of really big enthusiasm and then it dwindles away, but not fully if that makes sense.
Tonight is the start of my new week after wi and I am determined that this is also the start of me being back on track ...I've cleared the house of all the carp food and I am raring to go I need you all to get on my case please and start cracking the whip at me.
Thanks for listening guys and thanks in advance for your help :bighug: xxxx
Hi Lily! You seem on top form today ;) Glad to hear it!

I really hope the council sort out your neighbour issues! TBH I'm half waiting for a form against me... I have a very noisy cockerel who was SUPPOSED to be our christmas dinner... but he gave me the doe eye treatment :giggle:

EDIT: Just saw your latest update. You can do this!!! You know you have it in you! Like you say, line under it tonight, and back on plan. We all have utter faith in you sweety :bighug:
Positives for today:

1) I have been totally honest, with myself more than anyone else
2) I am almost excited to go to wi even though I feel it may be a slight gain (not looking so won't know till I get there) as I want to discuss this with my Consultant and really get myself back in it
3) Have sat and worked out my menu's for the week, haven't done that in a while that may be the trigger to this
4) Looking forward to being back on plan
5) Going on my first holiday in 16 years later in the year so have a big goal to aim for
6) I have the best family in the world (real and minimins)

Have a great day everyone :bighug: xxxx xxxx

Mam will do just fine! He he!! :)

It went great. Lots of running up and down the rugby pitch but I enjoyed it. Was up to my ears in muck when I was done! And best of all no aches or pains today! My muscles must be in half decent shape from the gym! So yay!!

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Hi Mam :giggle: it sounds brilliant and yes you must be in good nick to go through that and have no aches and pains....glad you enjoyed it and well done :hug99: xx

Hi Lily! You seem on top form today ;) Glad to hear it!

I really hope the council sort out your neighbour issues! TBH I'm half waiting for a form against me... I have a very noisy cockerel who was SUPPOSED to be our christmas dinner... but he gave me the doe eye treatment :giggle:

Aww bless I'm with you on this one I couldn't have had it for dinner either especially with the doe eyes :giggle:
Noise from a cockerel I could put up with my brother used to live next door to a farm that had a noisy cockerel and I loved it....loud music that has my walls shaking at 3, 4 5, or even as last as 6 and 7 am is something else and on top of the music, screaming and door slamming and this from a 32 year old woman I could almost understand if she were a teen, but she's not and apparently she (and she told me this herself) was evicted from her last property for the very same reasons.
I won't say what was said on her FB profile this morning by her mother but lets just say the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.
EDIT: Just saw your latest update. You can do this!!! You know you have it in you! Like you say, line under it tonight, and back on plan. We all have utter faith in you sweety :bighug:

I am sure it will be a line under it from tonight, but if I do slip again I will just keep perservering till I don't slip again, I've not come this far to go back again way
Thanks lovely Ria, I really appreciate the support hun :bighug: xxxxx
Hi Lily

Just caught up on your diary after the w/end. Sorry to hear you had a bug and were so poorly. Glad you're feeling better now though.

I would gladly try to keep you on track, but I'd feel so hypocritical (sp). Was really at a low point yesterday and was going to chuck it myself. Hopefully it has bottomed out.

My WI is tonight too but I'm scared as I feel really bloated and don't know how I'll handle a gain.
Thinking about going to a different class tonight too in case that bucks me up. Not sure yet.:sigh:.

I really admire your positivity and wish you could send me some.

Anyway following your lead Well done in advance of your WI tonight. :D:D
Hi Patsy, even with the bug I am convinced I have gained...I did for a minute think about not going, but then I would b e doing what I have always done and it's now time to face up to it...I need the humility of being there in front of my peers and fessing up, it's the only way I am going to break this habit and I finally realise that. I also live in a house of skinny people who eat what they want and my husband is the worst, he will forego meals to eat rubbish, but because he has a fast metabolism he works all that just had a word with him cos his bad eating habits affect me, monkey see monkey they say.
I know this will work, I just have to be patient and it can for you too hun, I am sending as much positivity as I can muster to you hun and everyone else that is struggling, just stay with'll do it and anyway what will happen if we give up, everything we have lost will go back and some, at least this way we can try and maintain and then go for it again as soon as our heads are back in it and they will be :hug99: xxxx
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Thank you Becky, I feel a lot better thank you. :welcome: and I am so pleased you enjoy my diary, I ramble away and often feel I am talking a load of carp most of the time :giggle:
Ah now there's a subject to discuss..NOT... lol...I have just finished filling in the noisy neighbour nuisance sheet, so fingers crossed they do something about her and the noise, before I do :flamingmad:...having said that it's been so peaceful....I thought maybe she'd died, but no such luck she just went away for a few days ....nasty me :8855:...oh well!!!
Hope you've had a good day hun and do pop back, I love visitors :hug99: xxxx

Aww thanks my lovely. I hope to be a regular visitor - as I've said before you are very inspiring. Joining you at this point in your journey when you've lost 170lbs is awe inspiring. My goodness - that is totally incredible and proves what staying power and determination you have:happy096:. You know you can overcome this little crisis and you'll be back on track in no time. Hope WI goes well tonight and don't be too hard on yourself if you have had a slight gain - you are an inspiration to us all. Oh, and I'd like to join the heavy brigade and come and sort your neighbour out for you. Would it be worth having a chat with your gp about all the stress it's causing you and your family and getting that documented?? Maybe give you a bit more elbow with the useless council if you've got proof it's affecting your health?? xxx
:bighug: you CAN do this hun, and we're all right behind you.

The main thing is that you know where you're going wrong, you're being honest with yourself, and that can only be a good thing.

Hope tonight isn't too bad for you xxxxx
:bighug: lily i am sure you will be fine tonight.
i think jan is a really hard month it is dull and cold and our bodies just want to eat carbs.

You know you can do this, one of the many things you have taught me is to keep chipping away at it.

you are a star and an inspiration lily xxx

where do i sign up for the heavy mob cos your nieghbour needs a slap xxxx :eek:
I'll join the heavy mob too. I'll bring Elliott and he'll wear his size 13 steel toe cap boots!!! She has no excuse for that behaviour!!!

As for WI I'll wish you luck too but I'll also say it's only numbers and you can just start again tomorrow :)

You can do this and we will help!!!

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Hi everyone, well it was a huge gain and really just the kick up the bum I needed....although I haven't been that bad, I also haven't done anywhere near as much body magic this week or drunk as much water ....but C gave me a mag tonight with an article in it called Bounce back and it's about obviously bouncing back from all kinds of things including weight now the rot stops here...Just had my dinner, got extra fruit in ready, water already drunk 2 pints since I've been home and weighing my extras. just so I know exactly how many syns to add....this time next week....I WILL HAVE LOST THE 4.5LB I GAINED TONIGHT AND I WILL TRY AND LOSE A FEW OF THE 5LB PUT ON OVER XMAS TOO!!!

Oh and I have another secret tool....I got my grandchildren to nag me that always works ....telling me how they have enjoyed doing stuff with me and want to do even more and that won't happen if I gain anymore.....I can actually feel excitement and enthusiasm building up in me again.

Oh and while my C was kind and not in the least bit horrid to me, he was firm and told me firstly he wants a food diary (not done one of them for group for ages ) and he wants me to do a fit chart too and wants a note of water drunk on his desk next week....clever man he knows I'll be too embaressed not to have it all there and glowing for him ...that's why he's my God lol xxx:hug99:xxx
That's it you are now in the right frame of mind, onward and downwards, you know you still want to do it. You have a holiday to buy lovely small new cloths for!

Have a good week
