Slimming Down

Looking good and might count for a few ounces on the scales on Friday! xx
Lol Leigh, I do mine and my son's, but never this short.

Thanks upndown. Lol, maybe I should shave my legs too 😂 weigh in days are Monday's for me.

Found out the hot dogs I got for my son (he was desperate to have them) are only 1 syn/37 cals. I cut a wholemeal roll in half and then slit each of those to make mini hot dog rolls. He was happy!

I had SW chips, salad, 0.5 syn ketchup and chicken breast topped with tomato and bacon.

Earlier I had 2 hard-boiled eggs and a banana. I've been so hungry! I've drunk lots too so it's not thirst. I'm hoping it means the weight is coming off. I have swum 3 times this week.

I think I will try the benefit bars for my HEB today and not sure what to use my syns on yet, only on 1.5 for today.
Had a biscuit (7 syns) and a Turkish delight (9 syns) 17.5 for the day.

Breakfast tomorrow will be eggs, bacon, beans, mushrooms and tomatoes. Lunch will be mini hot dogs (HEB and 2 syns) and I think I'll do onions with it. Followed by strawberries. Tea is gammon, roasties and veg.

Hopefully I can finish the ply tomorrow. I think I'll just do the hallway for now, the downstairs loo can be a future project. Ply. PVA. Lay out tiles. Glue tiles.... It'd be great to do it before the ex comes....
This is the hair more settled. My hair is naturally curly, especially when shorter... Wondering what I'm going to wake up to in the morning!

The ex hasn't seen it yet. I wanted to surprise him on video chat but he didn't answer for our son's call earlier or another one this evening. He's probably gone out for a few drinks and forgot to say. He called last night because he was down and said I always cheer him up. It's kinda nice; I think we don't always think about the impact we have on other people and it's nice to know that when he's down he knows he can turn to me. It's funny as we just chat rubbish all night and it's just comfy, even after all the time apart and horribleness that went down.

Anyway! I've not eaten anything else and for once today I'm not hungry! 🤣


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It's lovely, hair and chatting with ex.

I have to straighten my hair daily, looks a right mess every morning.

Well done sticking with it today
Thanks Leigh. My hair is bonkers today, but I've just slung it back in a pony. My hair is always bonkers in the morning.

The ex called at 1:30am 😴 then text me at 6:30am and asked if I ever slept when I replied. Monster. He had been drinking, but at home, which isn't good, he'd never normally do that. Hopefully have a good chat tonight to make sure everything is ok.

Had bacon medallions, scrambled egg, grilled mushrooms and tomato and a massive cup of tea. Milk is my HEA today, I'm going to need a lot of tea. I'm knackered and don't drink coffee. Got to be careful I don't try to eat everything or hit the sugar hard because of tiredness. The scales went up this morning 🙄 that said, it's not like they are calibrated like group ones, I have to put it in the same place each time otherwise it shows completely different weights.
Monster?? 😲 I'll keep my opinion to myself, however, I'd be cross.

My hair is dreadful in morning, I probably should grow it and sling mine back, but I like it nice for work, yours is lovely now, hope you do style it occasionally ☺

My scales are the same, I've decided not to weigh daily now, it puts me in a bad mood. Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow is it?
Lol. You're ok to have an opinion. My son wakes anytime between 6am and 7am, so I get woken early anyway.

I will style it. It's just because I'll be continuing doing jobs in the house today and thought I'd be skanky during the day and have a lovely bath and maybe hair mask tonight.

Weigh in is tomorrow. We'll see what happens, I just need to remember if I keep my eating and exercise consistent then the weight will come off. I've been conscious about whether I am really hungry or not, so some days I eat more than other days. I don't want to not eat if I'm genuinely hungry as that's no good and I'm sure that will lead me to eat rubbish when I crave it and mistake it for hunger, the hunger I'd be ignoring.... I'm really trying to be more aware of myself.
Change in plan. Son ran outside with his lunch and immediately it fell to the floor, so I gave him what I was going to have. No more wholemeal rolls left for me, or anything else to put together for lunch, so I'm having strawberries, blueberries and yogurt. Bit annoying, but such is life, and I would rather he got them than me anyway. Means I have a HEB leftover for later too. Still on 0 syns.
Had half a mint aero for 5 syns. Yes, half. Half a normal sized bar. Not a whole big bar, not a whole multipack, half a regular sized bar. See my halo and watch it glow!

