Smallerme does the Whole30, I am cavewoman hear me roar

Day 1 of atkins. I feel better for making the decision, it's the right one for me at this point. Well I've just had the most lush tea that feels nothing like dieting. I had steak, onions, mushroom on a herb salad, with olives and a caesar dressing. I am stuffed and it was gorgeous. Bought myself some duck eggs for morning which I'm really looking forward to. Ah this is the life.
Nice to see you over here SM. Bear in mind youre highly unlikely to see a loss at first so dont let the scales get to you for a while.
I am thinking of avoiding the scales for a fortnight so I don't get too disheartened. I am expecting a gain and I'm going to be strictly sticking to induction, no cheats. It is lovely to be eating again, and I feel so full too on much smaller portions than I previously ate. Need to get back to Beck now my head is straight on what I am doing.
Hi smallerme - nice to meet you and welcome to arkins :)
I did the same SM but just continued to maintain for the next 6 weeks so I caved and went back to Exante. Will be straight back to Atkins again in 4 weeks though.
Ooooh, another diary to follow :)
Day 5 Atkins

I am finding Atkins very easy to do and not feeling at all hungry on it. Sticking to sensible portions, I'm presuming that's easier because I've come from eating 600kcals a day on the exante. Dd1 (7) said to me yesterday, "Mum I like your new diet because we're eating loads of meat!", bless her.

Friday I felt the urgh, new diet, feel like crap, headache, etc day however it passed quickly and given this is my 4th diet of this year, it passed way more quickly than previous months. I love that if I do get stuck out for longer than poss I could walk into most shops and find something suitable to eat on Atkins.

Getting stuck into Beck again too, now I feel settled and happy on Atkins. I just hope after the VLCD regain/STS period goes, I lose on it as it feels perfect to me. I have decided to move my weigh-in back to a Monday, so there will be 12 days between moving off exante and onto atkins before I get weighed. Hoping that's enough time to at least get rid of anything I may have gained. I would hate to see it on the scales so feel avoidance is the best tactic. I am focused back in on losing more slowly, 1-2lbs a week is fine by me as long as I can eat. I love that I had a huge boost on exante, but also happy to slow it down a bit now for the longterm approach.

I keep getting lots of positive comments from people noticing the loss now. Oh and i'm finally going to take the time tomorrow to go change my uniform trousers for a smaller pair, they are getting beyond ridiculous now. Going to ask to try ones two sizes smaller.
Aww, your little girl. There are so many ways to switch atkins up, too, if you ever get into the rut of eating the same things over and over (easy to do) - new marinades, or quorn instead of meat etc. And I far prefer having say courgettes with a cheesy pasta dressing than having real pasta with it. Much lighter on the stomach.

It's also easy to stick to sensible portions, I think, because meat is so hard to overeat. It's tasty, but satisfying, and not moreish in the way that you just can't stop eating.

I think not weighing for 12 days is a very sensible move, and I'm rooting for you.
Good luck with the change Smaller - I've read your whole diary and it's inspirational. You'll continue to lose on Atkins because you have the mindset and the will to lose. I also came here from a VLCD and would never go back to that ever. :)
Morning smaller, how are you today?
I am bricking it today Jim, I start my exercise class tonight, outdoor fitness sessions! Eeks I am so scared that they will all be really fit gym bunnies and I'll be the fat one unable to keep up with anyone. It's the fear of humiliation, however it won't stop me going and I will get through the first class at least.

Just had a small portion of dinner, thought I'd better eat before going, but not too much. There is more steak waiting for me when I get back if I'm hungry.
Good luck SM - it won't be that bad and it's always better once you stop (im off out to my zumba class shortly!) :D
Oh good luck SM. There is a group who do that in the park opposite me at 6:30 - 7:30 am every morning! I know because I walk past on my way to the train station. In winter they still did it but brought lamps! That's dedication, I guess. I'm still too scared to get near the local gym, so go you - uber brave & I'm sure it will go well.
I'm alive ;) It was hard, but the first time always is of any exercise and there were other fat people there, woohoo. I remember last year at the gym, the first time I went I could only do 5mins on the cross trainer, a month on I could do 30-45mins. The jogging bursts were hard for me, but it was only very short bursts (longest a couple of mins), coupled with exercises. I did enjoy being outside, that was nice. Bit chilly tonight but I was soon warmed up.

I go back on Weds, I bought a months trial on groupon for £9 when it was supposed to be £40 so will see how it goes over the month.
Sounds good Smaller. I run outside whenever I can - so much nicer that a stuffy old gym. I don't even mind rain any more. And great that you got to try it out so cheaply. Hope you can walk tomorrow! :)
Morning smaller, ugh exercise, done way to much of that in my life ;)
I have just spent an hour sorting out my wardrobe and I am chuffed to bits. I threw out a huge pile of too big or too scruffy clothes and tried on loads of clothes that haven't fit for a long time. They all fit, I'm amazed, I was holding them next to me thinking that'll never go on but they did. I think it helped my head catch up to my body being 40lb lighter. I am so pleased, it's like I have a whole new wardrobe. There was even a pair of size 18 jeans that went on, granted they're generous and other size 18 clothes don't fit yet but wow it felt good to have them on.

I have some clothes I bought quite a lot of years ago to fit into, 4 pairs of summer trousers in an 18. I'm really feeling that this summer will be the one where I will finally get into them, the little goals like that mean a lot to me. So that's it, a grand total of 5 pairs of trousers in my whole wardrobe that don't quite fit yet because they're 18's. I've got back in my 20's. Started in my 24's which were definitely getting tight so feeling very, very happy tonight.

Haven't touched the scales either, 2 more days to weigh day, no sneaky peaks. That will be 12 days between weigh ins. I then may extend it to every fortnight. The clothes high was great, especially when I laid them across my 24's that were tight, the amount gone from my thighs really impressed me.