Silver's Diary

Thanks Sonya :) I really only started the exercise a few months ago. I found 2 friends who were interested in doing personal training and we got a good group rate.
We're also very competitive :p and we're constantly trying to beat each other. That's a little mini reason for starting this diet actually. They had both slimmed down more than me because I wassn't being carefully with what I ate. I needed a good strict diet :D
And they are also the reason I joined the gym because they both whoop my ass at a lot of the exercises we do. I got em beat with free weights for arms though :D :p

Well its working for you! Well done, ! I don't get an awful lot of time to excercise ....I have 8 children so the amount of time I spend running around after them and keeping on top of the housework hopefully suffices! Although it would be nice to do something just for me. I will maybe look into a zumba class as I LOVE dancing. My neighbours must think I am mad as I am always dancing around to my music whilst doing chores with the music blasting:) I am usually singing too but prob the less said about that the better haha !!
I don't think I'd have the energy for anything after running around all day o_O I only have to mind my husband ('cause he acts like a 12yr old :p) and that tires me out lol

But if you do get a chance, the Zumba is fun :) I always dance around with the music on too :D I't makes tidying bearable :p
I woke up this morning just bone tired. James had decided to work from home and was up before me. I shuffled into the sitting room in my jammys and barely mumbled "I don' wanna go gym" with my eyes half close. James laughed at me and gave me a hug :p

It was a PP day as well so I had no extra fuel for exercise. I grabbed scramble eggs and a coffee and tried to convince myself to get ready for my Zumba and Spinning did not work :p :(
I assuaged my conscience by promising to do an 1hr of cardio this evening and to walk with my PT.

Nev promptly called and cancelled our walk because her feet were swollen, but invited me over instead. She really sounded like she needed company. I had some errands to run and she kept saying stuff like "there's a post office right beside me!" and "whole foods is just down the road". She even said she could go with me and wait inthe car so she wasn't walking too much. She is so lovely and really just adorable! Everyone says so lol. So I went over and I ended up saying until 8pm! Almost 8hrs :eek: I got all my errands done too :) grabbed a quick lunch of tuna and tofu on the run in Whole Foods.

I got home pretty late and set about making dinner.. Turkey mince, with t bacon, tofu and crab cooked in some veg bouillon with applewood smoked salt and some spices :) For dessert I made the dukan churros and they were gorgeous! We had them with Smuckers SF hot fudge sauce and James had the Strawberry one as well. Those sauces are awesome! I used the Hot Fudge one a fair bit. :)

Oh I didn't manage my hour of cardio either...but Nev made me feel better about that by saying she has a killer workout for us tomorrow... She says it's way worse than burpees... :fear:

Sorry this has been a bit of a scattered post... I'm fall-down-sleepy right now, I'm having trouble linking my thoughts cohesively...and I keep closing my eyes and drifting every few mins :p I think I should go to bed :)

Night everyone! Sleep well to those few on my side of the world and good morning and have a great day to those just waking :)

Day 53 and 54

I was at a friends last night and got home too late to do a diary entry so ye get a double entry today :)

So yesterday was a PV day, but I forgot to have any veg :eek: Breakfast was leftovers from thursday nights dinner, the turkey mix concoction.

Lunch was 2 turkey burgers, one with salsa and the other with a FF cheese slice. I had I big list of things to get done yesterday...and I got none of them done :(
The book I was reading got really good and I ended up reading all day and finished the book at 5:30pm

My PT session was canelled because one of the girls wasn't feeling well, poor thing. James got a lift home from work with a work mate and we pottered around the apt before heading to that same work-mates apt to play a 4 player computer game, until 2am :p
I had my oatbran with yogurt for dinner as I really wasn't that hungry. James grabbed a sandwich.

