Just for fun, I thought maybe you regular stalkers of mine (hehe) could get to know each ther a bit better. So here a list of 10 things you dont know about me (although you might have guessed some of them)...Maybe you guys can do the same!
Fact one - A bit about my home life. I am registered disabled, and I live in a same sex relationship, with my Swedish Viking, and we each have a child, living with us. I have an 18 yr old son who is going to university this year (he lives in digs) and a 12 year old daughter (Moo). My partner has a niece (Sawa), whom she inherited, due to the tragedy of losing her mum. We have 2 dogs, a springer called Scruff, and a yorkie apso called Betty Boop. 3 cats, Ewok, Charlie the ginja ninja and Liquorice, Liquorice and Ewok are brother and sister and Charlie is their blood uncle, their mummy was his sister, but sadly she passed away. We have a 7 month old foal called Spirit, and a Welsh con 17 yr old called Dylan whom I half share with a friend.
Fact Two - My partner is just about to embark on the journey of becoming male. Also known as female to male, transgender. I fell in love with her as female, but she has gender identity disorder and so I am going to support her in becoming a male. This is a really massive deal for me, as I identify as a lesbian, but I love her too much to let her go. So there we have it, gonna be some big changes ahead, and so when you suddenly see me refer to her as him/he...you will know why!!
Fact Three - I am a qualified aromatherapy masseuse, and I also do a really mean indian head massage. I did the Indiana head diploma but had to stop 5 weeks before my examine due to my illness. I would love to be a holistic therapist.
Fact Four - I make really really nice cakes!
Fact Five - I love to do glass painting and am quite good at it, and also love knitting.
Fact Six - Am a massive trekkie

I also LOVE True Blood , have a thing for Vampires lol Not that I ever want to become one or anything.
Fact Seven - I am part Italian, little bit Irish and a squidge french and german.
Fact Eight - I have been all over the world. Lived in Germany, Hong Kong and Kenya. My dad was in the army.
Fact Nine - I have been on the internet since I was 21, thats now nealry 19 years! My ex OH used to work for GCHQ and we were the first to get broadband in our street lol. I used to be known as knickers71uk all over the net. I have been involved in quite a few massive arguements on the Mirror/GMTV forum, and been involved in a few forums wars in my time! Always did love a debate, and don't tolerate idiots LMAO! Although I love my quiet life now!! No more wars for me.
Fact Ten - I am a total nerd! I know a lot about computers! Into sci fi, the whole geek nine yards lol