Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Good morning Katie,
I don't want the cupcake, I actually would prefer some peanuts lol....I know for a fact that the reason I am worrying is not the cupcake itself, I honestly feel I can actually avoid them, what's actually bothering me is that I won't be able to stop eating like I used to do at family functions and parties...this is my first real test since being at slimming world, I will have no say over this food at all...I am definitely going to eat before I go so that if I do feel a pick coming on it will hopefully not be too bad as I will be full :fingerscrossed: please god :sigh: xx

You can do it mentally stick your fingers up at your sister and prove you are better than her.
I have found that when I am sticking to plan and going to a function I dont eat unless I have to lol
I am always scared of going to far off plan and going mad altogether so I can sympathise with you 100 percent.
Stop as long as you are enjoying it and when you stop enjoying it say you have to go home as your up early the next day or had a bad nights sleep and need to go to bed or something.
You never know it may be fab and you may have a brilliant time.:)
You can do it mentally stick your fingers up at your sister and prove you are better than her.
I have found that when I am sticking to plan and going to a function I dont eat unless I have to lol
I am always scared of going to far off plan and going mad altogether so I can sympathise with you 100 percent.
Stop as long as you are enjoying it and when you stop enjoying it say you have to go home as your up early the next day or had a bad nights sleep and need to go to bed or something.
You never know it may be fab and you may have a brilliant time.:)

Thank you so much for the support and advice hun, I really appreciate it.
I actually in my heart of hearts feel I will have a great time and won't actually be picking all night, but my resolve has slipped a little and I need to get it back under control ...I was fine about it until Tuesday, when we gave my niece a lift back from WI...b'day boy is her fiancée and she is having a tough time with SW as he just eats like a horse and she joins him, he tries to be supportive but never really manages it and she was telling me in detail (she is helping his mum to cook the cakes ) what was going into them and it conjured up all these images and then yesterday eating that huge wedge of cake just topped it all off.
I am trying to relax and concentrate on what I will have before I go but the image of 100+ cupcakes made by his mum is swimming in and out of my mind, I have had her cakes before and can actually taste them as I am sitting here...all I can say is that I will try and avoid them all together even avoid being in the same room if I can lol gulp!!!
Thank you so much for the support and advice hun, I really appreciate it.
I actually in my heart of hearts feel I will have a great time and won't actually be picking all night, but my resolve has slipped a little and I need to get it back under control ...I was fine about it until Tuesday, when we gave my niece a lift back from WI...b'day boy is her fiancée and she is having a tough time with SW as he just eats like a horse and she joins him, he tries to be supportive but never really manages it and she was telling me in detail (she is helping his mum to cook the cakes ) what was going into them and it conjured up all these images and then yesterday eating that huge wedge of cake just topped it all off.
I am trying to relax and concentrate on what I will have before I go but the image of 100+ cupcakes made by his mum is swimming in and out of my mind, I have had her cakes before and can actually taste them as I am sitting here...all I can say is that I will try and avoid them all together even avoid being in the same room if I can lol gulp!!!

Wow they sound lovely now I have cupcakes on my mind to hahaha
Its so difficult isnt it trying to be good all of the time. When I feel tempted I imagine walking into any shop not just the larger ladies shops or having to reach to the back of the rail for clothes. I cant wait until I can wear pretty little things instead of having to dress for my size.
Maybe if you imagine that the cakes are made of dog poo or something that might help?:8855:
I try to imagine flies have been all over food that I want and it sickens me so I no longer want it.

Wow they sound lovely now I have cupcakes on my mind to hahaha
Its so difficult isnt it trying to be good all of the time. When I feel tempted I imagine walking into any shop not just the larger ladies shops or having to reach to the back of the rail for clothes. I cant wait until I can wear pretty little things instead of having to dress for my size.
Maybe if you imagine that the cakes are made of dog poo or something that might help?:8855:
I try to imagine flies have been all over food that I want and it sickens me so I no longer want it.


I have the answer, I think....I had a oophorectomy (like a hysterectomy, only they take everything) on 15 April 1999, and have said ever since that day that I can tell when I would have been due on. Now not only did I have my op that day but I also started my very last period that day too...I remember being worried that I had come on on the very morning of my op and the nurse saying don't worry it will be the very shortest period you ever had lol...Now prior to the problems that I had and hence the reason for the oophorectomy, I was a 28 day on the dot girl, to the day I came on every 28 days via my mobile phone calendar, I just checked when I would have been due on had I still been having my monthly's and that would be TODAY !! the only time I ever used to get a craving for chocolate or cake was then, and if not a craving a seriously bad back ache, which I also still get.
I seriously believe that's what behind my sweet cravings right now...hopefully by Saturday it will have passed...even spoke to my C about this weird scenario (I love the fact that we can talk to him about anything) and he said his wife still gets all the cravings and back problems and she had her hysterectomy years before me ...oh fingers crossed it is that xxx
Thanks sweetie, I am still in shock lol
Good luck for tomorrow Jane, I will have everything crossed for you xx[/QUOTE]

