Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

OMG .......I lost (feint) 6.5lbs and was SOTW and got my 5st award :woohoo: :woohoo:...I am off to have my dinner am really starving lol...and I will tell you what I have done different this week, either that or go look on welshtiggers diary cos I outlined it on there would have been 7lb but went to put on the trousers I normally wear to group and they fell down :8855: so had to put on my trackies which weight 1/2lb heavier than my cotton trousers lol, but hey I'm happy either way. xxx

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- well done you :D :D

need to go have a look at your secret!!!!heehee

so proud of you- well done :D :D :D :D :D
:clap::clap: :happy096: :clap::clap:

well done lily xxxxx
Hi everyone, this is what I wrote on tiggers diary this morning, this is what I have done differently this week ...good luck xx

I will let you into a little secret, I have been trying an idea I read about the other week , this week I have been following what the article said, now I officially weigh in tonight and I hadn't eaten when i weighed or been to loo, so it may well be a little less or more but when I got on my scales it is showing 6lbs loss this I am not going to start jumping about just yet, but it looks like it could be a fairly good here is the secret...
I am a bit of a creature of habit so tend to stick to the same kinds of meals and the same size portions...well I read on a site a couple of weeks ago, their guides for losing weight are much the same as SW, but what they did say and it's what I have followed while doing my slimming world plan too is...vary the size not only the type of foods you eat every first I thought rubbish, but I'm up for giving it a try...they reckon that the body is a well honed machine, something I have always said anyway's, and you need to fool it often to get the metabolism to work how you want it to work to lose weight.
So this week I started by having a smaller breakfast then next day a medium one and then next day a large one and then same with lunch and dinner and even snacks, if that makes sense i.e. day 1 couple of pieces of fruit for breakfast, huge bowl of soup for lunch, Big dinner and then small day huge breakfast, minute lunch, average size dinner and huge snacks and so on, not really believing it. also did the same with my water 1 day 5 pints another 3 and then another 8 ...really jumbling it up to see what happens...I will be on here as soon as I get back from official weigh in tonight, but my scales have never ever been out by more than lb from the official wi so xx
oh P.S. That includes jumbling up my exercise too...not so much the time spent exercising but what I do so , 1 day do my wii workout, next do weights only, next running, next resistance and so on ...worth a try not been stuck but been losing small amounts or regaining what I have lostxx
If you want to go read what I read the site is called I didn't go so far as to pay for it, but I did read everything they said
Wow!!! You're all running away and leaving me! I can't wait to have a 1 at the start of my weight! Hopefully before Xmas xx

You will catch us up soon hun, I know you will, and I'll look forward to welcoming you too xx

Lilly, that is absolutely fantastic. Just goes to shows that even though you have been on the plan for a while you can still have big losses. Will definitely implement what you said soon for sure. You'll soon be at target in no time. So so proud of u :)

Thank you sweetie, I am blinking proud of me too lol, got sick of faffing about losing, gaining, losing and then gaining again so I went and researched about metabolisms and found that site, seems it really does work. xx

Woop woop go Lily well done I cant wait to see what you did :)
I cant wait to be inthe teen stones as well tigger

Won't be long before you'll be with us in the teens too katie, just keep on going, you did the right thing getting back on track, which shows your commitment, good luck hun xx

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- well done you :D :D

need to go have a look at your secret!!!!heehee

so proud of you- well done :D :D :D :D :D

Thanks Tanya, hope you had a great loss tonight too, you are already doing so amazingly well , proud of u too sweetie xx

:clap::clap: :happy096: :clap::clap:

well done lily xxxxx

Thanks Mandy, I love you guys, you make me feel so special xx
I am going to have a chat with Mal, haven't had time for a catch up yet today, he came in as I went out so might catch you later if not cya on the morrow xxx
i lost 2 this week- but considering i've been really depressed and unmotivated, and had my moments of comfort eating- it's really good

i'd love to lose 4lb next week....such a big target- but 4lb in a week to get my 4 stone award has a nice ring to it ^_^
i lost 2 this week- but considering i've been really depressed and unmotivated, and had my moments of comfort eating- it's really good

i'd love to lose 4lb next week....such a big target- but 4lb in a week to get my 4 stone award has a nice ring to it ^_^

Hey Tanya,
You know you can do that 4lb when you put your mind to it...I expect to see you new shiny next week. 2lb after the week you've had is stupendous :woohoo: you are blinking awesome, well done hunni...I will be rooting for you all week xx

I am going to read that in bed Lily and hope to get my head around it so I can try it, thanks so much sweetie. Was it today Mal worked? Hope he got on okay.

