Day 47 and 48
Yesterday was a PP day and I missed breakfast again. James woke late and needed a lift to work. In an effort to kill 2 birds with one stone I decided to bring Rua to the dog park near his work. She found a enthusiastic playmate in a 7month old Rottweiler pup called Lily. Gorgeous dog, with a great personality.
Got a txt from a friend while I was in the park, asking me to join her as she did a few errands round town. She was feeling a bit unsteady on her feet and needed a hand, as well as company
I suppose I should explain why she was feeling insteady, in case you're curious. Just over a year ago she was hit by a drunk driver in a pick-up truck while out with friends. She suffered head trauma and a fractured spine. I actually met her as a result of this incident as she needed someone to walk her dog for her. She's normally fairly ok, she's actually one of my workout buddies for personal training and kicks my ass frequently, but every so often she'll get dizzy spells or finds it hard to put a sentence together

She's an amazing person and no one would ever guess she went through so much so recently.
So we hung out, got all her errands done, got lunch (I had mine before meeting her, shrimp and scrambled eggs) and did some window shopping. Had good fun
When I got home I was shattered, ended up napping on the couch. James was in a foul mood when he came home and pms had me follow him in no time. We ended up having a dinner stand off where neither of us wanted to cook.
I caved in the end and threw together some fish and a shrimp, crab and t. bacon mix. After dinner he was in a much better mood but I was still feeling pretty snarky. When my other PT buddy txt at 11pm saying she was still in work I jumped at the chance to offer her a lift home and get myself out of the apt.
It was a 25min drive to her work (same as James's) and 25 back to hers. She'd been cooped up in work like this all week and asked me to hang out with her for a bit. Of course I said yes, and stayed at hers watching comedians until 1:30am.
When I got home James played the abandoned puppy and I felt awful for leaving him

I apologized and we went to sleep happy.
Today was PV and I got a breakfast of scrabbled eggs.
My spanish friend, the one who got the puppy, invited me to a dog park I hadn't been to first thing this morning. It's Rua's birthday today, she's 1

So despite waking with an awful headache, I got her ready and off we went.
It was a nice park but much much smaller than the others we go too. More like one of the inner city dog parks that only take up a block.
Stopped at the pet store on the way home and stocked up on training treats and some long over-due replacement toys. Rua is spoilt for choice now
When I got home all I wanted to do was nurse my headache, so I got a lunch of turkey burger with t bacon and cheese and a veggie soufflé and after I curled up on the couch and tried to sleep it off.
Didn't manage to fall asleep and at 4 James calls and tells me he's going to be late home from football because he missed his bus. I offered to collect him and instead he suggested bringing the dog to the park again. So I got Rua ready, collected my hubby, and Rua got her second dose of the park today

She is currently snoring away in the den with James
Dinner was mince and brussel sprouts all cooked together like a chilli, one of James's creations. :gimi: It was really good. Perfect comfort food
Our plan is to hike tomorrow so I'm going to boil some eggs and think of some other nice protein I can bring for lunch. I really want to make a day of it so fingerscrossed the weather stays nice! :cross:
Oh, I had my oatbran with yogurt as a mid afternoon snack today and forgot it yesterday
Also weigh-in tomorrow, but I'm not expecting much, what with TOTM and all.
Sorry for the epic length of todays post

Night! :zz: