Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hi lovely lily x x
First of all massive congratulations with what you have lost so far x x a true inspiration and we must be thinking alike lily as last year I wanted to lose 6 stone in a year and I know I ve lost alot from my heaviest (22 stone ) but this isn't a race and I will start at WW on Wed and my aim is a pound a week as that adds up to 3 stone by Xmas !!! And I feel so much happier about it , x I love reading your diary and you are such a support to me ( my diary nowhere near as interesting as yours lol ) but am with you every step of the way x x x x linking arms with you x x
Well done for sitting and thinking about this. Setting ourselves up to succeed is an enormous part of our weightloss journey. So setting achievable goals is far far more important than people realise D: :bighug: proud of you Lily :D

So now with my positives for today 27th February 2012:

1) Woke up feeling a lot more positive than I have done for weeks
2) Decided not to put myself under so much pressure and already feel a stone lighter lol
3) Am trying Addi's Creamy Cauliflower Curry tonight and really looking forward to it ...yum yum
4) I have, even with their annoying imperfections, the most wonderful family and hubby I could ever have hoped for
5) I have the most wonderful Mini's family and I love you all :hug99:
6) I know I will either put on or STS tomorrow (been one of those weeks) and I am good with that, but I also know I will definitely lose next week and have definitely found my mojo last !!!!! yayyyyy xxxx

fab positives lovely twin :bighug: :D:D:D:D:D
Good luck hun. Good to see you so focused. You are right tho, setting goals too high only leads to disappointment when not achieved. For example, I had hoped that I could lose 3 stone from January 1st to April 1st this year, and yet here I am at the end of February and haven't yet got to the 1 stone mark! 1lb a week sounds much more achievable!:):bestwishes:

Hey hun and thank you....I knew some time ago I would have to do a rethink of my goals and aims as my weight loss was so erratic, and I know this will work....I am going to look at doing more red and maybe even green days, instead of just sticking to EE, that way I might be able to overcome some of my carb cravings by having them as extra Hex's a couple of times a week.
We can do this hun, let's just set ourselves the 1 goal and that is to get to target no matter what, and no matter how long it takes :hug99: xxxxxx

Well done for sitting and thinking about this. Setting ourselves up to succeed is an enormous part of our weightloss journey. So setting achievable goals is far far more important than people realise D: :bighug: proud of you Lily :D

Thank you hun, I have needed to do this for a while, I am definitely a tortoise me...I might be a bit slower than most but I always get there in the end :giggle:

fab positives lovely twin :bighug: :D:D:D:D:D

Thank you sweetie, I feel alive again :hug99: xxxxx
I have just had a really gorgeous curry for dinner, definitely one of the best I have ever tasted, it went down a treat in my house even Mal had seconds :eek: and that's not like him, hard to get him to finish any plate of foods let alone have seconds.
So if you haven't had it or seen it then pop across to Addibelle's diary :
And try her cauliflower curry, it's to die for ....definitely a must for any curry lover and so creamy ...yum yum xxxx
See we are twins :D two tortoises :D:D:D:D:D:D :bighug: you will get there just no pushing yourself too hard, its far better to plod on and succeed :D look at me, maintained since July :8855:

Yep lol we really are twins, I was looking and even though I have had some great losses, I have also had some horrendous gains and I am the same weight now that I was on the 8th November I need to follow a plan and mix it up more so I actually lose and it stays off.....although as we have said before the scales mean nothing as my clothes are definitely looser, the skirt I wore and sweater are much looser on me now then when I took that picture of me and yet I am 7.5lbs heavier than I was there xxxx:hug99: xxxx
Hi I came across this recipe a couple if weeks ago while flicking through some of the other forums on here, I really liked the sound of it but not got round to trying it yet, definitely going to give it a try

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Its on my to do list that curry lily, now you've tried it for me I will :8855: what did you add to yours? xxxxxxx

I added chicken, courgette, peppers, mushrooms, onions and 4 cloves garlic, plus coriander leaf, paprika, half a teaspoon of cumin and black mustard seeds, half a teaspoon of chilli flakes and the same of Harissa Paste with Tandoori curry 1 pint of chicken stock after I blended down the cauliflower and then just as I was about to serve it, I added 1 tablespoon of Fromage Frais....served it with brown rice and a was really gorgeous......I have over 80 herbs, spices and pastes in my cupboards so I tend to experiment with them lol xxxx
I have been meaning to take my measurements, so being as I am about to go do my hours exercise , I might as well have a measure up while I'm at it ...will let you know what my tape says later :hug99:xxxx
one of the things i have learnt from you lily is that this is not a race its a life choice, some times i feel immense pressure to drop huge numbers every week and when i don't i feel like a failure.
this feeds into my paranoia and sets me off into a downwards spiral :sigh:

i am slowly coming round to the way of thinking that the scales aren't every thing, since christmas i have lost 6 lb less than a lb a week:cry: but its a loss not a gain.

you are doing the right thing, take off some of the pressure you put on your self and relax.
you are an immense inspiration to lots of us on here lily, and i for one am proud to consider you a friend xxxxx
one of the things i have learnt from you lily is that this is not a race its a life choice, some times i feel immense pressure to drop huge numbers every week and when i don't i feel like a failure.
this feeds into my paranoia and sets me off into a downwards spiral :sigh:

i am slowly coming round to the way of thinking that the scales aren't every thing, since christmas i have lost 6 lb less than a lb a week:cry: but its a loss not a gain.

you are doing the right thing, take off some of the pressure you put on your self and relax.
you are an immense inspiration to lots of us on here lily, and i for one am proud to consider you a friend xxxxx

Hey Mandy, thank you so much if it wasn't for minimins and my great family of friends on here, I would probably have given up yet again, but you all encourage me so much it would be a really big loss in my life not to be part of this wonderful family and I keep going. I am coming to terms with being an inspiration, it's hard to feel that I am but I know if I were on one of your diaries and saw me that I'd feel the same, so I accept your lovely words gracefully .
I have just finished my exercise regime for tonight, feel very exhilerated and even liberated, I was going to carry on but then thought you know what, actually I am tired hot and the sweat is making the rash on my face more sore (I been looking at it and think it could be psoriasis :eek:), so I decided enough is enough for tonight and I don't feel guilty so that's good ...for me lol. xxxx

Hello lovely Lily, guess who's got internet at home now. YIPPEE. :D

Hope you enjoyed your exercise session. :D

:woohoo: :bliss: :winner: :greenapple:

Yayyyyyyyy Patsy's here day and nights, weekend and holidays if she wants, so your not just a vampire in reverse then :giggle: (only comes out during the day :8855:)

I am so happy it worked hun YIPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXXXXX:bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi lily, i think its great that you are taking some pressure of yourself after losing 12 stone you deserve it! Take care lovely lily xx
Morning lily, have a great tuesday, well done whatever happens at wi tonight xx