Well done again, very proud of you :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Jackie,
It took me a couple of reads before I fully understood what it meant, but it's really easy to follow once you get the idea...all you are doing is the opposite of what your metabolism has got used to.
I had a habit of eating the same sorts and same sized meals every day, so cut my portions on one meal and upped another and did the same with my water. Then decided to play about with my exercise too, so done loads of walking last week, plus actual weight lifting, my son in law has a full set and bar plus did boxing and kick boxing and not just on the wii...completely jazzed everything up and about and as the results show it worked. I always wanted to lose 6st in my first year, I have about 6 weeks to lose just under a st ...I am determined I will do it and I think this will help me achieve it.
Mal started yesterday, was supposed to be doing just Monday, Tuesday and Friday this week, but because the last driver left everything in such a mess, my brother has asked him to work full time for a few weeks and then go to the 3 days a week once he has got everything straight. Mal was a bus inspector for 31 years and then in his last 7 years before retirement decided to try something different so worked for my brother as his driver/foreman..he doesn't want the responsibility of the foreman any more but is happy to cover the driving and delivering and sorting the stores out...he's happy, there's a bit extra cash, I get some peace and's a win win situation, plus as he is driving most of the day, he doesn't have time to think about not smoking lol hence less arguments..although this week has been a lot better than his first week, he's now on day 17 of no smoking and my Daughter and Son in law are on day 22 ...I do hope they can stay off them ..its nearly 19 months since I gave's lovely to have a smoke free environment lol
Thanks for all your support hun, it really does make all the difference xx
ohhh pressure now ;) i haaaaaave to get my shiney lol

i'm going to ask my friend to read your secret to me- too many words- very confuzzling (i dont read terribly well :( ) but i'd love to lose that much in a week, totally :)

a stone in 6 weeks is totally doable- you can do it :D i'll be here poking you- making sure you get there :sign0151:
ohhh pressure now ;) i haaaaaave to get my shiney lol

i'm going to ask my friend to read your secret to me- too many words- very confuzzling (i dont read terribly well :( ) but i'd love to lose that much in a week, totally :)

a stone in 6 weeks is totally doable- you can do it :D i'll be here poking you- making sure you get there :sign0151:

Thanks sweetie, not a lot of pressure, you are well and truly capable of losing that 4lb you've done it a few times just lately, I am also going to be poking you all week, we are so going to get this weight off toot sweet :D
As much as I love the fact that I lost an amazing 6.5lbs...I am more excited about being under 20st...I now have a 1 at the front ...that's so bloody awesome...I have waited so long to say that yahoooooooo :8855: xxx
its a great feeling being a teen, eh? i was practically dancing off the scales, haha
its a great feeling being a teen, eh? i was practically dancing off the scales, haha

When I got to group my daughter was already there and had weighed in, she has been doing the same as me and was over the moon with 4.5lb loss, my neighbours son (the one with learning difficulties), who I teach to exercise and help with the plan lost 5.5lbs and then it was my go I was dreading it after those 2 had done so when it came up with 6.5lbs I was jumping (something I haven't done since I was a kid lol) all over the place...I was just soooo happy, I seriously would have been happy with 0.5lbs off after having b'day cake all be it a tiny slither and pizza, again just one slice and then all those marshmallows and chocolate from the fountain, just think how much I could have lost had I not had them....but funny thing was I didn't even register being in the 19's until much later it wasn't until C was reading out the loss and asking how I thought I'd achieved it that it suddenly hit home lol It's not a great feeling ...IT'S A BLOODY STUPENDOUS FEELING...SORRY KEEP USING THE BLOODY WORD BUT IT IS :8855:xx
:eek: You're amazing Lily! It's put a big smile on my face hearing about you jumping for joy at your brilliant result :D

Thanks for sharing your secret for this week, have bookmarked the site you mentioned for future reference ;)
OMG .......I lost (feint) 6.5lbs and was SOTW and got my 5st award :woohoo: :woohoo:

:bliss::bliss:Lily, lily, I'm so excited for you. I haven't had chance to read anything more than this post that I frantically tried to find when I spotted that fantastic FIVE STONE sticky. :eek:

Am over the moon for you and will be back pronto to read how you did it.

:bighug:Massive hugs and congrats!
:eek: You're amazing Lily! It's put a big smile on my face hearing about you jumping for joy at your brilliant result :D

Thanks for sharing your secret for this week, have bookmarked the site you mentioned for future reference ;)

Thanks Lo, I seriously did actually jump, C was peeing himself laughing, I am just really astounded that the chopping and changing all week actually worked so I am at odds to know whether to carry on with that again this week or give it a break and come back to it, the old if you do/use it too much syndrome...will it continue to work or give it a break and see if it still works in a few weeks time hmmmm, what to do lol xx

:bliss::bliss:Lily, lily, I'm so excited for you. I haven't had chance to read anything more than this post that I frantically tried to find when I spotted that fantastic FIVE STONE sticky. :eek:

Am over the moon for you and will be back pronto to read how you did it.

