She is such a wee cutie Lily bless her
Happy Thursday lovely
She really is gorgeous Kals, haven't felt like this over any babies, cept my own and my grandbabies, I could just eat her lol
Happy Thursday to you too lovely :hug99: xxx
Yay to your fantastic weight loss Lovely Lily x one of my inspirations and a reason I'm still here
Isn't Lyla cute ! And I can see a resemblance too so she will be as gorgeous as her great Aunt
Am glad the suburn is better too x
I was a member of my gym. But with things being. Tight I will now be doing exercise at home I think I am disciplined enough but have you any tips? I don't own a wii and havd just treated myself to a couple of DVD s x how do you keep yourself motivated at home ? Any help will be gratefully received
Thank you for your kind words of support on my diary x x. X much appreciated
Speak soon x
Hello lovely Katie, Thank you so much hunni, I have made a few changes to not only my food but my exercise too, I still do the wii, but I have been doing a fantastic DVD that I found on ebay at I think about £4 something and which Kally found on amazon, I believe for 1p :wow: and it's really really good, I used to many years ago own an audio tape called the Avon Shape Tape which I swore by and this DVD incorporates a lot of the same exercises so I highly recommend's called Rebecca Wheatley (she was the lady that used to play the receptionist in Casualty and went on to lose 12st with SW and this workout) The New Me's good sensible exercise that covers everything and which I find really easy to follow definitely worth looking to see if it helps and especially at the price Kally paid for it and yep I looked on amazon and they still have it on there at that if you have a friend that can help out, maybe invest in some boxing pads and gloves, I find half hour or even 15 minutes of that makes me sweat buckets and really keeps my heart pumping which is what we need our bodies to do right .
The way I keep myself motivated at home is I have pictures and charts everywhere I can of me fat, thin, how much weight I've lost and I printed out some sheets on each sheet is 66 squares, each square is a picture of 1lb of fat and as I lose the lbs I mark them lbs off ( I put up enough sheets to cover the 271lb I needed to lose) that more than anything keeps me motivated cos I love marking them off every week after wi and if I gain I work hard to get back to where I was so I can mark more off.
There is another thing I do, Kirsty bought me a pamper pot for mother's day and the only way I can open it is to smash it, so every week when I have weighed in I put £1 in for every pound lost and £2 for every pound gained...doesn't sound like a lot but my last big gain was 3.5lbs I had to put £7 in for that, and that £7 put a biggish dent in my budget, so I try to make sure I lose and then when that pot is full no matter what size I am I am going to have me a nice pampering time, not decided exactly what yet, but the pot is feeling a good weight right now lol
And finally, I talk...when I am struggling I talk and get people to distract me, I phone friends, my sister, my daughters anyone who will listen or I come on here and rant or chat anything to get me back in the right frame...I never stay away when I'm struggling, only stay away when i have family things going on ...that's my advice for what it's worth hunni...other than that I keep rereading everything I have done when I am losing well and that keeps my motivation going....I'm in this for the long haul and I am working on getting this done before I'm 60 .........some 6 years from now lol
Hope that helped hunni :hug99: xxxx