Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hi Lily, just wanted to say Hi and that I have everything crossed for your daughter, but I'm sure she will fly and they must be impressed with her to say that she will have the support and training that she needs and to come for a trial..............sounds like a formality to me. :)
ohhh you busy busy person you :D

now where do i start :p

with your feet, i think, hope they are feeling much better and well done on the just dance in a chair :D:D maybe you should patent that :giggle:

:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed: for kirsty hope it all goes well :D

glad you enjoyed your pre mothers day roast with kelly and family.

sounds like a busy weekend is planned :D

Is this the 0% fat Greek yogurt lily? X

Hey hun, yes that's the's so yummy and so syn free ....tastes exactly like cream if you put enough sweetener in ...delish xxx
:bighug: morning lovely Lily. Sorry to hear how sore your feet are :( :bighug: hope they clear up quickly this time huni. Good luck to kirsti :D


Hey sweetie, even bigger peel again last night and still a little sore, but still did my exercise, ain't gonna let it stop me, done too much of that in the past...hope you're having a good day :hug99: xxxx

Morning Lily

how are the feet today hunny ? xx

Sore sweetie, thanks for asking, but not as bad as they have been in the past :fingerscrossed: the tablets are finally working as they should be :hug99: xxxx

hello lily. what a busy life u have! don't worry bout that 2lb blip, you'll have it gone in no time. and aqua aerobics? sounds fun! closest I ever got to that was aquanatal a few years back (same principal though) enjoy! have a good day. hope the feet are a bit less sore! :hug99:

Hey sweetie, what is it they say about being careful what you wish for lol...I was wishing for a good loss this week and plenty of activity keeping my butt out of my chair and away from my computer ....boy did my wish come true and some lol.
I loved the aqaurobics can't wait for Monday fett willing :hug99: xxxx

Hi Lily, just wanted to say Hi and that I have everything crossed for your daughter, but I'm sure she will fly and they must be impressed with her to say that she will have the support and training that she needs and to come for a trial..............sounds like a formality to me. :)

Exactly what I said ....I have everything :fingerscrossed: for her :hug99: xxxxx

ohhh you busy busy person you :D

now where do i start :p

with your feet, i think, hope they are feeling much better and well done on the just dance in a chair :D:D maybe you should patent that :giggle:

Thanks sweetie, lol I bet you I could too, if you do it energetically there is no way you won't sweat and that's the point isn't it lol
:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed: for kirsty hope it all goes well :D

Me too :fingerscrossed: x

glad you enjoyed your pre mothers day roast with kelly and family.

sounds like a busy weekend is planned :D


The meal was delish, my son in law is a great cook, and I decided as they were doing dinner I would surprise them with a sweet, it was my son in law doesn't eat puddings of any kind so his sweet was a large bottle of Stella :8855:
Got a very busy weekend planned along with the kids being here already lol xxxx:hug99:
Off to have my dinner yum yum, be back asap to post my positives, menu and have a catch up on some diaries :hug99: see ya soon xxxxxx
:bighug: sounds like you have a great weekend planned

Loving your sweet for your son in law ;)

Thanks hun I am really looking forwards to the weekend, it's always lovely to have the whole family here when possible and what better excuse than Mother's Day eh?
I certainly know how to butter up my son in law lol he loves Stella so I bought him one of the huge bottles you can buy, he was over the moon lol xxx:hug99: xxxx
Positives Friday 16th March 2012