:bighug:Massive hugs and congrats!

Thanks sweetie, I am over the bloody moon (yep there's that word again lol), I am even excited that my trousers fell down around my butt, very fashionable I know, but not a good look on a 53 year old woman :8855:...I know 5st is absolutely fabulous, that makes my total loss, including what I lost before joining SW an astounding 11st 9lbs...:wow: I got Mal to take a few more pics last night, I want to compare them with the others I took just a while ago, I am hoping to notice a difference even if it's a small much as I love the 5st shiny and the 11st 9lb loss and even the trousers being too big, the best bit has to be actually getting into the 19st category...a 1 and not a 2 or 3 starts my weight now, I am on the final stretch, just a few more hurdles and I will be home and past that winning line :woohoo:....If I thought my table would hold my weight (don't want to be Alison out of big brother, the west Indian lady who was dancing on the table when it broke in half lol)...I would actually dance on it lol
Have a great day ..everyone and thank you all so much for your support, love you all xxx
Hi Jackie,
It took me a couple of reads before I fully understood what it meant, but it's really easy to follow once you get the idea...all you are doing is the opposite of what your metabolism has got used to.

its taking me a while to work it out but think I get it now...

I had a habit of eating the same sorts and same sized meals every day, so cut my portions on one meal and upped another and did the same with my water. Then decided to play about with my exercise too, so done loads of walking last week, plus actual weight lifting, my son in law has a full set and bar plus did boxing and kick boxing and not just on the wii...completely jazzed everything up and about and as the results show it worked.

yep I am definately a creature of habit. So I am trying to mix it up abit. Exercise is more difficult as I've hurt my shoulder again but I did go for a walk so its a start. I never eat first thing so today I had a yoghurt and then had my brekkie when I got in from my walk a while ago.

I always wanted to lose 6st in my first year, I have about 6 weeks to lose just under a st ...I am determined I will do it and I think this will help me achieve it.

I think so too. You can't be many pounds off it? whatever you lose in that first year Lily you have had an amazing achievement and your confidence is growing all the time, just look back and year ago :D

Mal started yesterday, was supposed to be doing just Monday, Tuesday and Friday this week, but because the last driver left everything in such a mess, my brother has asked him to work full time for a few weeks and then go to the 3 days a week once he has got everything straight. Mal was a bus inspector for 31 years and then in his last 7 years before retirement decided to try something different so worked for my brother as his driver/foreman..he doesn't want the responsibility of the foreman any more but is happy to cover the driving and delivering and sorting the stores out...he's happy, there's a bit extra cash, I get some peace and's a win win situation, plus as he is driving most of the day, he doesn't have time to think about not smoking lol hence less arguments..although this week has been a lot better than his first week, he's now on day 17 of no smoking and my Daughter and Son in law are on day 22 ...I do hope they can stay off them ..its nearly 19 months since I gave's lovely to have a smoke free environment lol
Thanks for all your support hun, it really does make all the difference xx

I think this will do you both the world of good. Its gives you both some 'me' time. I know Mal is working but I feel hes going to enjoy it and this will lead to more work for him :D

I can't thank you enough for your support Lily. I've had a horrible through weeks and you've been with me every step of the way :D thank you sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxx
I think this will do you both the world of good. Its gives you both some 'me' time. I know Mal is working but I feel hes going to enjoy it and this will lead to more work for him :D

I can't thank you enough for your support Lily. I've had a horrible through weeks and you've been with me every step of the way :D thank you sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey sweetie,
I am loving having time away from Mal, and I really think he's enjoying it too, we do seem a lot more excited to see each other in the evenings, the job will definitely be for another year, My brother will be 60 next year and has always planned to retire then and he seemed just as determined to make sure that happens, but another year will be good for Mal and me too lol
Jackie, you have been the most amazing supportive friend, so it works both ways, couldn't have got through the last few weeks without you, may have even been in prison for manslaughter by now :8855: xx

Whoop whoop Lily:D:D super duper loss hunni and congrats on getting in to the teens.x

Thanks hunni, I am still so excited, I keep looking to see if I look any thinner than last week lol and you know what I think I do.... just a tad lol xx
Right I have to disappear for a few hours...teaching Terry how to make a Chicken Dhansak today, he is so excited and so willing to learn and so ready and willing to lose the weight and exercise...when I first said I would help him, I was a little worried that I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but with his mum and sister being on board and so up for it, it's actually been a lot easier than I thought.
So catch you later xx