Silver Member
Well I'm afraid to say that the wedding was not worth taking a day off plan for which I'm gutted about! Didn't even enjoy the food that much (would have happily preferred a peanut crunch bar if I'm honest!
) had a glass and a half of champagne which went straight to my head! Then had some vodkas n diet irn brus but would have preferred to have sat n drank water no probs! Ended up quitin the vodka after a few too because it made me feel worse. Now I'm left feeling bloated after eating a total carb fest, I took my period today also and I'm very windy from all the fizzy juice ahhhh
so spent the night feeling like a bloated whale just wanted to stick a pin in my belly to deflate myself! Have came to the conclusion that I'll prob never go back to the way I ate before because 1. It makes me feel yucky and 2. I didn't enjoy it that much! Give me chicken any day of the week lol My feet are also blistered from my new shoes
and I need to get back into ketosis grrrr! So off to bed with a bottle of water n 2 paracetamol for the cramp in my tummy! Night night speak to u all tomorrow when I'm back on plan! xx