1) Woke early despite getting up to the loo 5 times and being up late talking to a certain young lady who is a bad influence :giggle: and I was in a good mood too.
2) Did my exercise at Kelly's half standing and half sitting despite yet another big peel on my foot last night, foot is sore but nowhere near as bad as it has been in the past ...thank you god x
3) Have had a great week so far 4 days 100% despite the naughty looking foods :drool:
4) I have the best hubby, kids, grandkids and yeah even my other relatives are pretty cool too and I love them all to bits :hug99: :bighug:
5) I have the best mini friends in the world and I love each and everyone of you for the love and support you continue to heap on me :bighug: xxx
6) I finally had a huge clear out of my clothes and other goods this afternoon, in between visits to kelly's and now I have a load more space ....every single thing (other than my biggest jeans size 34/36 :eek:) has now gone, no more hanging onto it cos so an so bought it ...:woohoo:
7) I have my gorgeous grandkids staying for the weekend :hug99: I love it and them :bighug: xxxx
Menu Friday 16th March 2012

Breakfast :

3 x Nimble Wholemeal Hexb + 2.5 syns
Scrambled Eggs
Milk 1 syn
Baked Beans
Mountains oif Mushrooms
Grilled Tomato
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mid Morning:

Water 1 pint


Celeriac and Swede Chips
BLT Salad
Homemade Coleslaw 1 syn
Sugar Free Cream Soda


Mid Afternoon:

2 x Plums
Water 1 pint


Syn Free KFC Drumsticks
Celeriac and Swede Chips
BLT Salad (left over from lunch)
Homemade Coleslaw 1 syn (Left over from lunch)
Baked Beans
Water 1 pint


Milky Options 2 syns
Chai Tea 1 syn
More fruit throughout the day

2 pints water while exercising

Syns for today =
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Great positives Lily
and a very tasty sounding menu as well....
Kfc chicken mmmmh !! Lush

Sorry to hear the footsies are still poorly but good that the tablets are starting to work ....
I'm with your SIL I don't do puddings either...but I'd never say no to a Stella :giggle:
Great positives Lily
and a very tasty sounding menu as well....
Kfc chicken mmmmh !! Lush

Sorry to hear the footsies are still poorly but good that the tablets are starting to work ....
I'm with your SIL I don't do puddings either...but I'd never say no to a Stella :giggle:

Hun I have never felt so full as I have the last few days and using so few syns too...the KFC as cooked by SIL2 was fabulous he really knows which herbs and spices to sue to give it an authentic taste, better than Colonel Sanders, my SIL2's surname is Saunders so he has renamed it Colonel Saunders :giggle:
As long as my feet allow me to get about and don't hamper me too much I am ok with them, it's all a process once they peel they tend to repair themselves quite well, just a bit of a pain while they are sore lol
Pudding, depends what it is...I prefer stodgy puds like spotted dick and jam roly poly, but am getting used to the idea of this fruit and cream, definitely filling me up a lot more and all for 0 syns, can't argue with that...Stella :hmm: not a lager or beer girl myself unless it's a good old Bodd or them ice cold on a hot summers day ...not that we have many of them lol xxxx
Off to have my dinner yum yum, be back asap to post my positives, menu and have a catch up on some diaries :hug99: see ya soon xxxxxx

read this far to quickly, and actually read off to catch my dinner:eek: had visions of you with a fishing rod slung over your shoulder :8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855::8855:
Afternoon lovelies, well got the grandkids here and I am sure I revert to a child when they are about lol....we decided to have a late night trek to Asda last night, naughty Nanny, we didn't get back till way past midnight lol the kids thought it was great cos they managed to pick up some lovely Mothers Day pressies for their Mum and I managed to spend a lot more money than I intended to or could afford, especially as I had a £152+ delivery from Tesco yesterday too :giggle:
Have spent the morning wrapping said pressies and making gift cards and the kids are now about to make Mum's Cards...which means mess mess mess can 3 kids be here just a few hours and make so much mess :eek:
So I will hopefully get on here properly a bit later as they now want my lappy so they can design their wonderful creations .
So Happy St Patricks Day lovelies, have a great day :hug99: xxxxxxxxx
So glad to hear you are back in the zone, Lily x
Just made the syn free cream , totally yummy had it over fresh mixed berries

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Morning Lily, hope you have recovered from the mess of card making and have a lovely Mothers Day with your family xx