Siobhan89 said:Yeh I'm feeling less hungry just a slight headache but powering through with water and paracetamolhow are u gettin on? Xx
Siobhan89 said:Well I'm now more motivated than ever! Got into a size 16 skinny jean last night and today I bought bikini bottoms n 2 pairs of shorts all in 14s for my holiday in 9 weeks and they fit! Not perfectly but I got them onthe denim shorts require a few extra inches off on the hips to get them fastened but I'm chuffed
all the bikinis fit but are cutting in slightly in areas which I'm hoping to lose more inches from (back, hips, bust etc) hoping by the time my holiday comes around I can buy some things in a 12! xx
katywoo87 said:Yer i am getting on ok thanks hun, not feeling so hungry but still a bit moody lol bit bored if anything. X
Newtocd said:Well done its a good actually great feeling wearing a smaller size. I yet hve to experience that lol but I'm heading the right way. Booked a course of personal training sessions starting next week. I don't mind if I build muscle the working out changes my body shape. I used to get into my jeans before my operation even though I weighed heavier.... I've stopped exercising losses 10lbs and still those size 16 skinny do not fit. Go figure!
Siobhan89 said:Aww I know my social life has went down the drain recently lol hard to do things with friends/family that doesn't revolve around food or drink! Keep telling myself it'll be worth it once I reach goalxx
Siobhan89 said:Yeh my gran comes with me! Lol she's got bad knees so it's gentler exercise for her and she's complaining she's put on too much weight as her holiday clothes from feb no longer fit her so doin us both gdI don't think I could go alone either! Xx
little-e said:Hey hun here to follow! Your doing greatI'm same as you had couple DAYS :/ off plan now back on took myself to bed at 7 last night feeling miserable
hope works not too bad and your feeling better! Will be worth it when ketosis kicks in
Siobhan89 said:Just back from the restaurant and glad to say I stuck to tandoori chicken and waterxx
Siobhan89 said:Just back from the restaurant and glad to say I stuck to tandoori chicken and waterxx
Siobhan89 said:Hmm well just had my weigh in and a bit disappointed lost 2lbs but my CDC is a bit concerned as my inch losses arent going down as much as they shud so she's asked me to check with one of they ketamine sticks to check that im properly in ketosis as I'm having 2 bars a day but she also doesn't want me to become constipated againand then she thinks I may be flushing out the packs with too much water ahhhh why is nothing ever simple?! Lol hope I get to the bottom of this soon xx