You are v motivational...
I hate photos of me but I'm hoping to find a photo pre-weightloss & a couple in between. Seeing photos of me used to make me cry.
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I used to be the one that wouldn't have my photo taken, in fact my photo albums and I have loads of them of my girls and grandkids, have very few pictures of me in them.
But this is my personal album even though it's on here, and it's to help me see where I was and where i am never going back to and it's also thje first time since I started dieting 40+ years ago that I have actually got more than 2 pictures in it lol xx
Glad to see you back today Lily and pleased you had a good time, even if its tinged with sadness over DD1. Sorry to hear about that.
Had a fabulous time, was really excited about sorting out all the beautiful things we had to buy, but was also very excited about actually walking round the shops, something I haven't done for over 14 years, even if it was only a few to start with.
My eldest daughter and I had a long chat last night,even though we are very close, it seems she and her hubby had been having problems for a number of years and had hidden them so as not to worry us. Whatever happens, I love my daughter and her husband and nothing there will change and I will be there to support them both and my grandchildren through this time, maybe there will be a miracle and it will all work out, but I won't be holding my breath xx
Hey Lily
Would love to see a piccie of the invite

I love making things and used to make all my own cards too. These days its time that stops me so I rarely do so now. We have an amazing craft warehouse in Rushden and I used to spend a fortune there on card making stuff.
I am sorry about your other daughter, very sad , but only they can decide bless them.
How exciting re your outfit Lily. Its going to be a very special day for you all xxxxxx
Can't wait for the wedding there will be 5 of us (the 5 that go to slimming world together, myself, my 2 daughters and my 2 nieces,) and we will all be a lot smaller, (we all already are) and I can't wait to find my outfit either, would like to be no bigger than a 12-14 but we'll see.
Couldn't get the card up on here yesterday, but I am going to print some over the next few days, so will scan them and put them up xx