Sorry for the lull in activity. I had a weirdly active/inactive weekend
Saturday I brought James out to his football match and brought Rua to the dog park, which she adored! Then nothing for several hours and then I had to rush down to the airport to pick up my friend, rush back to meet some other friends for dinner and then meet a different group friends and my husband for drinks (none for me) and finally home at midnight-ish with less than 6hrs to sleep before I had to get up for my 15K

phew! And I did not sleep at all
Food for Saturday was my usual breakfast of yoghurt&oatbran and lunch of eggs. Dinner was BBQ ribs (not much sauce) with some veg.
Sunday I got up at 6am to get ready for the race. Breakfast was yoghurt and oatbran and a slice of toast with Bon Maman raspberry jam for fuel

I was a bit later getting there than I would have liked but I got into my starting corral a few minutes before the first corrals gun went off

I did far better than I could have hoped! I managed to keep to my goal pace; the pace I'd set before my hip problem! And I had been worried that that was ambitious

After the race I went straight to the"Finishers Mug" handout area and demolished it! Hot chocolate and chocolate fondue with fruit, a rice crispie square, pretzels, a marshmallow and a few other goodies were all gone in 5minutes
When I got home I crawled back into bed with my hubby, after a shower

, before he convinced me to go for a celebration brunch. He really had to twist my arm lol. I was a bit naughty at brunch. I had 2 mimosas, eggs benedict with home fries, and a half portion of their oatmeal apple cobbler french toast! I was in heaven and pretty much passed into a food coma when I got home
Dinner was a steak late that evening and a small portion of rocket and cherry tomatoes....and James bought me a low sugar apple pie for dessert...
Today I stuck with almost pure protein. My usual fair except for dinner, which was mince turkey cooked with a very small mix of veg(onion, mushrooms and spring onion). I also had a physio appt though my hip was feeling pretty good this morning. Practically no pain

I'm going to the gym tomorrow and doing another mostly protein day to assuage my guilt