Sorry to hear about your tooth! How annoying, hope it's not causing you any pain. I'm after 2 recipes please? Your hash browns and sticky pork look amazing, how did you make them?x
heyI'm here to follow your journey
! I do weight watchers myself but I'm so intrigued to see people losing weight and eating foods on different diets! your food sounds so yummy!
Aww thank you, it's nice to have people to chat to on here! How do you get on with weight watchers? My weightloss diary
Oh that's really good thenit's great if you can find something that works for you. Have you got much weight to loose? I'm getting on ok at the moment thanks lost 7.5 lb in the last 3 weeks just hope I can keep it up this time, my aim is 2 stone by Christmas. My weightloss diary
Hi Sarah, Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you x Hash browns - just grate some potato and squeeze out all the excess water through some kitchen towel, do the same with some onion, add salt and pepper and some egg then just fry on a low heat turning temp up at the end to brown them. Sticky pork - can't remember what I used think it was soy sauce, oxo Chinese seasoning, pepper whole grain mustard, maple syrup (small amout) and fry light an left to marinade for a little while. My weightloss diary