Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

congrats for wi tonight!

Thanks sweetie :hug99: xxxx

WOW Lily your diary is so busy as usual. Glad you and Kirsty got stuff sorted out. and WTG you with the 100% week. Mine has been 100% off plan for the same period, well not strictly true I did have a good couple of days before I went away. Hoping to get right back on to it. Theory is I've got any hankering for baddies out of my system.

Yep Kirsty and I are good friends again lol, I am so happy with my week...well that's not entirely true, I could have had a lot less carbs but hey ho, it's done now, and I was 100% on plan so that's good, I should lose tonight and I suspect it will be quite a low loss with all the rice and pasta :eek: lol but a loss is a loss, what's important is that I am abck to losing not gaining.
I'm sure you'll be right back on plan hun and will have got all that bad food hankering done and dusted lol :hug99: xxxx

Afternoon lovely Lily
Good luck for WI xx
Afternoon sweetie and Thank you :hug99: xxx

Afternoon Lily, hope you having a good day and fingers crossed for WI, tho I'm sure you won't need it :)
Afternoon lovely, I have had a really busy morning lol and I am sure wi will be fin, but thank you for your kind wishes :hug99: xxxx

Aww Lily you are so lovely and understanding and thank you for all those wonderful Lily hugs! You and Jackie are definitely twins and I'm going to adopt you both as my sensible older sisters!!

Aww thanks hun me and Jackie really are very twin like and I love that you said older sisters and not Mum, I have more than enough adopted kids me thinks :giggle: xx

Holiday sounds fab - you definitely deserve one - 16 years is way too long. I'm on 14 lol so 2 years to go :giggle:. You know what - being in the situation we're in has taught me loads about money and budgeting and being sensible. I used to be terrible - and in the old days when I was on a decent salary and only had me to think of (!) would buy (you're going to hate this!) fridgefuls of exotic, healthy organic stuff and then chuck the lot away at the end of the week as it would never get eaten. My toes are curling now remembering it - I've gone to hating waste like you do now. Wish I had had this approach years ago but I've learned a valuable lesson. We've agreed that even if we both get jobs again in the future and have a good income (please God!) we will continue to be as thrifty and careful and I hope we stick to that! Hope you're having a lovely day. Need to read back and find out where you're going and when - very exciting! :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug::bighug: xxx
I was the same hun, had more than enough money coming in, didn't really plan for the future and then when it all went t*ts up after I had my accident I really had to tighten my belt, we were down by over £1500 a month, cos my daughter and her freind moved out at the same time as I had my accident...all the times I threw expensive foods out was disgraceful really but ti taught me a lesson and then when Mal retired we dropped another £700 a month, we just had to pull even tighter...we haven't had a holiday not because we couldn't afford it, but because I injured my back really badly and that's when I really started to pile the weight on, I have never been slim but was about 16st ish at the time of my accident, in the first 2 years after I piled on nearly 13 st and could barely stand, let alone walk....I can do most things now, but walking is still the hardest, not because of the weight but because I have osteoarthritis in my spine and 4 discs are already crumbling (well it was 4 last time I had an MRI 5 years ago, could be more, almost feels like more as it hurts higher up my back now as well ).
When I had my accident my youngest was just 7, prior to that we had gone away every year as a family for 2 weeks in August, to varying places but our favourite was Great Yarmouth, so that's where we are heading to in August this year (only 1 week this time tho, don't want to overdo it my first trip away lol ) we are staying at the same holiday park too, but this time instead of just me, Mal and Kelly and Kirsty, it will be us 4 plus our 2 son in laws and 3 grandchildren and a freinds daughter...all in 1 chalet :eek: that should be fun lol good job we all get along eh?

So that's where we're going and I can't wait, who knows I might even venture abroad again one of these days lol
Have a great day hun :hug99: xxx
Hi Lily, just saying hello :) xx

Hello lovely Dawn, hope you're having a good day :hug99: xxx
Positives Tuesday 3rd April 2012

1) Woke early and in a really good mood, very excited about wi
2) Have been cooking all morning fro buffet tonight, it looks amazing yum yum
3) I have the best family in the world who I love and adore and I know they love and adore me too
4) I have the best mini friends in the world and I love and adore you all
5) Day 8 of being 100% in plan and positive
Hey everyone, just a quickie as I have to go have my bath and rest up before wi tonight, no swollen ankles for me lol

Have had a really busy morning cooking, as it's buffet night at SW tonight, and on top of all that Kirsty asked me to do hers too :eek: but it's all done and looking divine :drool:

The theme for tonight is Easter, so I always associate Easter with picnics as we often go on one as a family to the local nature I have made picnic foods

1) For Kirsty to take in, Cheese Straws, bet you thin they're not SW friendly, oh yes they are and I post the Recipe shortly to prove it
2) Sw Scotch eggs half with Scan Bran at 1 syn each and half with wholemeal breadcrumbs (I made the bread myself too :drool:) at 3.5 syns each or Hexb and 1 syn if you have 2 lol
3) Hot and Spicy Coleslaw, a massive tub for 5 syns , definitely enough there for about 10 helpings if we're not too greedy lol

So that's me done until after wi tonight, I don't need luckn as I've had a really good week and made some good choices, just :fingerscrossed: it's a good loss

Cya later tonight everyone, have a lovely afternoon and I will catch up on diaries later :hug99: xxxxxx
Food sounds yum :drool:

Well done for wi tonight :D
Can't wait to hear how you have got on a WI... Please dont keep us waiting too long!! ;-) xxx

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Well done Lily x

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Hope it went well for you lily. Thank you for posting up the coleslaw recipe :)
Hello lovelies, I couldn't wait so just going to post my loss and yes it was a loss :woohoo: and then I am off to have my dinner and I am ravenous lol

I lost ,......3lb :woohoo: ...go me I am happy as Larry worked even with all the extra pasta and rice, so no pasta or rice over the next week I am hoping to have another loss next week, I don't care how big or how small...just a loss will do....I am back and I am doing it :bliss: xxxxx catch ya in a mo ttfn xxxxx
Well done on your loss! :)
Well done Lilly.... Well deserved after all your hard work this week!!! Xxx

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