Sometimes when bored i flick through diaries to get recipes inspiration etc. Anyway some people seem to have amazing food diaries Superspeed till it comes out there ears within their syns every week, walked the great wall of China and pretty much a perfect sw person...... Then they get loses of 0.5lb.and sometimes gains.
I am missing something??? Which has led me to the conclusion that some people tell porkies.... I am the only one which has seen this??
A bit harsh there Alfiesmum. There are so many reasons why people lose weight at different rates. You can not make the assumption that people are telling " porkies", for porkies do we read lies , because what else could it mean.
I am one of the people who has stuck 100% to plan and at one times had 2 weeks of no weight loss. I was distressed enough about it without now having it put in my head that there might be some who think I am telling "porkies".
I am a person of 67 years old and do not feel the need to lie, in fact to deceive myself because the bottom line is that most people on here are trying so hard to improve their health. It is not a game.
I think your post is a bit negative for a support forum
I agree with you 100%.
How is it negative???? i fail to see that. Im trying to ask a question and make a point that written are obviously all different. There in no negativity at all and if you think that i suggest your reading too much into it!!
I think perhaps you misunderstand the meaning of negative as opposed to positive.
We are only reading into it what you wrote.......that some of us are telling "porkies".
Hi alfiesmummy
Interesting question. I am one of those people... I stick to the plan, I have not yet fallen off the wagon, I exercise , I am honest and losing half a pound a week would be a good loss for me! Now, there could be lots of reasons for this- maybe because my eating was not too bad to begin with?
So, not all slow losers are secretly binging and lying about it, and yes, although you might not have intended to sound negative, personally I found the comment difficult. Does that mean all people on the forum think I am lying, cheating, etc? Yes, I know the comment is not about me... But about many slow losers, but that includes me and I am trying so hard!
Personally I find it really difficult to read of others who list all the stuff they ate over syns and off the wagon and then say they lost 6 lbs! seems so unfair!
As I said, I recognise that this comment is not a personal one, but on behalf of the slow losers, just cos it is slow does not mean we are all lying to you or ourselves : and in fact, I think slow losers deserve more credit for still hanging in there cos it is not easy!
I hope that this makes some sense and if there are folk out there not being truthful maybe your comment will encourage them to sort themselves out.
For the other slow mos, you hang in, we will get there and our sorted eating habits mean a great deal to our health!
With best wishes to A M
Woodland girl
What a sensible and honest post.
My comment about negativity was in response to your conclusion about some members being liars. Being called a liar cannot be a positive thing surely.
Yes, we are all different. Slow losers may be coping with issues such as PCOS or thyroid problems. We don't know so cannot assume anything.
I am one of those with a thyroid problem and take 200mg of thyroxine a day and know my weight losses are slower than most because of this.
I said telling porkies. I didn't come out and say so harshly liars. If you find this thread negative i suggest you don't comment and unsubscribe as seems you want to cause an agruement and that's not what this thread is for
Ahh, Alfiesmummy, that is not very nice. Silly Sausage has as much right to reply to you and make her comments public as you have to starting the thread in the first place.
I do not see that she is trying to cause an argument, in fact you could say the same about me, but I am intelligent enough to enjoy a good, honest debate and to enjoy the variety of responses.We do not all have to agree. The adult thing to do is to read, reason and respond.
I do not keep a diary so know it can not apply to me. I do not have the commitment of all those wonderful members who do keep a diary. You are all stars for chronicling your daily input and your anecdotes. You are what keeps so many other people going. Thank you diarists.
I am not looking for a fight here just exercising the right to my own opinion which is no more valid than anyone else's, just simply what I think.
Hugs to everyone !!!