Update - finally!
Finally got some quiet time! Everyone else is still asleep in bed

I've missed writing about my day here. It's been, what, 5 days

I'll give you a very brief over-view of whats happened since Day 57
58 - (PV) This was a hectic day. I had to run to Ikea, get some home-y items, build/install them and then go get James and go to Costco. Also I had to tidy :sigh: Breakfast was eggs. No Lunch

and dinner was a a quick affair of chicken and broccoli as we were late to go to a friend's apt. Oh, I also got an email today telling me I didn't get the job. No problem

It was good experience!
59 - (PP) Even more of a hectic day. One of the shelves was refusing to stay up properly in my newly redone guest room, despite me using heavy duty, triple anchor screws capable of holding 450lbs! Ended up cannabalising another shelf for it's support from my work room

Today was also the final "polish" clean of the apt. I had to wash floors, vacuum, dust, clean glass surfaces etc etc, then go collect James and get his sister from the airport. Thank god her flight was delayed!

I have no idea what I ate except for dinner out, omelette with ham and onion to start and fillet steak for main. Got my veg boxed for tomorrow.
60 - (PV) Happy Paddy's Day!

Today was Jane's first full day here. We went to the dog park (her idea) and stayed there for 3 hrs! Rested at home for a bit after. I had to go to the pub for a friends birthday and then I met James and Jane at the local sushi restaurant. I had sashimi, octopus and seaweed salad and grilled crab. Breakfast was eggs and lunch was brussel sprouts and t bacon with the leftover veg from dinner.
61 - (PP) We were invited to the dog park my some friends so Jane and I went, James had to work
After that Jane and I window shopped in Downtown Seattle

I got some cheap jeans to keep me going until the end of the diet

and my shopping trip in May
I think breakfast was eggs, lunch was yogurt and dinner was....
62 - (PV) Today we went to the Outlet Mall. I may have started my shopping trip early....

I got shoes and jumpers and a belt so nothing I should shrink out of really. We were shopping for the entire day! Had a very crappy salad for lunch and a much nicer, homemade one for dinner. We had breakfast out, I had am omelette with spring onions, mushrooms, sausage and tomatoes.
Today we plan to go for a hike, or maybe go to the Aquarium. It depends on the weather