Slimming Down

Wow that's great - well done!
Yay, keep going, that's fab!!

Oh, btw, I think sometimes it's easier having 2 kids hun, they have quite a lot in common so most of the time they play together, even as they get older, it's great, I have the very odd headache where they have a fight and bicker, but if I think about it, it's not that often in the 24 hour period haha, kids eh! Love them so much, wouldn't be without, in fact, when they do stay with their dad, every two weeks, i'm lost without them! Which is why I'm joining the gym and swimming soon, keep my happy.
Oh that's nice they get on so well, and that you get some me time.

Just come back from my facial and it was worth every last penny. It was so good. My skin feels like it's been reattached to my face, and it didn't feel loose before! It's not tight though. She gave me some samples of what was used and some advice, I'll definitely be back for another for my next stone lost! Hmm... 1.5 down, 12.5 to go - damn it! 🤣

I had some mini quiches using my hea and salad. Followed by some grapes. I had some fruit at work too (banana, apple, satsuma) I'll be fruited out soon! Although the boy has taken to having banana on toast (used Philly yesterday and strawberry fromages frais today) so the bananas are going down fast!
Took the kids to the park and back. Did some calligraphy practice while I was there. Came back and made ham and pea pasta (with leeks and spinach) and a side salad. Very nommy, quick and cheap. I used 2/3 of my hea (20g) with the quiches, and 5g in tea and 2 cups of tea with a dash of milk in. I don't normally split my hea but 60g of cheddar made 12 mini quiches and I have 4 at a time, which isn't a full hea. Urgh.

Not sure what to have later for syns. Maybe an ice cream.
Ice cream it was 14.5 syns. I've had no other syns today, but don't want more as I don't like splitting up my healthy extras, so that allows for any possible discrepancy.

Tomorrow morning is banana on toast (HEB+1 syn + syns for Philly)
Lunch will be the last of the mini quiches (2/3 hea) and salad. I've really enjoyed them
Tea is chilli con carne and rice.

Pretty disappointed that the ex hasn't bothered to talk to our son for the past 4 nights. We've called each night, but get no answer. I know he's over at his ex's seeing his daughters, but it does make me sad for our son that he can't spare 5 minutes to say goodnight. My little boobala is ok with it though, he understands daddy is away and he's not always available to chat. I've barely spoken to the ex myself. I told him about the boy being sick (and then fine. Lol) and sent him photos of him before the party. I don't like the possibility that he feels I'm shutting him out when he's away, but don't want to feel we're (I'm) pestering him. I'm prone to over think stuff!

Really pleased with today though; food all on plan, work, facial me time, took the boy to the park, did some calligraphy practice (the 13 year old neighbour was watching me and said it looked like it was printed, not written, bless her). I'm doing a little bit of my quilting now. I'm marking things out and pinning two blocks together. If I can finish marking and pinning I can sew them up and hopefully press the seams and then pin rows together etc.

I've been a bit low recently, so it's nice to do some of my hobbies instead of just looking at them.
2lbs is great, well done!
Sorry but it's sad men can't make a little more effort, I never really hear from my kids dad, apart from he's running late or a little change of plan, think he might Skype message my two but definitely not daily, not much at all, but then I try to let them have special time with him when he's there, even if I Skype message them, I don't always hear back, it's become the norm, they soon grow up, just would be sad if the bond isn't there when they don't need their dad quite so much, tbh, my two adore their dad, nothing anyone can say would change that, he obviously does something right lol.

I envy your hobbies, I wish I had it in me to do those things, well done.
Thanks jukie, I was surprised given my scales were being silly all week.

It's just how it is sometimes Leigh, he's been on the train and called me. I know his ex makes it awkward for him to talk to me, and although she's said it's ok he's missing the next weekend he'd spend with the girls so he can be with our son he's said she will start having a go in a few days. I'd told him to take some holiday time and do it midweek using a day off and 2 days holiday time so that his girls didn't miss out on their time with him, but as they'd had a week holiday together earlier this month and he had Friday - Monday night this time he said it would be fine.... We will see. He only came back into my son's life about 6 months ago, and we met up for a couple of days in London in February, so it's working out at about once a quarter, so regular video calls are nice for them.

Anyway! Enough about that. I smell delicious. Used my lovely new samples this evening. I didn't get all my sewing prep done because of above phonecall. But I got some done. Got work tomorrow and then a bit of time until I have to pick the boy up from school. I feel bad, I said he couldn't go to this multischool sports thing that is on tomorrow (last week when he was being an unrepentant turd) and I got an email from school asking to confirm his place. But! It was because his attitude was so bad, I can't allow him to go on it now, the punishment has to stay in place. Urgh.

