Good luck for your weigh in tomorrowx
i can't wait to go xmas dress shopping soon. OMG the chocolate orange bar is relish. its taking a lot of self control to not scoff this bar down quick
I haven't had any since thursday and haven't felt the need for any. Im just playing it all by ear and see how things are.
I have my 28 waist jeans hung up on my wardrobe door as inspiration right now. I used to fit them but at the moment they will not go over my 43" hips and thighs lol i know i will have made it when i can get them on
Just get into it and go for gold! Even if on weigh in day its no loss or low its still on the right direction. And was it just one day? One day is fine once in a while. And being in ketosis is not the only way to lose weight. Its just a change in your metabolism. Most nights you go into ketosis in your sleep. Im going for 100% with no additionals this week, i feel that having the bars will help with that. I am obsessed with drinking my beanies coffee!
Can i ask did you drink whilst on your day off? I had been quiting drinking before hand any way as it was triggering migraines that were killers. If i were to drink now i would have to be on hard stuff as that doesn't seem to trigger however having been off booze for so long and so little calories I'm a bit worried when it comes to the xmas party
Hi everyone I started CD on Thursday, it feels like forever. Only my husband and one friend know I'm on it cause I feel there's no need to broadcast to everyone, guess they'll see the results with time.
Joined to get motivated.