Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

*Grabs Bubblez*

*Holds her tight*

*Says where ya been hiding, before she can make a run for it*

And there was me thinking it was you that was hiding *grin*

I've been here :) just lurking- having an urge to eat stuff- so going to go exercise instead- in a minute- just looking for my energies, lol
Just made the 1 syn Cupcakes, I really couldn't resist, they are cooling as we speak....they look yummy xx
And there was me thinking it was you that was hiding *grin*

I've been here :) just lurking- having an urge to eat stuff- so going to go exercise instead- in a minute- just looking for my energies, lol

*Lily checks her pockets, draws, cupboards...nope can't find your energies here hun*
must have done a runner with mine lol xx
Lily42uk said:
*Lily checks her pockets, draws, cupboards...nope can't find your energies here hun*
must have done a runner with mine lol xx

I think all our energies must have run away together, as I'm not able to find mine at the moment either! Slept all day today from 10am til 4.30, after sleeping last night, but am on nights now-til 7am(and for the next 2 nights) :( I hate night shifts SO much as I'm awful at sleep anyway so having to try and sleep during the day is horrendous x

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*Lily checks her pockets, draws, cupboards...nope can't find your energies here hun*
must have done a runner with mine lol xx

I hate it when it does that!

I was going to go the gym today, but i chickened out :( but done half an hour of walking today so far

Got more than enough for my silver body magic- hopefully i'll get my sticker on tuesday! Then on to gold! I've set my "myfitnesspal" exercise target to 6x 45 minute sessions (it was 5x 30minutes up until yesterday) just so i can get some practise in before i start the gold award officially!

only a few hours to my monthly target :) hope to get that within the next few days :D :D

I think all our energies must have run away together, as I'm not able to find mine at the moment either! Slept all day today from 10am til 4.30, after sleeping last night, but am on nights now-til 7am(and for the next 2 nights) :( I hate night shifts SO much as I'm awful at sleep anyway so having to try and sleep during the day is horrendous x

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That's not good :(

i don't know if its the weather for me, or if its just that i'm having a bit of a mood dip...but ive been sitting on my (slightly less) fat bum and not doing anything for hours on end- its not good. i'll be ok once i get up....might have a green tea actually- that might perk me up

....anyone else want one? :)
I think all our energies must have run away together, as I'm not able to find mine at the moment either! Slept all day today from 10am til 4.30, after sleeping last night, but am on nights now-til 7am(and for the next 2 nights) :( I hate night shifts SO much as I'm awful at sleep anyway so having to try and sleep during the day is horrendous x

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Oh I used to hate night shift too...I worked in an elderly residential care home for 10 years until I had my accident, did nights permanently, really mucks up your sleep pattern and I too remember not being able to sleep during the days and then going back on shift again after just 3 hours if I was lucky, I think it's a big reason why i don't sleep at nights now, but then I never have slept that well not even as a kid.
Everyone seems sluggish these last few days, maybe something to do with the weather being changeable....I am feeling a lot better today mind and have managed about an hour exercise, but really don't feel like doing anymore.
Good luck with your shifts hun, may they fly by xx
That's not good :(

i don't know if its the weather for me, or if its just that i'm having a bit of a mood dip...but ive been sitting on my (slightly less) fat bum and not doing anything for hours on end- its not good. i'll be ok once i get up....might have a green tea actually- that might perk me up

....anyone else want one? :)

I think I'll pass thanks hun, not really a green tea person, I'll stick with me water and ice and dream it's a gin and tonic lol
You're the same as everyone else must be in the air, I had a really bad day yesterday, thankfully not syn wise, but just couldn't be asked, did 2+ hours exercise but unlike other times it was a real chore...and today just 1 hour so far and I don't think I'll actually push myself to do more...think I'll go annoy hubby instead lol...and chomp on 1 of me cupcakes while I'm at it xx
Sorry to butt in girls, I was just wondering how you sign up for body magic? I've seen it in the packs I got in group but my consultant has never mentioned it. I do excersise anyway but I think it would encourage me to do more if I started body magic. Thanks :)

Kick your consultant up the bum and say "hey! gimme some info on body magic plz!" (thats what i did anyways :p)

Just fill in the sheets (i think they're f.i.t sheets?) and show them to your C after 4 weeks, in return they will give you a nice certificate and a shiny sticker :)

Check with your C that they do it, some dont have certificates for it apparently!
Hi Jade,
If you're doing exercise then you are doing body magic, in your starter pack should be a booklet on body magic, it will tell you what you have to do (minutes spent exercising)to earn your body magic awards, bronze, silver, gold and platinum.
What it does is to encourage you to exercise regularly and hopefully make exercise a part of your life, for the rest of your life. Slimming World is not a diet, it's a plan for life and that includes exercise.
Once you have achieved your levels of award you should inform your Consultant or fill in the fitness form, can't think what they are called, that you have in your pack and each week get a new one. Once you reach the level you will receive a sticky and an award certificate, some places give magnets and other awards, but where I am it's the sticky's and certificates.
Ask your consultant after your meeting, I am sure she/he will be only too happy to help xx