Hi Lily, lost 3lb didn't need to worry about anything:8855:, going you give your idea ago starting today, speak to you later. xx
Thanks sweetie, I am still in shock lol
Good luck for tomorrow Jane, I will have everything crossed for you xx

Hi Lily, lost 3lb didn't need to worry about anything:8855:, going you give your idea ago starting today, speak to you later. xx[/QUOTE]

:woohoo: Wtg Jane as I just said on your diary, you are a star, amazing, am dead chuffed for you xx
How are you feeling now Lily?

Just remembered I haven't put a food diary up for the last few days, so I am going to now:


Mixed Fruit Salad, Strawberries, Peach, Plum
Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns

Frittata with:
Mushrooms (loads of)
42g Half Fat Cheese (Hexa)


Was a little upset today so didn't actually have dinner (good grief, a break through, not emotionally eating , there's hope for me yet )
Am hungry now but it's very late so will have
2 x Wholemeal Rolls (Hexb) + 6 syns
2 x Laughing Cow Deli Light with Blue cheese 3 syns
Yoghurt 0.5 syns

Total for the day = 11.5 syns

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Just remembered I haven't put a food diary up for the last few days, so I am going to now:


Mixed Fruit Salad, Strawberries, Peach, Plum
Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns

Frittata with:
Mushrooms (loads of)
42g Half Fat Cheese (Hexa)




Love your lunch whats a Frittata and how do you make it, is it like a spanish omelette, its looks yummy xx
Aww Lily - I think everything that needs to be said has been said so I'll just do this :bighug:

You're a lovely lady so hold you're head high and enjoy the party. I'm sure you'll be fine with the cupcakes cos if you're anything like me you won't want them to see you fail when you know that's what they're waiting for.

I'm glad you talked to the neighbour about how often you can spend time with her son. I know it's not nice when he said about you being the only ones who have kept their word, but your first responsibility is to yourself.

It's awful that we all have to go through this pain and worry before a party or night out. I always feel that I'm not good enough. We are all lovely people and others should be honoured if we decide to spend any of our precious energy making conversation with them :8855:
Love your lunch whats a Frittata and how do you make it, is it like a spanish omelette, its looks yummy xx

It's very much an omelette, I chopped up about 6 large Mushrooms, 2 Tomatoes, a pepper, 1 onion, 6 small slices of polish smoked ham and fried them in fry light, when they were soft, I added the eggs (3 in this case) and 42g of low fat cheddar mixed it all round, let it cook a bit then put it under the grill, as I had all that veg in the frittata I didn't have any extra salad..I wouldn't normally have cheese in it but today decided to as I wouldn't be using it anywhere else, basically all a frittata is is a concoction of eggs and anything you have left over in the fridge ...hence I had one today, just had my delivery lol xx

Aww Lily - I think everything that needs to be said has been said so I'll just do this :bighug:

You're a lovely lady so hold you're head high and enjoy the party. I'm sure you'll be fine with the cupcakes cos if you're anything like me you won't want them to see you fail when you know that's what they're waiting for.

I'm glad you talked to the neighbour about how often you can spend time with her son. I know it's not nice when he said about you being the only ones who have kept their word, but your first responsibility is to yourself.

It's awful that we all have to go through this pain and worry before a party or night out. I always feel that I'm not good enough. We are all lovely people and others should be honoured if we decide to spend any of our precious energy making conversation with them :8855:

Tilly, I have said it before and I will say it again're definitely the clever one lol...that's exactly what they would be waiting to happen...I have a headache over the stress but I am more determined than ever not to have even 1 of the darn cupcakes...I will be strong, if I can get past this weekend I can do anything.
I am glad I spoke to my neighbour too, he is a lovely boy and deserves the help that he wants, but you are right I do need to put me and mine first.

Thank you everyone for all the support you have given me I really am very grateful xx
How are you feeling now Lily?


