LOVE your facts. It's good to know you better. I'll have to have a think about mine. I totally thought Moo and Sawa were sisters, they look so alike in the pictures in your sig. I too have been involved in the odd forum war

tell me more...

Ooooo ummm well it all started when my mum tried to get me involved with her political arguments the the GMTV message boards (which was a few years ago), trouble was she didnt count on me disagreeing with her lol I have had some quite heated arguements on there, and still have loads of the members from there, on my Facebook. A few of us abandoned ship, due to unfair and terrible moderation! lol.
I famously spammed the GMTV board for several hours, as the admin refused to delete my membership, so I spammed the board with message after message saying 'delete me now' in the titles and cyber singing 'delete me now' in the message section.
Very norty really. Fair play though they put up with it for a few hours before they gave in. I think they realised that I wasnt going to give in, as the 153rd message went up on the wall....I got my wish and was deleted and had my IP banned lol
A few months later GMTV realised that the board's were unpolicable and shut them down. Funny thing was I was actually on speaking terms with the admin by phone!
I moved from there onto The Mirror (as in newspaper) forum. There were lots of little gangs on there, all with different agenda's, I was very friendly with the moderators, and a few of us tried to help them out by sticking up for those being picked on, unfortunately we used to get picked on as well, and there started the war between my own personal spinoff forum and another spin off forum. There would often be forum raids on the mirror, kinda of my members pitted against their members, using debate, and was a bit like a game of oneupmanship, and got very personal. Used to get downright ugly at times, and sometimes flew across 4-5 different forums other than the mirror. It was a bit fun to start with as it started out in a humorous vein, and then it just got downright nasty. Other forums got involved and actually used to physically stalk people.
It all became a bit sad an pathetic, and I got sick of sticking up for people, and being ripped apart by other people, who tbf were doing the same for their friends, so I retired from forum wars and let them get on with it. They all took it all a bit too seriously tbh. Thats when I ended up becoming a facebook addict, much more peaceful. I am a member of a few forums, but only ones where its nice and chilled like here!