Slimming Down

He's very easily pleased - which is great for me!

I'm happily ignoring the scales and carrying on regardless.

Had a transient man (he's not homeless) sleep in the porch at work and most definitely peed there too... It smells. Then he tried to scab some money, which I'm not allowed to give, and then got aggressive about something else. I had a lady, new to the church with me at the time, she's a Reader (so done lots of training and very involved in her previous church, is able to take funerals etc) and afterwards she said she was so impressed with how I dealt with it 😁 I told her to make sure to tell the vicar 🤣 she said how I was calm and understanding but firm and authoritative without being intimidating. I joked that it's my experience running a 24 hour petrol station 😂 I was pretty pleased with myself too.

Think I will go swimming after lunch today... I may even shave my legs for the occasion 😂
Well done on what could had the potential to get nasty.

Glad you're ignoring the scales - their variations can be very frustrating but we know if we're consistent the weight WILL come off!
Swim was ok. Had a chatty lady for a lot of it so worked on my posture and stretch in front crawl (so going slow). Had a dip in the hydro pool then went back in the main pool - ooph it was cold getting back in! But when I did I powered through for 15 minutes

Got home, walked the dog, picked up the boy and put on the past two days towels, costumes and my bedding.

Had pasta and meatballs and a tomato sauce with salad for tea and a Lidl mini magnum for 6 syns. On 10 for today so far.

Feeling pretty tired. Day off swimming tomorrow and mum and dad are back in the UK so I'll be giving them their dog back tomorrow. Yay.

I really need to get this house straightened out. And hopefully I can finally bully dad into putting up my kitchen light, I've been waiting for him to do it forever. I really need to do more of the floor too. I've been totally slacking off!
resist ...resisit...resist
I did. I set up next week in my bullet journal and then I called the ex. By the time we were off the phone it was bedtime 😊 all I had between that post and bed was a cup of tea.
Breakfast today was banana and Philly (half hea) on toast (HEB).

I defrosted the prawns for lunch last night and cooked and cooled some orzo for the same lunch this morning! So it should be quite quick to put together after work. I've chucked an apple and satsuma in my bag if needed and had a second cup of tea (milk from other half of hea) whilst watching my son's class worship. Bit sad he only had 3 words, "love of God". His annoying bully goes, "I get to be Jesus!" And was taking bows at the end - none of the other kids were doing that, it's not what you're supposed to do in leading the worship 🙄

I took a bit of a video for his dad, until a man walked across and stood in front of me 🙄 but then my boy ran up for big cuddles at the end and doesn't understand he's a bit too big for me to keep lifting up. Little monkey. And I took a couple of snaps for his dad then.
Lunch I had the lemon orzo prawn salad thing with 1 syn of mayo, followed by 0.5 syn jelly, yogurt and the apple I didn't have at work.

Dinner was lemon and herb chicken breast with couscous salad (1 syn of olives, roasted red pepper, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, red grapes, lemon juice, garlic and onion powder and a stock cube)

I'm still really hungry. Going to try and wait a bit and then have melon.

Scales were back to Monday's weight so will have to see what they do between now and Monday now!

On 2.5 syns today. Finished the milk half of my hea so I might use half on that and might have a look in my syn tub later.

Mum and dad are back and have picked up the dog. They got the most gorgeous outfit for my son. White shorts and a red and white check shirt with a grandad collar. They got me two necklace and earring sets and a black and white kaftan thing. And a tip that Malta might be a good holiday pick for Nate and I. I suggested getting a villa for the four of us maybe. I'll have to look into things.
Didn't have the melon... Yet. Had 10 syns on chocolate and basically inhaled it. Oops. Been really hungry today. Might have a cup of tea and biscuit later if the beast in my belly calms it's noise!
Hi hun, my mum is Maltese, beautiful country, it would be piping hot through summer, I'd love to take my two one day!

Hope you have a lovely weekend on plan.
Yeah, I'd be going in October or February half term probably. Got to stop my parents from going on cruises first! They booked one for next summer to Alaska whilst on the boat for this one! They're a bloody nightmare! 🤣

How's your week going?

I need to move my butt. Fruit and yogurt this morning before swimming. I have to go to the supermarket to pick up a couple of items for my neighbour. Then home to do a bunch of jobs!
Swim went well. Always starving afterwards so had some melon and blueberries.

The boy is already out on his bike. I'm having half an hour before I do some jobs. If I can finish laying the ply I might be able to get the floor finished over half term - I hate cutting the ply😭
You sound very busy - glad the dog's gone - makes things a bit easier for you - annoying to see no movement on the scales but that could be fluid retention - it's annoying when our bodies don't reward us with the losses we deserve but sounds like you're very motivated - keep going and you know it'll come off very soon.
Thanks upndown, I'm trying to just see things as long term.

Lunch was leftovers from tea last night (0.5 syns for olives) and added a HEA of feta followed by 0.5 syn jelly.

On 1 syn for today, used my HEA but not my HEB.
Slow and steady, taken me 18 months to get where I am, fallen off the wagon, changed plans, but I'm full of determination, its a lifestyle now, it will only improve, especially when I join gym. Keep going, keep updating us, we'll support you!
Thanks Leigh, I've lost weight in the past, so I know it isn't linear and takes time.

Anyway... I hate cutting ply. And when I do things that I hate but have to do I tend to do something silly... I once pierced my ears when studying for exams 😂... Well... Today I did this....


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