Right. Beauty sleep is needed!
Oof tired today. The ex was on the phone until after midnight 😴

No bananas left for me now the boy has taken to banana on toast.
Bran flakes HEB, yogurt, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries

No dog poop today, so I am keeping him off the wet food

What is adorable is I stick a shopping list on the fridge to add to it as and when and the boy added bananas 💖 it's really sweet he's taken responsibility to add on what he's used the last of. I never told him to do it, he just saw it on there with cheese, pasta and jar peppers written up.
Had 2 satsumas at work
The last of the mini quiches (2/3 hea) and salad followed by grapes for lunch
Couple of pieces of melon at the park
Chilli and rice and broccoli for tea. Chilli had onions, garlic, spices, red kidney beans, 5% mince, butternut squash, yellow pepper, courgette, tomato puree and tinned tomatoes.

No syns yet, which is good as I'm so tired!
Well done on your 2lb loss - today's been another good one for you - well done!
Yeah the sugar crave hit. I knew it would. I had a 5 syn KitKat after dinner with my son :)

After he went to bed I had a 9 syn twirl..... Then later a 6 syn cereal bar! 20 for the day.

Will go to bed soonish. Dog needs to go out first. Tomorrow I will have fruit and yogurt for breakfast before I go swimming. Then I need to go shopping. I can't decide whether to just go to Tesco, which is just down the road from the pool, or to go further out (maybe 12-15 miles) to go to Lidl as well... I like their extra light mayo and their jarred roasted peppers, the dogs food comes from Tesco though.

Lunch tomorrow is left over chilli - but not sure what to put it with. Tea will be Cajun chicken, chorizo and potato hotpot with loads of veg in it. Tea will probably be about 6 syns, I'll need to weigh the chorizo when I make it. No he's or HEB planned... Maybe I could have some cheese on the chilli and just have it with salad and use my HEB on a cereal bar.
Great swim today. Found out the hot lifeguard is 25 though! Must stop having impure thoughts. Shame he's a really nice guy too.
Had an apple, satsuma, blueberries and a yogurt this morning before swimming.
Had a cereal bar (HEB) after swimming.
Then an apple and crisps (4.5 syns) while out shopping.
I went to the shops further away after getting the dog food and a couple of bits at the Tesco by the pool. Took forever, but I bulk bought stuff I can only get in Lidl and got a few new bits I wanted to try at Aldi. And a couple of bits at the farm shop. I don't want to food shop for a month now!

Finally got home and had leftover chilli with 40g lighter cheddar cheese (hea)

Used half a syn on milk for tea so on 5 for today.

Pretty knackered. I pushed hard at the pool and don't feel I got the best sleep last night.
Well done hun, shame lifeguard too young, I'm starting to not let it worry me bout ages, if it's OK for famous people to marry people more than half their age, definitely OK for me, plus, if they are younger, we can mould them haha.
Haha, oh no, I just enjoy perving on him 🤣 bless him he has all the old ladies after him.

Here's tea, Cajun chicken and potato one pot (5 syns for chorizo) bringing me to 10 for the day so far and I've used both healthy extras!


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Happily the boy got to video chat with his dada tonight. He read his book to him, told him some stories from school, bounced around like a loon, daddy told him about work and yesterday's bike ride and the boy asked what he did with the girls last weekend and dada asked Nate what we were doing at the weekend and they're both excited for next weekend and many silly faces and giggles 😊 it's so lovely.

Still full from tea, if I have any further syns it'll be 0.5 for milk in tea. Tomorrow morning is egg on toast, I might do a fried egg on one slice and mushrooms and spinach on the other, depends how I feel in the morning. Lunch will be leftovers from tonight's tea, minus the chorizo (😄) and tea is pasta and meatballs, I'll do a side of broccoli again.

Dog's tummy seems to be better and he'll be picked up on Friday probably. I'm still keeping him off the wet food for now... Much to his dismay.

Scales showed +1.5 this morning, but I'm just ignoring it any carrying on as normal.
Scales are annoying and I'm ignoring them 🤣 until Monday - not to say I won't have my morning peek.

Doing the egg on toast and mushrooms, spinach, garlic toast. HEB.
Will pack fruit in my bag just in case.

I did have the extra cuppa so finished yesterday on 10.5 syns. Don't have any planned in my meals today.
You're doing well - weight fluctuations are annoying!
Oh that's so lovely, it's not much effort to make your boy smile eh!!

Keep going, I ate within calories yesterday and scales didn't budge, our bodies like to hang on sometimes, in case there's a famine, but they'll not need the extra energy and will dump it eventually, don't give in lol