Siobhan's weight loss journey - fat to fabulous!

Woke up with a banging sore head! Hope this water helps! Gonna wait to have my bar nearer 12 as I'm off out today, taking my great gran out for the day so won't have my shake til about 4. Gonna sort some clothes out later on to put on facebay to sell (can never work out proper delivery charges on eBay lol it confuses me) need the extra cash for my holiday since I'm nearly £200 a month on this diet :( xx
Just home and I'm like a drowned rat! Soaked right through to my bra n knickers lol are we definitely in the month of July?! Lol had to go a long way to get home coz the roads are all flooded but it was only when I got home and sat down I realised I was hungry! Just shows u if you're kept busy then u don't think about food :) now changed out my wet clothes wrapped up in my old uni hoodie (which is like a tent) and joggin bottoms and had my choc shake! I'm in for the night :) got a mate comin over so lookin forward to a chilled night in. Hope everyone is having a gd day?! xx
Why is it always the evenings I seem to struggle?! :( really need a new hobby! Lol xx
Snap! Think it might be time for me to have a soak in the bath.
Hi Siobhan - just reading your thread and wanted to say WELL DONE! You're doing fabulously - keep it up :)

Hey :) aww thank you that's really nice of you! i appreciate it xx
Hey hun, did you survive lastnight without beig naughty. I did but only cos I went up to bed.
p220157 said:
Hey hun, did you survive lastnight without beig naughty. I did but only cos I went up to bed.

Yeh I did have some chicken and lettuce though! Lol totm is due so think that's the culprit :( xx
6 weeks today til holiday :) must stay strong and focused! Just had my shake and watching sex and the city 2 love it :) got my friend coming down tonight as she cudn't manage with the weather last night so looking forward to a catch up! Anyways hoping by next weigh in I'll have reached the 13's (fingers crossed!!!) think I might do some weights with my arms while I'm sitting watching this lol and some tummy crunches. It must be becoming really noticeable now as I've had 3 ppl from work comment today when I was in earlier in my normal clothes. I still look in the mirror n think 'yuck' but the difference in my clothes tell a different story. Anyways have a gd day everyone xx
Have you got a target in mind for the holiday?
p220157 said:
Have you got a target in mind for the holiday?

I'm hoping for about another stone by holiday if not more but I have a planned day off in 2 weeks so I think a stone may be more of a realistic target? Xx
Yeah. Plus if you're anything like me, if I ever set a target and don't meet it, I get proper fed up. So I always go for something that I think is do-able.
p220157 said:
Yeah. Plus if you're anything like me, if I ever set a target and don't meet it, I get proper fed up. So I always go for something that I think is do-able.

Yeh exactly don't wanna set my expectations too high n be disappointed xx
Another day done n dusted! Managed to stay 100% SS today :) working tomorrow from 2pm so shall keep me busy well into the evening! (sometimes work isn't bad all the time lol) totm is due so wish it would hurry up and make an appearance n be gone ASAP! Knowing my luck it will show Sunday or Monday right before WI :) lol gonna take myself to bed soon before hunger appears! xx
Day 5 of week 11! Had my shake just before 12 so should keep me going in work til around 4ish so taking a bar with me to have on my break. Hope work is busy so time goes in quicker lol managed to get my size 16 Asda supplied trousers on today ( if anyone works in Asda u will know how small made they are! My size 8 friend wears them in a 12) they're lose enough that they're comfortable and won't fall down so I won't be walking around pulling them up every 5 mins! Anyways shall check in later, have a gd day all :) xx
Just had my cranberry crunch bar yum yum! It's abso roasting today so I'm trying to catch up with some water before my break is over as I can feel the start of a headache. Hope the rest of my shift goes in quickly! Took a pic of myself earlier in the size 14 playsuit I bought for my holiday do I'll post that up :) xx

OMG I'm well jealous you look awesome. Might have to do some online shopping.
p220157 said:
OMG I'm well jealous you look awesome. Might have to do some online shopping.

Aww thank you! Still need to lose a bit more before holiday though :) xx
Finished work early :) had my peanut bar when I got home n then boredom kicked in so I had a plate of lettuce!! Lol! That's a first for me... xx
Just had the 'is that all you're having for your breakfast? You'll be starving!' remark!! Pffffft no I won't! Not after I eat this lol my head is banging this morning :( stuck in here til 2 can't be bothered today I'm so tired! xx