Got a headache, but I am more determined than ever not to have even 1 ...I will not fail this one ...thank for all your support Katie xx
You are one determined lady :d :bighug::bighug:

Without you, Tilly and Lynne today I would have given up, sneaked off, not come back... I felt like this so I am glad I messaged you and you sorted me out :D

thank you sweetie. I was ready to cave in, as I usually do, pretending I am happy as I am :rolleyes:

You are a very special lady xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's very much an omelette, I chopped up about 6 large Mushrooms, 2 Tomatoes, a pepper, 1 onion, 6 small slices of polish smoked ham and fried them in fry light, when they were soft, I added the eggs (3 in this case) and 42g of low fat cheddar mixed it all round, let it cook a bit then put it under the grill, as I had all that veg in the frittata I didn't have any extra salad..I wouldn't normally have cheese in it but today decided to as I wouldn't be using it anywhere else, basically all a frittata is is a concoction of eggs and anything you have left over in the fridge ...hence I had one today, just had my delivery lol xx

Thank you lily going to give it a try tomorrow. xx
You are one determined lady :d :bighug::bighug:

Without you, Tilly and Lynne today I would have given up, sneaked off, not come back... I felt like this so I am glad I messaged you and you sorted me out :D

thank you sweetie. I was ready to cave in, as I usually do, pretending I am happy as I am :rolleyes:

You are a very special lady xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You're very special yourself, and I would have driven to Northampton and looked up every Jackie I could find and dragged you back on here're never alone sweetie we all have days like you've had, I'm actually having a can't eat day, a little upset and feels like I have something lodged in my throat.
Mind you DD2 has just walked in from Kick Boxing (she went there directly from work) and has pulled out ......guess what she just pulled out of her bag??

A HUGE BLOODY CUPCAKE ...can you believe it ...look

It's very much an omelette, I chopped up about 6 large Mushrooms, 2 Tomatoes, a pepper, 1 onion, 6 small slices of polish smoked ham and fried them in fry light, when they were soft, I added the eggs (3 in this case) and 42g of low fat cheddar mixed it all round, let it cook a bit then put it under the grill, as I had all that veg in the frittata I didn't have any extra salad..I wouldn't normally have cheese in it but today decided to as I wouldn't be using it anywhere else, basically all a frittata is is a concoction of eggs and anything you have left over in the fridge ...hence I had one today, just had my delivery lol xx

Thank you lily going to give it a try tomorrow. xx

Definitely give it a go it's yummy xx
i think there is some thing in the air at the mo that seems to have upset us all :confused:
i think we need a:grouphugg: with an extra special :bighug:for lily
you can avoid the cake lily, you know you can :girlpower:
Stop worrying about everybody else and take some really good time for your self, to remind your self what a special lady you are.
My guess is your sister is afraid that the new confident slim lily will change the dynamics of your relationship and is scared of this.Remember that is her problem not yours
Which is probably the reason you also subconciously sabotage yourself cos you are nearer to the finish line than the start and can see the new you emerging which is very nerve racking.
Losing weight will not change the people we are, it will make us more confident allowing us to show others there is so much more than we have allowed people to see.
If you are anything like me you have hidden behind your weight for some time and now you are emerging into a whole new world you are in charge off.
You are awesome and can resist anything you want x

i think there is some thing in the air at the mo that seems to have upset us all :confused:
i think we need a:grouphugg: with an extra special :bighug:for lily
you can avoid the cake lily, you know you can :girlpower:
Stop worrying about everybody else and take some really good time for your self, to remind your self what a special lady you are.
My guess is your sister is afraid that the new confident slim lily will change the dynamics of your relationship and is scared of this.Remember that is her problem not yours
Which is probably the reason you also subconciously sabotage yourself cos you are nearer to the finish line than the start and can see the new you emerging which is very nerve racking.
Losing weight will not change the people we are, it will make us more confident allowing us to show others there is so much more than we have allowed people to see.
If you are anything like me you have hidden behind your weight for some time and now you are emerging into a whole new world you are in charge off.
You are awesome and can resist anything you want x


Hi Mandy,
I am exactly as you described, all my life I have hidden behind my weight, I cannot remember a time in my adult life when I weighed less than 19st 10lb and right now I am 19st 12lb...I am definitely trying to sabotage myself...I spent Saturday all day with my sister and got so sick of her trying to put me down, something she has always done, and she didn't like it when I stood up to her...and she has never had a weight problem until the last 2 years and then suddenly she's I would imagine that she feels threatened, I tried to tell her that she could lose weight with SW and before I could say any more got accused of ramming it down her throat...but I haven't spoken to her till Saturday for over 6 months so god knows how...mind you I did try and dissuade her from buying some doughnuts, her reply was that she didn't want to do slimming world and her and her friend had decided slimming clubs weren't for them and that they would help each other and follow a healthy eating plan.....which is why at my granddaughters party she had Shop bought Pizza, wedges, bbq chicken wings, garlic bread and yes the doughnuts, very healthy lol she's stubborn, could you have guessed that lol
I have had a lot of time today to think about these damn cupcakes and I am 1000% that I will not be having even 1...I want to lose this weight more than I need one of them xx