Team 2 !!!Slate your weight!!!

Not happy at all, really disappointed in myself.

+1.5lb :cry:

At this point I would usually go 'screw it' and give up, and Im so half tempted too right now. Looking back, I THOUGHT i'd done ok this week, but ive not been eating 'right' ive had a lot of meaningless snacks and binges, which yes ive counted- but its clearly not done me very good.

So..i'm going to weigh and count everything that goes in this mouththis week, and see how it goes :break_diet:

I was doing so well too
Hi everybody, congratulations to phil and jen for their great weight losses, I lost 3lbs this week and I am delighted.
Well done everyone - lots and lots of losses. Hurray!

And I forgot to update - I'm 3lbs down Meike.

Yay for us little losers :)
:D My lovely team Slater
it is with much regret that I have to announce that Meike no longer feels she has the time to commit to the team :(
And alas has handed the batton to me to lead the team into battles :sign0151:
So I am going to give you the weekend off then on Monday we shall begin.
I have a few ideas for little mini compitions and such between us ( not in the one with the biggest weightloss kinda thing ) but other more fun things
like funniest picture of the month etc
lets get a little bit of the old Slater spirit going :D
Any other ideas will be muchly welcome
lets make team Slate the team that others want to join :D
Last wed WI was -1lbs
Weighing in again tonight *fingers crossed*
Well done to all the good losses since i last signed on.

Still crazy in work, sorry not so active but hopefully will quite down soon.

:D My lovely team Slater
it is with much regret that I have to announce that Meike no longer feels she has the time to commit to the team :(
And alas has handed the batton to me to lead the team into battles :sign0151:
So I am going to give you the weekend off then on Monday we shall begin.
I have a few ideas for little mini compitions and such between us ( not in the one with the biggest weightloss kinda thing ) but other more fun things
like funniest picture of the month etc
lets get a little bit of the old Slater spirit going :D
Any other ideas will be muchly welcome
lets make team Slate the team that others want to join :D

mumma ks in charge :eek: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D My lovely team Slater
it is with much regret that I have to announce that Meike no longer feels she has the time to commit to the team :(
And alas has handed the batton to me to lead the team into battles :sign0151:
So I am going to give you the weekend off then on Monday we shall begin.
I have a few ideas for little mini compitions and such between us ( not in the one with the biggest weightloss kinda thing ) but other more fun things
like funniest picture of the month etc
lets get a little bit of the old Slater spirit going :D
Any other ideas will be muchly welcome
lets make team Slate the team that others want to join :D

mumma ks in charge :eek: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • be afraid.jpg
    be afraid.jpg
    2.8 KB · Views: 29
Poor Meike - will she still be coming to visit us?

I think you are a perfect candidate for Captain anyway Mumma K - shall we have a crowning ceremony? :D

I'm loving the 'boosting morale' ideas. Nice to build a bit of team spirit!

Some ideas:
*Most disastrous diet recipes (with pics if poss!) Don't know about you lot but I've eaten some minging food when trying to 'tweak' stuff myself!
*Adding quotes to pictures? Best quote wins etc etc. Actually that might be quite an easy and amooozing one.

Will go off and get my thinking cap on........
:D I do hope she will Hannah
but she is very busy work wise and not finding the time to come onto Mini's etc

So lets wish Meike good luck :D
I've already told her I shall FB stalk her haha!!!
So she won't get away that easy.

Loving the idea's so far Hannah
the Caption one could be hilarious
Hello All! and hello new captain Kally!
well done on the losses everyone
0.5lb off for me this week- little bit miffed it wasn't more- there was someone in group this week got a clap for loosing 4 stone- I had to ask how long it had taken and she said 3 years---well done to her but I kinda wished I hadn't asked.

I want it to be me guys
Don't panic Jen :D
3 years is a bit extreme and certainly not to the rule
she may have had breaks inbetween who knows
Nikki and myself have both pushed past the 4st mark in just over 6 months
chin up every pound or half a pound counts :D

WOOOO, totally rectified last weeks 'mistake' AND ive won the raffle, and got myself the ww workout DVD aaaanddddddd have lost a total of 3.5lbs in 3 weeks, doesn't seem much but Im chuffed :):):)
Ta Nikki and Kally-
All of you on here are doing so well, I'm just impatient.

Feeling more positive today and really gonna stick with it

Cheers girls for giving me a boost! x
-2lbs loss at WI last night :)

Got my second stone !! 2 stone in 14 weeks, which im delighted about.

Im impatient too Jen! lol... use it positively and let impatience be a motivator, to take the stairs... drink one more cup of water... walk to the shops and leave car behind.... lol.. im actually saying this to myself, as i dont really do any of the above, but if i want it quicker, i will have too! :)

4stone loss in 6 months - well done Kally and NAJH

Great results NN89 - you should be chuffed, really well done.

Pill - liking the folded arm pic ;) its really a tough, i mean business kinda look! hehehe.... be afraid be very afraid :)

Anyhow... might post a few thoughts on my diary, i need to get back up and running with that, no time for the wicked as of late ...
