Mn tricky stuff

I admire you for being honest and sticking to your own morals rather than just telling her whatever she wants to hear.
And as you say, probably is best to just leave them to get on with it now, up to them what happens next.
Hey Lo, thanks for that, I did think about just saying what she wanted me to say but I just couldn't go against everything I believed in. I was doubting myself and even my morals for a while there but thankfully just stuck with what I believed and fingers crossed they get it sorted out for both their sakes xx
Hi Lily,
Hope your ok Hunny.
I have been in a similar position to your daughter, my first marriage broke down. (I married at 21.. Far to young!) Telling my mum & dad that I thought my marriage was over was the hardest thing I ever did.
I just wanted my Mum to understand, take my side and not challenge me on my decision.
Like you, my mum gave me her very honest opinion and view. Which didn't really match my opinion.
There are times when daughters don't want to hear what there Mums have to say... But it does change.
Looking back my Mum spoke so much sense and was right in everything she was saying. (just like you are) xxx
Your daughter will make her decisions & will realise your honesty means just the same as a Dad's support.
Hope my babbling makes sense. What I am trying to say is, your doing the right thing by being totally honest with your daughter. She will wake up and appreciate that!
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Hi Sugar, you can't believe how much what you said means to me, it has really upset me that it seems to have put a wedge between us (having said that she has come home sick and guess who she wants), she is a very young sheltered 22 year old to some degree and hasn't really had to stand up and do anything for herself or make her own decisions really.
I guess having made this decision she now feels that we should back her no matter what, she has kept saying to me all week "All I wanted was for you to show me that you stand by me no matter what" and I have said if you can't see that I do stand by you, just because I don't necessarily agree with your decision, then there's nothing more I can do.
Mark has been here all day running round after her clearing up her mess (she has gastroenteritis) and doing just about anything and everything to make sure she is ok bless him
I just hope whatever she decides, that she doesn't go out of her way to hurt him (she seems to have been doing that lately, possibly trying to get him to dump her so she can feel less guilt), cos he really doesn't deserve that no matter what xxxxxxxxxx
Hiya sweetie
I guess its a case of us having to let them make their own mistakes. They ask advise and don't like it

we can't win basically. Have a huge :bighug: I just don't know what else to say as the others have said all the things I'd have said and much better too. But here if you need me sweetie :bighug: xxxxxx
Hi sweetie, Thank you hunni I know you are always there for me and I can't thank you enough xx
I swear I never get involved unless they ask me too and Kirsty always seems to, sometimes I agree with her and sometimes I don't, I will not take her side if I believe she is wrong and she knows that.
But I think this time she was wanting me to go with her, we talked for ages and what has really made me unhappy is not that she wants to dump Mark sad as it is, it's her life, but that she has told him twice that she has decided to give it another go and then treated him like crap cos it seems it's not what she really like you've all said time for her to stand on her own 2 feet and make her own decisions.
I think the stress of it all has really gotten to me, my right foot is covered in pustules and is extremely sore, so much so that I am finding it hard to sleep with it and the last 2 days I have eaten like a horse, mostly good stuff, but did have a couple of mini rolls which I don't even like for god's sake.
I have hospital on Wednesday with my dermatologist so fingers crossed we can find another way of getting this sorted as the flare ups are getting more regular again, can put up with them anywhere other than my feet, I hate having to hop about I'm still way too heavy for that lol
Sweet dreams everyone, catch you on the morrow xxxxxxxxxx