Sick of carrying 2 hitchikers, Part 2....1 down 1 to go !!!!!!!

Well here I am again, just a quick hello and then off, I am shattered lol thank god I'm off on my jollies....we fly out to Portugal on Friday but going to be spending a few days with my daughters and the grandkids before I shoot off....been so busy with packing and making sure house is presentable before I go....always laugh to myself, who the heck is going to see it if I'm not here...the burglars??? lol
Wasn't looking forwards to it till we started getting all this wet and windy weather, now I'm thinking 9 days in the sun sounds perfect lol

I am hoping to be a more regular attendee once I return ...hope you're all keeping well and thank you so much for your lovely messages ...the boys are both absolutely delightful, Albie (Albert) is perfect but oh so tiny just barely 18 inches long same as his mum was when she was born and she's now 5ft 8" with a 34 inside leg so there's hope for him yet lol.

Jane, it's so good to see you back...hope to catch up real soon.

Take care all, see you when I get back.

Oh just before I go, I have still been going to my SW group and trying to stay on track, not losing a mass but not really putting weight on either ....hoping this holiday will give me the boost I need to get back on it...still over 11 and a half stone lighter than I was so well happy with that, just need to get my head straight and sorted lol

TTFN :hug99: xxx
Hello lovely lily x x am so pleased about your gorgeous grandson welcome Albie x and Harry is gorgeous too x I ve had one of those years :-( shingles and now viral labyrinth it is !! But I'm here and hope to speak to you in person soon if that's ok with you ?
X x x
Good to see you Katie, thank you so much the boys are adorable too had a terrible year one way or another and then the boys came and the sun is shining again lol
Sorry to hear you've not been well, I am off on hols in a couple of days but as soon as I am back it would be really nice to hear from you in person.
Take care lovely xxx:hug99:xx
Congratulations to you all xxx

And Lily, my maternal Grandfather was Albert Edward George, known as Albie xxxx

Thank you Lynne, my Grandfather was Albert Edward and his dad was George Robert ...uncanny lol !!!

Take care lovely xxx:hug99:xxx

Congrats! X

Thank you sweetie and congratulations to you, can't wait to see your little princess in pics xx
Take care and feet up young lady lol xxx:hug99:xxx

Morning Lily I'm back trying again, thank you for all your messages, really missed you. Jane xx

Good to see you back Jane, hope you and Chris are well, take care lovely and I will def be across once I get back from my hols xxx:hug99:xxx
Have a lovely holiday lily xx
Have a lovely holiday lily xx

Thank you ladies, just taking a 5 minute siesta right now.....boy it's hot here, 26 today, same Saturday but only a measly 23 yesterday lol weather is set to rise to 27-28 degrees on Thursday my sisters 50th birthday.......can't believe it's only a 2 and half hour flight from London to here, def gonna be taking a few more winter hols. Anyway hope your'e all well, take care and think of me having to put up with all this heat lol....... Speak soon. Luv to all :hugs99: xxx
Sent from my ST25i using mobile app
Thank you ladies, just taking a 5 minute siesta right now.....boy it's hot here, 26 today, same Saturday but only a measly 23 yesterday lol weather is set to rise to 27-28 degrees on Thursday my sisters 50th birthday.......can't believe it's only a 2 and half hour flight from London to here, def gonna be taking a few more winter hols. Anyway hope your'e all well, take care and think of me having to put up with all this heat lol....... Speak soon. Luv to all :hugs99: xxx
Sent from my ST25i using mobile app

Have a lovely time Lily, jealous of all that sun, its raining cats and dogs here.xx
omg where has the time gone to, I just haven't had a single second to spare and on top of that my laptop gave up the ghost, 2 years old and dead already, my nephew is going to look at it for me when he gets a second, so have just managed to grab Mal's off him to be able to get back on here lol.
Hope you're all keeping well and thank you for the lovely comments, just frustrated I haven't been able to get on here, mind you that's had it's bonuses too cos I have concentrated more on losing weight and am losing regularly again, got SOTW week before last and again tonight.
:happy036: :happy036:
Can't believe we are only 1 week away from Christmas again :eek: how the time does fly....Harry was a year old nearly 2 weeks ago now and Albert is 2 months old today amazing isn't it .
Well I hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas and a Prosperous 2014 ...I know I keep saying it but I do hope to be back on here on a regular basis once I get 5 minutes lol

TTFN :hug99:xxxx

:xmassign: :Christmas02r: :xmastree: :47: :xmastree: :109: :4616:

  • [*=center]:xmascheers:
    [*=center]:48: :new_year:

​Superbaby's 1st Birthday, our gorgeous Harry pops xxx

Partners in crime who adore each other, our 2 Superheroes, Harry and Albert xx

Superfamily, Mum, Dad and Harry xx

All the others who dressed up for Harry's 1st Birthday party....bless them all they looked fantastic xx


Lyla May who will be 2 in January, I feel so old now lol she is so good with the boys, all kisses and cuddles, lets hope they stay as close as their parents all were growing up xxx

Lyla cuddling Albert xxx

I know I am being boring but just had to add this picture of Harry, that boy just loves his bath so much and this is just so cute and typical of him lol xxx
Wow, hasn't time flown! All looking gorgeous, of course. Merry Christmas Lily, and hope you have a lovely new year. :D
Hello lovely ladies, Lily's been in the wars again lol, been having a lot of trouble with my neck and shoulders for quite a while, finally got confirmation today, it is officially a frozen shoulder, you'd think that was enough wouldn't you, but no not me I never do anything by half, the same shoulder I was told today, has a major problem with the 7 muscles round the shoulder, neck and arms and how do you think that happened? I'll tell ya lol, 7am on 3rd of January I fell downstairs top to bottom, 14 steps, knew I hadn't broken anything so didn't bother with the hospital, they have enough to do (knocked my tooth out as I hit the bottom :eek:), so been taking painkillers etc, hoping it would go away, but it's got to the really painful stage so I can no longer ignore it and on top of the frozen shoulder it's total agony, so gave in and went and had a scan last week and today got the results back, yep did a real good job on it so laid up once again for god knows how long, but I am a great believer of every cloud having a silver lining and the silver lining here is, I had convinced myself I had osteoarthritis in my neck, I have it in my spine and was told by Doc at hospital years ago I may end up with it there, so :woohoo: for me lol ....but you never know...hoping it disappears soon cos it's getting me down, more bloody tablets as if I don't take enough already :8855:
The grandkids are gorgeous growing bigger everyday, can't believe our Kelsi will be 16 in a couple of months OMG!!! where did that time go to , doctor today thought that Harry was my Son and that Mal was my Dad ooops lol she said I looked way too young to be a Nanny then turned to Mal and said don't you think your daughter looks too young ....hahahaha he wasn't amused, I on the other hand was well impressed :8855:
Anyway hope you're all keeping well and losing tons of weight, my weight loss has stalled for some time now, keep losing and gaining the same 3-4lbs but that in itself is great as I have never ever maintained in my entire life, gonna keep pushing on and hope once these bloody niggles sort themselves out I can actually get back on track and start my exercise routine again, I miss not being able to do it, I still go to class most weeks just to keep me on track and one day I will get to my this space lol
Gonna go now as my arms are killing me, too much time on puter, need to go rest.
Take care all and hope to check in again soon ttfn xxx:bighug: xxx