Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Well that answered my question on my diary regarding the sticky gammon recipe. :)

Your food looks lovely. Rarely think to use my HXB for baked beans. They're so filling, too. Must try that more often.

I eat loads of baked beans fact lots of different kinds of beans because of the protein in them and cos I just love them, someone told me years ago you could actually live the rest of your live healthily just eating beans and rice...don't think i'd want to but it sounds good lol.
oh the sticky gammon is one of my favourite recipes...had it with veg and wedges last night but usually have it with linguine and salad...gorgeous either way xx
Today's menu:


2 x scrambled eggs
2 x bacon
Baked beans
Masses of mushroom and tomatoes, grilled
Coffee 2 syns
Water (1 pint)

Mid Morning:
2 x Crumble yoghurt 1 syn
2 x yellow plums

Tomato Soup
Water (1 pint)

Mid afternoon:
Alpen Bar (1/2 hexb)
Water (1 pint)

75g Tagliatelle
turkey Carbonara (Hexa) for cheese sauce made with 5 laughing cow light and water)Large Salad
Water (1 pint)

Alpen bar (1/2 hexb)
2 x Crumble yoghurt 1 syn
Coffee 2 syns

1 hour 30 mins exercise so far about to start zumba = 2 hours 15 mins (3 pints water)

Total so for the day = 6 syns

You food looks lovely again today.
I've never had gammon steaks. Had a gammon joint that you slice and love that so should enjoy this sticky gammon recipe.

I think I might make a soup again for tomorrow because I always fill up better with them. Loved the Carrot and Coriander one I had this week but very tempted with a Leek and Potato one. One of my all time favs. :D
I guess to SE it I'd have to add plenty of onions to the potato ratio and have extra fruit after.

Do you think that you eat more or less on this SE? I'm started to wonder if I'm eating more just to make sure that 2/3 is Superfrees to match my size of 1/3 free.... if you get my meaning. :rolleyes:
You food looks lovely again today.
I've never had gammon steaks. Had a gammon joint that you slice and love that so should enjoy this sticky gammon recipe.

I think I might make a soup again for tomorrow because I always fill up better with them. Loved the Carrot and Coriander one I had this week but very tempted with a Leek and Potato one. One of my all time favs. :D
I guess to SE it I'd have to add plenty of onions to the potato ratio and have extra fruit after.

Do you think that you eat more or less on this SE? I'm started to wonder if I'm eating more just to make sure that 2/3 is Superfrees to match my size of 1/3 free.... if you get my meaning. :rolleyes:

I don't actually think I am eating more, but I'm feeling fuller cos I am now eating the right things, I am eating a lot less of the fill me up quick empty carbs such as rice ...I had a sneaky peak on my scales tonight they weigh the same as the ones at group ..well most of the times lol but they are rarely out by more than half a pound or so, and they say I have lost 3lb since Tuesday and this was right after dinner, now I could understand that if I had swollen ankles Tuesday but I didn't they were pretty good for a change, Is that possible...I am not following the SE diet completely, too limiting for me, but what I am doing is having what I would normally eat with a lot more veg and I have to admit, the reason I weighed tonight was because I actually felt lighter, if that makes sense.
I never used to like gammon steaks until I saw this recipe and gave them a go...I have tried the more expensive gammon steaks and the value ones and personally can't see or taste much difference..give it a I said, right now it's one of my favourites (other than the carbonara I did so yummy and so easy to make) a few more recipes I am going to put up that I found on here. Definitely going to try these ones out.
I love leek and potato soup definitely one of my favourites and I saw a programme a while back that actually proved that if you have soup for lunch, it will keep you fuller longer than anything else, that's why I have soup most days xx

My turkey carbonara with huge salad...not a great photo, taken with my phone...but it was delicious, syn free other than my HEXa for the cheese sauce (5 laughing cow light and water) xx
This is a recipe I found today by a lady called grumbletumble, also have her yorkshire pudding recipe and they are delicious too, got my granddaughters birthday coming up, so these cupcakes will be a huge hit especially at 1 syn each

1 syn cupcakes

6 eggs
56g S.R. Flour (or 28g cocoa and 28g flour if you want chocolate cup cakes) (9 syns)
9 tablespoons of sweetener
2 teaspoons orange or vanilla flavouring


2 tbsp icing sugar (6 syns)
2 tbsp cocoa powder (2 syn)
12g/48 choc drops (3 per cake) (3 syns)
25g water to mix cocoa and icing sugar
Whisk egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl whisk egg yolks with orange/vanilla flavouring, sweetener and ¼ of the egg whites and mix till pale yellow.
Add the flour gradually and fold into the mix carefully, when done add the rest of the egg whites and fold in . Divide between 16 cupcake cases and bake in the oven at 180°C/350°F/Gas mark 4 for about 10 -12 minutes or until firm to the touch.
Wait until cool and then mix the cocoa and icing sugar with water to make a thickish paste, add a spoonful to each cupcake and 3 chocolate drops and serve.

1 syn per cake

If you get a tin of light aerosol cream you can make a hole in the side and squirt some in making a gorgeous profiterole at only 1.5 - 2 syns each , after speaking to the lady who devised this recipe she feels it would be better to squirt the cream on the side and not try to put it inside.12.5g aerosol cream = 1/2 syn
Replace the icing/frosting with 2 tablespoons reduced sugar Jam and 1 tablespoon of desiccated coconut (still only 1 syn each cake) to make gorgeous Madeleine’s .

