Slim4ever the SW Way

Sunday - EE

EE Day

Up late so Breakfast is just half a grapefruit (sf, ss) and a big glass of squash

2 x tea with dash of skimmed milk

L - (is in the oven) potatoes and onions (sf) in fry light roasting to be topped with baked beans yummy

Dinner at parents: Roast lamb with lots of veggies - squash, peppers, courgete, toms, carrots, could have been a drizzle of oil so add - 2 syns brocoli with little grated cheese 1/2 HXA
2 x diet lemonade

Coffee with dash of milk

2 x alpen light double choc HXB with strawberries (sf, ss)

Day: EE
HXB: 2 x alpen light
HXA: little chedar and skimmed milk
Syns: 2
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B - crunchy bran HXB with strawberries (sf) and 100ml skimmed milk

Skinny cappuccino rest of HXA
2 x bottle of water

L - sainsbury be good to yourself veg couscous - I remember this being free before??? And a fruit pot - apple, pineapple, grapes (sf)
Bottle of water

Bottle of coke zero

D - off to visit a friend so who knows ;-)
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B - crunchy bran HXB with strawberries (sf) and 100ml skimmed milk

Skinny cappuccino rest of HXA
2 x bottle of water

L - sainsbury be good to yourself veg couscous - I remember this being free before??? And a fruit pot - apple (sf) pineapple (sf) grapes (sf)
Bottle of water

Bottle of coke zero

D - off to visit a friend so who knows ;-)

You've been a good girl so far ... keep the faith!
Let us know how dinner went!

Also, Hi, I'm stopping lurking to say hi!!!
Shrimpy said:
Let us know how dinner went!

Also, Hi, I'm stopping lurking to say hi!!!

Hi, lurk away I'm a big fan :)
So last nights dinner you will be surprised to here was actually on plan....

Chicken and mushroom risotto - I know a knob of butter went in (couldn't stop her) and one glass of wine but between three I would say about 6 syns? 2 on wine, 3 on butter, sound reasonable?

So Monday
Day: EE
HXB: crunchy bran
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 6
AND I walked a good 3 miles in London at an exceptionally fast pace
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Tuesday - Green

So breakfast was just an Alpen light 1/2 HXB brought in my suitcase and a mug of tea

Straight to all day work meeting with lunch :-(

Another tea and a water

L - beef lasagne and a big side salad - this is my thinking, the beef won't have been ex lean so can't be a HXB and not an EE day so will just syn the lasagne as per the eating out guide - 12.5 syns
Can of diet coke

Finally on the train now, feet killing me so Dinner is going to be simple. Whilst I wait for OH will prob have my other alpen light bar 1/2HXB

D - jacket pot topped with a portion of superspeed soup and salad

Hopefully ss soup will make up for the lunch...also haven't had enough water today so will have a bottle when I get in

Day: Green
HXB: 2 x alpen light double cho
HXA: milk in tea/coffee
Syns: 12.5 :-(

Not feeling overly confident for weigh in tomorrow and it's *week so very bloated, we'll see!
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Tuesday - Green

So breakfast was just an Alpen light 1/2 HXB brought in my suitcase and a mug of tea

Straight to all day work meeting with lunch :-(

Another tea and a water

L - beef lasagne and a big side salad - this is my thinking, the beef won't have been ex lean so can't be a HXB and not an EE day so will just syn the lasagne as per the eating out guide -
Can of diet coke

Finally on the train now, feet killing me so Dinner is going to be simple. Whilst I wait for OH will prob have my other alpen light bar 1/2HXB

D - jacket pot topped with a portion of superspeed soup and salad

Hopefully ss soup will make up for the lunch...also haven't had enough water today so will have a bottle when I get in

Day: Green
HXB: 2 x alpen light double cho
HXA: milk in tea/coffee
Syns: tbc

Not feeling overly confident for weigh in tomorrow but it's *week so very bloated, we'll see!

You've chosen the right tea to have hun ... after the day you've had it's nice and comforting ... and you can't beat a portion of superspeed soup before weigh in!
I agree with Ali. A good dinner and heck if you don't lose well this week due to *ness you will next!
Thanks Shrimpy and Ali, I hope I do really want to hit that target!

So.... 1 lb off so 9:13 and I am staying with a 9 in front! Did hover between 9.12 and 9.13 but settled at 9.13

Am pleased as didn't know if sat and * might ruin my hard work.

So today...Red day as making the KFC chicken for dinner

B - Strawberries (sf, ss) with crunchy bran - 4.5 syns and skimmed milk (100ml) 1/3 HXA

Bottle of water and a coffee

L - 4 x ryvita original HXB with 4 ex light laughing cow cheese HXA2 and 5 rashers of fat removed bacon
Another bottle of water and another coffee

Did body pump class at the gym and am achy already!
2 bottles of water for the 2 litre :)

D - SW KFC chicken (just about ready) HXB2 in the breadcrumbs with homemade coleslaw - carrots, cabbage, onion 2 tbsp of ex ex light mayo - 1 syn lemon and pepper with lettuce had 2 tbsp of bbq sauce too - 2 syns

Day: Red
HXB: 4 x ryvita and 2 x nimble
HXA: skimmed milk and 4 x ex light laughing cow cheese
Syns: 7.5
Exercise: 1 hour body pump
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Well done Missus! Congrats on a good loss and on that exercise! :)
Shrimpy said:
Well done Missus! Congrats on a good loss and on that exercise! :)

Thanks, it was tough but worth it. Jillian tomorrow!
Woop!!!! Well Done!!!
Thursday - EE

Am working my way through the recipe book so tonight is the chilli

B - out early so 2 x alpen light bars HXB and 2 coffees HXA
Bottle of water

It's 3:15 and I've only just stopped to get lunch :-( so hungry I could cry.....not a great deal on offer but it's a boots shapers meal deal - apple and grape snack pack to start (sf) and then a chicken and pasta fajita salad (NV's below) and a big 75cl bottle of water

- cals: 307
- fat: 6.3
- sat fat: 1.3
- sugar: 8.0

Any ideas anyone? It was chicken, pasta, toms, peppers, kidney beans, spinach and a blob of sour cream - 5 syns (worked out by Shrimpy)

Some raspberries (sf,ss)

Dinner will be the chili from the new book but with more celery and carrots than the recipe (for ex sf) and rice and peas and salad

Day: EE
HXB: 2 x alpen light double choc
HXA: milk in coffees
Syns: 5
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EE day

B - raspberries (sf,ss) weetabix HXB and skimmed milk HXA

2 x tea and 1 500ml water

Am dog sitting at my parents and so had a sneaky look on mothers ww scales...said 9.12 1/4 :) doesn't count but made me feel positive about this week

L - small portion of ss soup (sf,ss)
Cheese and broc pasta n sauce - 0.5 syn with mangetout (sf)

Tea and orange squash

D - chicken fajitas - chicken breast, peppers, toms, red onions, lettuce (sf) dried mix - 1.5 syn and dips - 3 syns
Glass of coke zero

Day: EE
HXB: 2 x weetabix
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 5

Total for the week: 17.5 - trying to keep between 5-10 a day so on track this week
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