I should report myself. They might sack me :clap:
Lily go as high as you can, without feeling blah, on the steroids. You need to sort your foot out first. Even if you gain a bit it will come off once you are back to normal (I can't believe I just put you and normal in the same sentence
Hahaha, I did think that they might after that comment but I decided to stay quiet, you know what you're doing :giggle:
I have been self medicating for a while, my dermatologist is aware that I do but has capped it at 75mg, can't go higher than that ...the 35mg is making me shed again, so :fingerscrossed: it's an adequate amount xxx....I know the weight will come off again but I really want to be in those size 20's by xmas xxx
Oof, you've managed more than I have... been put off wii fit a little bit after it gave me the puny loss after doing it every day for the week lol Too easily swayed me
I love the wii fit but I only do about half hour of that, usually do another 45 minutes of weight training along with it, some of which I can do while sitting, which is handy lol ...keep up with it hun, it will work eventually and any exercise will be slow after starting exercise as the body tends to hold the water in your muscles for a while, but it soon goes xx
Have you got another appointment sorted out with your dermatologist? Hope they can sort something more effective out for you that doesn't have too many nasty side effects

Keep putting your feet up whenever you can xxxx
Yes I have an appointment with her on 23rd of this month, don't think there is anything more effective, these tabs work but I can't take them long term cos of the side effects at the highest dose that clears it, so we are trying to find a happy medium that doesn't give me the nasty side effects and helps to clear it too, I can put up with it not clearing completely as long as it clears enough so that I can get about ok xxx
:wavey: :wavey: am I allowed in

I am so so sorry Lily.
Course you're allowed in, silly lol you're my twin xxx :hug99:

on the 3lb loss thats fantastic especially when eating cupcakes

:bighug: for my twin xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you sweetie, I was gobsmacked lol knew I'd lost (can always feel it and it's never let me down) lol didn't expect 3lb though
Thankfully they were only tiny cupcakes and I drank gallons of water and was really careful before going to my sisters cos I know what she's like....just today she text me and told me she got the sausages for bonfire party on sat night I asked which ones and when I synned them they were 5.5 syns each

said I'll take my own lol xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Lily, keep putting your feet up whenever you can and leave the exercising for abit till you get yourself sorted.
Tried the cupcakes was not keen at first, I put abit more icing on more then normal by using a chocolate orange option, they taste alot alot better cold. Look after yourself. xx
I am resting my legs as much as I can, says she that just did a 3 hour shop in Tesco's lol.....I am only exercising as much as they will allow me as soon as they feel a bit sorer or itchy I stop.
Can't remember which recipe I gave you, there are 2 the first one says to use a certain amount of icing and chocolate drops and the other you replace the chocolate drops with more icing, I prefer the 2nd one, can live without the chocolate drops myself lol xxx
ps hope your self medicating works sweetie :grouphugg: really hope it helps and your skin settles sweetie

:fingerscrossed: it does, I have had enough of this particular outbreak, I can't remember it ever being this bad or lasting this long ...hopefully once it clears I'll have a longer stint without any outbreak xxx
hmm that might have sounded like a lecture , it wasn't intended to
sorry if it did

No sweetie, didn't sound like a lecture, I actually knew you would say something along those lines it's your job xxx
Oh but what I didn't add to that was that I have been with this dermatologist for a while and even though I say self medicating I'm not really, I am on a minimum of 10mg and a maximum of 75mg a day and have to find what is the happy medium for me....as I said up there ^^^ 75mg a day clears it beautifully, but I can only bear the side effects for about a week max and then I have to lower them, what we want is to find the place where the side effects are bearable and they clear my skin to an acceptable and comfortable level xxxxxxxxx