I think I'll pass thanks hun, not really a green tea person, I'll stick with me water and ice and dream it's a gin and tonic lol
You're the same as everyone else must be in the air, I had a really bad day yesterday, thankfully not syn wise, but just couldn't be asked, did 2+ hours exercise but unlike other times it was a real chore...and today just 1 hour so far and I don't think I'll actually push myself to do more...think I'll go annoy hubby instead lol...and chomp on 1 of me cupcakes while I'm at it xx

i want a cupcake :( i know if i make some though i'll eat them all- which is bad

ive only had 3 1/2 syns so far today but ive eaten a TON of free food, more than i usually do, 2 big meals, a mug shot, 2 yoghurts and grazed on other things :( might have a piece of bread to go over my 5 syns and have some cheese on it- but after ive exercised.

i know if i dont do it i will beat myself up- but thats not helping lol.

Hope i have a good loss this week- i needs it- 3lb in 2 weeks isnt very good for me, i dont think thats helping with my mood really
i want a cupcake :( i know if i make some though i'll eat them all- which is bad

ive only had 3 1/2 syns so far today but ive eaten a TON of free food, more than i usually do, 2 big meals, a mug shot, 2 yoghurts and grazed on other things :( might have a piece of bread to go over my 5 syns and have some cheese on it- but after ive exercised.

i know if i dont do it i will beat myself up- but thats not helping lol.

Hope i have a good loss this week- i needs it- 3lb in 2 weeks isnt very good for me, i dont think thats helping with my mood really

Ditto, need a really good loss this week, lost 3lb, gained 2lb , lost 1.5lb ...need to lose at least 3lb want my 4.5st award and want to be well on my way to 5st lol...greedy who me? lol
I have got 2 or 3 weeks, and then I get my Platinum body magic award as does my daughter and I expect my C to make a big thing of it...we are his first Platinum award winners ...I had words with him on Tuesday about not getting Magnets for SOTW and SOTM , boy did he squirm, but then said they were too expensive, told him he was a cheapskate lol,
He's actually quite generous, we get a free week every 2 months and a free mag for helping out and if we are ever short of cash he lets us use his consultant WI ...well he has once lol, but I reckon he would again, he's actually really cool...anyways off to have my 1 cupcake and then an early night me thinks.
Sweet dreams all xx
I definitely join you in the sluggishness today. Slept for ages this afternoon as DH ill and sleeping too.

Can't wait to see your cupcakes. Are there any left to photograph? :p
OH MY GOD...they are fantastic and yes I only had one, hubby had one too and even he loved them, I did actually double the icing so they probably work out to 1.5 syns each (still a bargain)and I added a little orange flavouring to the icing mix, so they tasted like chocolate orange, they are so light and airy and scrumptious, but I am honestly not tempted to have another one tonight...but tomorrow is another day lol...thank god my grandchildren are here tomorrow they'll soon go lol xx

Ditto, need a really good loss this week, lost 3lb, gained 2lb , lost 1.5lb ...need to lose at least 3lb want my 4.5st award and want to be well on my way to 5st lol...greedy who me? lol
I have got 2 or 3 weeks, and then I get my Platinum body magic award as does my daughter and I expect my C to make a big thing of it...we are his first Platinum award winners ...I had words with him on Tuesday about not getting Magnets for SOTW and SOTM , boy did he squirm, but then said they were too expensive, told him he was a cheapskate lol,
He's actually quite generous, we get a free week every 2 months and a free mag for helping out and if we are ever short of cash he lets us use his consultant WI ...well he has once lol, but I reckon he would again, he's actually really cool...anyways off to have my 1 cupcake and then an early night me thinks.
Sweet dreams all xx

:O no fridge magnets? i would so not stand for that!! heehee
we dont get free weeks- i really wish we did- kinda panicking because at this rate i might not be able to afford another countdown- but im selling lots of old stuff thats cluttering my room, so i may be ok

thos cakes look mega tasty! i want one :( i'll settle for cheese on toast, maybe a tin of spaghetti too lol

okies off i go to exercise- need to change into my leggings and sexy cotton vest :p

ni night lily xox
:O no fridge magnets? i would so not stand for that!! heehee
we dont get free weeks- i really wish we did- kinda panicking because at this rate i might not be able to afford another countdown- but im selling lots of old stuff thats cluttering my room, so i may be ok

thos cakes look mega tasty! i want one :( i'll settle for cheese on toast, maybe a tin of spaghetti too lol

okies off i go to exercise- need to change into my leggings and sexy cotton vest :p

ni night lily xox

Nighty byes hun, you'll be fine I am sure...the cupcakes are deelish, hubby so has to hide them lol xx