Those cupcakes love lush. DS2 would love those. I've so many recipes to try out now. So exciting.

I think that with SE I may be eating more than usual. I eat lots of f&veg normally but sometimes in a meal I don't. Like if I have weetabix.
At the moment I feel I have to have fruit with it even tho I don't like or want it at that time.

I'll see how I go with it but if I don't want my fruit with cereal then I'll just have it as a snack later in day as I normally would rather than at the meal.

How do you make your cheese sauce? was wondering how much water you add to your cheese triangles.
Was thinking about cauli cheese which I love. And macaroni cheese with toms and bacon. :drool:
Those cupcakes love lush. DS2 would love those. I've so many recipes to try out now. So exciting.

I think that with SE I may be eating more than usual. I eat lots of f&veg normally but sometimes in a meal I don't. Like if I have weetabix.
At the moment I feel I have to have fruit with it even tho I don't like or want it at that time.

I'll see how I go with it but if I don't want my fruit with cereal then I'll just have it as a snack later in day as I normally would rather than at the meal.

How do you make your cheese sauce? was wondering how much water you add to your cheese triangles.
Was thinking about cauli cheese which I love. And macaroni cheese with toms and bacon. :drool:

Hi hun,
I thought the cupcakes looked amazing and have read that they do actually taste how they look, grumbletumble has quite a few recipes and her yorkshire puds are to die for, I have never ever been able to make them till I found her recipe, so I am looking forward to making these with my grandchildren.
The SE plan is way too restrictive for me, that's why I am kind of just using it as a guideline. I like lots of fruit and veg with everything and always have, but on the occasions I wasn't able to eat one or the other with my breakfast (and I know what you mean), I would and do just eat it when I feel like it, that's why I often have mid morning and mid afternoon snacks, to catch up on them.
I nearly always cook for 4+ people, so I allow between 4 and 5 laughing cow light per person, last night I cooked for 3 of us and used 15 LCL and 100mls water, but it really is up to you how much water you want to use, that was perfect for our pasta meal last night, was just the right blend , so maybe do 30-35mls per person and add more water if you find it too thick.
I too love cauliflower cheese, trying that one next week, don't really like to have that kind of cheesy sauce meals even if it is healthy, more than once a week...can't stand macaroni cheese, was forced to eat it at school as a child and just gag at the thought of it now lol
Have a great day hun, "speak" soon xx
Oooh I am deffo going to have a go at those cakes at the weekend....I miss cakes.....
Oooh I am deffo going to have a go at those cakes at the weekend....I miss cakes.....

Me too, But I am going to wait until my granddaughters birthday, that way I'll have help eating them lol
Lt em know how they come out please, I do hope they are as good as they say they are xx
Me too, But I am going to wait until my granddaughters birthday, that way I'll have help eating them lol
Lt em know how they come out please, I do hope they are as good as they say they are xx

I have checked the cupboard and have everything in so will deffo make them this weekend...will keep you posted x
Hi Hun,
I'm good, had a funny old day yesterday, really didn't feel like eating proper meals (get like that sometimes, so had a picking substantial meals at all) had a few too many of the bovril roasties, but only had the equivalent of just over 1 largish potato at each sitting...had quorn escalope ..knew they used a few syns but didn't realise they are 7 syns each :wow: still I didn't go over my syns so that's a bonus.
But felt really sluggish all day, slept a lot, even my 2+ hours exercise wasn't as fulfilling, if that's the word. Hoping for a better day today.
How are you hun, doing good I hope xx
I'm fine Lily but having the same sort of day. Really tired, don't want real meals, would much rather pick. Forcing myself to be good so had my brekkie followed up by a little treat.:eek:
KFC malteser krushem. :whistle:

Did do 30 mins on wii this morning tho so not all bad. :p
Funny how we get days like that eh?
I am feeling good today, raring to go, will put up menu a bit later
Watching speedway grand prix later, so having an early dinner and done some exercise, will def do more later and then I can :drool: over all those men in tight leathers lol who cares what they look like, never could resist a tight bum in leather lol
Have to find out what those Malteser Krushem's are all about though, I am very intrigued lol
Speak later hun xx
Today's menu:


2 x eggs scrambled
2 x bread (hexb)
Baked beans
Coffee 2 syns
Water (1 pint)

Mid Morning:
Crumble yoghurt 0.5 syns
Water (1 pint)

Jacket Potato
2 x Morrisons 60% Fat Free Cumberland Sausages 1 syn
Baked Beans (rest of tin from this morning)
71g Philadelphia Light with Garlic and Herbs (hexa)
Mixed salad
Coffee 2 syns
Mixed fruit salad

Yellow Plums

Chunky Minestrone Soup
Water (1 pint)

today's dinner, loads of lovely salad 2/3rds of the plate x

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are those morrisons sausages nice. can't get hold of the tescos ones so could try those.

Love the photos btw. Must get mine sorted.
*runs in*

*tackle hugs Lily*

*runs out*

are those morrisons sausages nice. can't get hold of the tescos ones so could try those.

Love the photos btw. Must get mine sorted.

The Morrisons 60% Fat Free Cumberland Sausages are delicious (and that's from someone who really didn't like sausages that much other than Richmond) the 60% Fat Free Pork Sausages are disgusting...The cumberland ones go so quick at my local Morrisons that I have to ask them to put away 6 packs at a time for me lol
I am liking the photos too, now I've worked out photobucket and my phone it's a doddle lol xx