So day was a scheduled PP day and I decided to stick to that. I got up at 10:20am ish and went for a jog with my friend. Was feeling very....weighed down? It was weird, my legs felt heavy and I got out of breath very quickly. I think it might have been the 2 PP days in a row and lack of breakfast :confused:

When I got back I had a very rushed breakfast of scrambled eggs, then showered and ran out of the apt to collect James from football.
It was horrible out and my usual route was closed for road works which resulted in horrible traffic. What normally takes 20mins took an hour and 10 :eek:

When we got back I did some tidying, trying to make headway into the list I neglected yesterday. Lunch was t bacon, crab and shrimp.

We went to the shops in the evening. James wanted to get a new PS3 game and I wanted to look at books. Found out, while we were there, that I can upgrade my phone in April! :D :party0049:

Dinner was chicken breast with the 2nd half of the crab and t bacon mix. Rhubard for dessert :gimi:

I'll be getting my oatbran shortly and then it's off to bed. Weigh in day tomorrow. I'm really hoping I've lost enought to hit my halfway mark :cross:

Night :zz:
Good luck with WI Silver - keeping everything crossed this side of the pond for you. BTW I WANT fat free cheese slices, t bacon, shrimp and crab and and and defo the smuckers sauce!!! Not fair!!! LOLOLOL!
Smuckers Fat Free Hot Fudge 330 g (3-Pack): Grocery

There you go Trudy :) you can get it on In a 3 pack no less :)
The others things are probably harder to ship. Do you have the shop Fallon and Byrnes in England? We had one in Dublin and they had lots of American could check them out :)

The sauce is probably a tolerated item....but I've had it everyday on this diet, usually with my yogurt and oatbran, and it doesn't seem to have slowed my loss :)
Wow v exciting!!! Defo gonna get me some!!!
Do you want the %'s before you buy? Just in case, here they are:

Total Fat : 1%
Cholesterol : 0%
Sodium : 2%
Carbs : 8%
Fiber : 5%

Sugar alc - 17grams

This is per 2tbsp serving. I usually only use about half that. Thats the perfect size for flavouring my oatbran yogurt mix and for warming to have with a pudding pot...

Hope that helps
Day 55

PV day today! Yay :gimi:

Breakfast was oatbran with yogurt.

Today was a very uneventful day. Sat around, read, did errands, patched a duvet the dog had ripped some months ago....James is trying to get work done in anticipation of his sisters visit so we don't have time for excursions this weekend. He's taking a few days off next week when she comes over :)

Lunch was late. We had a turkey burger with a mix of t bacon, chicken sausage, onion, sweet peppers, tomato paste and a sweet vinegar. Turned out quite nice :)

Continued with chores after lunch :sigh:

Dinner was another concoction. Brussel sprouts, sweet peppers, t bacon, a veggie burger and bok choi all dry fried together accompanying a salmon burger. I wasn't totally happy with the veg mix but it wasn't too bad.

I applied for a job today, and actually heard back :) Normally you don't hear at all....well I don't :p Just waiting to hear about a date and time for an interview :cross:

Today was my weigh-in day. I lost 2.2lbs :D although I was a pound lighter yesterday...I was really tempted to but in yesterdays weight but instead I hope it will show up in the next weigh-in and get me to my next mini goal on time :)

Off to bed now, night! :zz:
Well done silver - good loss - sure that extra pound will appear next week!!! Keep going gal, your doing grand!!! Your family not gonna recognise you!!!LOL! x
Day 56

PP day today and I had scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Another boring day doing chores today. I really do have a lot to get done before James's sister arrives on friday :(

Lunch was t bacon and crab mix.

Washed the dog in the afternoon which she hated. Did my best to lessen the ickiness of the experience for both of us.
Continued with chores after that.

I meant to go try a kickboxing class today but time got away from me and I missed it. I have Zumba and Spin tomorrow :)

Picked James up from football. The weather was awful. Pelting rain and lots of standing water on the road :(

Dinner, when we got home, was a tilapia fillet and salmon burger each with brussel sprouts as a side for James. About to get my oatbran now.

