ITS PAY DAY WOOO! Well technically I haven't been paid yet but it WILL go in today! lol.
Yesterday I went for a wander round Lidl and realised once again that I had been missing out. Managed to get 4 pork loin steaks, 2 rump steaks with absolutely no fat on, a pack of lean beef steak strips, apples, bananas, lettuce and cucumber all for £13!!! The meat is all really nice looking and the steaks are big! Definitely getting all meat from there from now on! Anyway here's the plan for today's food, I have yet another gig in Camden to review so its another Subway salad for tea. BOOO On the plus side its Friday which means its Baked beast day!Woop
Friday EE Day:
Xmas pudding HiFi (HEX B)
2x tea with skimmed milk (1) with sweetener
Baked potato with cheese (HEX A) and baked beans (SS)
Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Tomato (S) and Onions (S)
Asda Skips (4.5)
Mini choc party rings (5.5)
Subway Salad - chicken (S), lettuce (S), cucumber (S), onions (S), pepper (S), gherkins (S), jalapenos (S) and ranch dressing (2)
Diet coke
Total syns: 13