Hi everyone!
I started slim fast today. I've printed off a chart with each day on it and stuck it on the fridge. Every day that I follow slimfast I give myself a gold star (Can you tell I'm a primary teacher?)
If I get all my gold stars each week then I'll reward myself. Next to it I have also stuck a picture of me at my target weight and size (size 10, 8 1/2 stone) from four years ago to inspire me.
I haven't found following it today hard at all. The milk shake and meal bars are really tasty. When I felt the hunger come on I ate some chopped carrot and half a banana. Problem might come when I am back at school tomorrow
With stress comes stress eating + constant supply of cakes and biscuits in the staff room = difficulty methinks.
Basically, four 1/2 years ago I started university following my travels in Thailand where I had a fit body and a happy state of mind. Gradually over the first couple of years into my degree the weight crept on, then suddenly in the last two it just piled on (perhaps it was hitting age 25? Suddenly my metabolism slowed?)
Anyway, I'm desperate to lose the weight. I've gone up three dress sizes and it's time to take action!!!
I started slim fast today. I've printed off a chart with each day on it and stuck it on the fridge. Every day that I follow slimfast I give myself a gold star (Can you tell I'm a primary teacher?)
I haven't found following it today hard at all. The milk shake and meal bars are really tasty. When I felt the hunger come on I ate some chopped carrot and half a banana. Problem might come when I am back at school tomorrow
Basically, four 1/2 years ago I started university following my travels in Thailand where I had a fit body and a happy state of mind. Gradually over the first couple of years into my degree the weight crept on, then suddenly in the last two it just piled on (perhaps it was hitting age 25? Suddenly my metabolism slowed?)
Anyway, I'm desperate to lose the weight. I've gone up three dress sizes and it's time to take action!!!