All in all a boring day. I hope I get more of my chores done tomorrow. Looking back, I hardly made a dent today :sigh:
Day 57

Today was a PV day. I slept in this morning (James's fault...he's so cuddly!) and so I ended up skipping breakfast because I had to run to the gym. James worked from home today and walked with me to the gym, mainly to get Rua out :p
I had Zumba and Spin at 11 and 12 respectively. They killed me! My back is aching :( and I'm super tired :) I spent some time in the sauna after my workout. It's supposed to help weight loss right?

When I got home I made a quick lunch of salmon burger, veggie burger and scrambled eggs. After finally getting some food I had a nice long shower :D
Once my hair was dried I continued with cleaning the apt. I got a fair amount done today and even rearranged some furniture to make some more space in the spare room:)

James made dinner. Turkey mince, sweet peppers, okra, shirataki noodles and broth. I'm sure there were other things in it but it was so tasty I barely looked :p
We had rhubarb for dessert and I had my oatbran after as well. Mixed with yogurt as usual.

I have an interview tomorrow for a jewelry production assistant job. I'm looking really well in my interview clothes :) The job's only part time but it would be so nice to be bringing some money into the household and actually getting out of the house! lol Hopefully the jeweler will like me. You never know I might be gainfully employed the next time I post! :cross:
fingers crossed for you xx
How did it go Silver - everything crossed here till we hear!!! Surely the luck of the Irish will be with you!!!
Good luck silver xxx
Sorry about the job silver : -( but exactly your still looking on the possitive side and experience in interviews invaluble...... next time x
Update - finally!

Finally got some quiet time! Everyone else is still asleep in bed :) I've missed writing about my day here. It's been, what, 5 days :eek: I'll give you a very brief over-view of whats happened since Day 57 :p

58 - (PV) This was a hectic day. I had to run to Ikea, get some home-y items, build/install them and then go get James and go to Costco. Also I had to tidy :sigh: Breakfast was eggs. No Lunch :( and dinner was a a quick affair of chicken and broccoli as we were late to go to a friend's apt. Oh, I also got an email today telling me I didn't get the job. No problem :) It was good experience!

59 - (PP) Even more of a hectic day. One of the shelves was refusing to stay up properly in my newly redone guest room, despite me using heavy duty, triple anchor screws capable of holding 450lbs! Ended up cannabalising another shelf for it's support from my work room :p
Today was also the final "polish" clean of the apt. I had to wash floors, vacuum, dust, clean glass surfaces etc etc, then go collect James and get his sister from the airport. Thank god her flight was delayed! :p
I have no idea what I ate except for dinner out, omelette with ham and onion to start and fillet steak for main. Got my veg boxed for tomorrow.

60 - (PV) Happy Paddy's Day! :D Today was Jane's first full day here. We went to the dog park (her idea) and stayed there for 3 hrs! Rested at home for a bit after. I had to go to the pub for a friends birthday and then I met James and Jane at the local sushi restaurant. I had sashimi, octopus and seaweed salad and grilled crab. Breakfast was eggs and lunch was brussel sprouts and t bacon with the leftover veg from dinner.

61 - (PP) We were invited to the dog park my some friends so Jane and I went, James had to work :(
After that Jane and I window shopped in Downtown Seattle :) I got some cheap jeans to keep me going until the end of the diet :) and my shopping trip in May :D
I think breakfast was eggs, lunch was yogurt and dinner was....:confused:

62 - (PV) Today we went to the Outlet Mall. I may have started my shopping trip early....:rolleyes: I got shoes and jumpers and a belt so nothing I should shrink out of really. We were shopping for the entire day! Had a very crappy salad for lunch and a much nicer, homemade one for dinner. We had breakfast out, I had am omelette with spring onions, mushrooms, sausage and tomatoes.

Today we plan to go for a hike, or maybe go to the Aquarium. It depends on the weather :p