Mum and dad popped round for a cuppa and a chat and dad fell asleep in the lounge with my son watching some junk on YouTube while mum and I were gassing in the kitchen. Must get back to sawing. She laughed when I said, "because I hate cutting ply." In response to her asking what possessed me to hack away at my hair. Lol.
I finished the ply! And ate a banana. My son's friend's mum took Nate with her to their house for an hour or so and will drop him back too. She asked if that was ok just as I finished laying the last piece so I've had a lovely bath in peace! They were doing some jobs in the school garden, which is in the field my house is in and I was outside cutting the blinking ply.

I will put some unstinky clothes on, hang up the washing and do the washing up and start tea off before he gets back I think.

My primer (PVA) will be here tomorrow, so I can get started after work hopefully. The tiles are vinyl but look like wood and only need to be cut with scissors (I have DIY scissors lol) so if I can lay those out on Tuesday after work I will hopefully be able to stick them down on Wednesday (my day off). Then I have two days for any dusting, vacuuming etc that I've not gotten round to because of the floor. I don't want my ex to think that I didn't cope without him. It sounds stupid, but if the house is together it's a bit like I'm saying (without saying) I didn't need you, whatever our son needed I got for him, including a comfortable home in which I do "female" and "male" jobs, ; I'm independent and I can make a good life for us on my own. He hasn't been to our home before, so it's a big deal to me
The new hair looks super cute curly! Which is a relief! But the best thing is that my hair doesn't look like it's thinning anymore. It's so fine when it gets long (for me) it pulls it down and I look like I'm losing my hair. All cute and bouncy now - but I look even younger 🤣 lol

Dinner was gammon, "roast" potatoes, carrots, broccoli, green beans and onions. Followed by the other half of the aero (5 syns) and an apple

Had 2 biscuits (9 syns) and HEB cereal bar. 19 syns total for today

Need to plan out the week's food now!
So! The scales stayed the same. Boo! So I tried a top on that still touched the wrong places last week (by which I mean it didn't fit, those wrong places were a bit protruding!) Today it looked nice! So there's a positive change. I did do a lot of sawing this week and threw in an extra swim, which can make a difference on the scales. Still positive and carrying on regardless.

Breakfast was strawberries, blueberries, apricot, pineapple and mango with a yogurt.

Attached below is a quick snap of curly hair.


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Had an apple at work
Lunch: leftover gammon and onions and beans on toast (HEB + 1 syn)
Jelly (0.5 syns) banana and satsuma

Watching a bit of Tele before starting on the floor!

Here's another curly top picture without light behind me. Ha.


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Everything has been sanded smooth where it was bumpy and hammered down will be able to prime it when the boy is in bed.

Dinner was pasta Bolognese, still so hungry! Going to wait a bit and hope dinner lands. Cooked extra pasta for pasta salad for lunch tomorrow - glad to be ahead.

Still on 1.5 syns today and used my hea and HEB (still got milk left).
Thanks Leigh. I do have youthful skin, probably because I'm so boring and never smoked etc 😂

Thanks Suzie, yep, I know I'm less tired now. So sweet Chris is so supportive of you.

I did have a little blip last night, probably went about 20 syns over 🙄 I was tired after all the floor work stuff and bloody hungry again! But those 20 syns isn't what puts weight on, it's eating a whole lot more than that day after day, so I'm not stressing. I can see the difference in clothes even from last week.

This morning I had bran flakes, blueberries, apricots and yogurt (HEB) if I have fruit with cereal I much prefer it to be with yogurt than milk, cereal alone I like with milk though.

I cooked extra pasta last night for today's lunch and defrosted some salmon to cook off and make salmon salad. Tea was going to be oyster chicken, but I lost my book so couldn't remember what it was going to be so it's risotto primavera instead using a hea. On 0.5 syns for milk so far. Got some fruit in my bag which I'm about to devour!

Used some of my clubcard points on abbotsbury swannery for this weekend. £10 points does £40 there, which will cover myself, the ex and the boy. I could have used £7.50 points for £30 and paid an extra fiver real money, but I'd rather use more of my points and waste a bit of them. The cider farm/museum/mill place is free entry too so it shouldn't be too expensive a weekend. I'll probably be over syns on alcohol though! Doing hunters chicken, wedges and broccoli and green beans for Saturday's tea, BBQ for Sunday and a roast on Monday (as a Sunday lunch as the ex's train is at 5pm). So food is pretty much under my control. The ex is such a bad influence for snacking and junk though. He's trying to be healthier at the moment.... But he was eating sorbet on the phone last night and then went to get crisps, which he said he'd had 4 or 5 packs of that day! And a couple of chocolate bars... He's a nightmare! Thankfully he's only here for the bank holiday so damage, if any, will be only for a short while!