Day 5 Atkins
I am finding Atkins very easy to do and not feeling at all hungry on it. Sticking to sensible portions, I'm presuming that's easier because I've come from eating 600kcals a day on the exante. Dd1 (7) said to me yesterday, "Mum I like your new diet because we're eating loads of meat!", bless her.
Friday I felt the urgh, new diet, feel like crap, headache, etc day however it passed quickly and given this is my 4th diet of this year, it passed way more quickly than previous months. I love that if I do get stuck out for longer than poss I could walk into most shops and find something suitable to eat on Atkins.
Getting stuck into Beck again too, now I feel settled and happy on Atkins. I just hope after the VLCD regain/STS period goes, I lose on it as it feels perfect to me. I have decided to move my weigh-in back to a Monday, so there will be 12 days between moving off exante and onto atkins before I get weighed. Hoping that's enough time to at least get rid of anything I may have gained. I would hate to see it on the scales so feel avoidance is the best tactic. I am focused back in on losing more slowly, 1-2lbs a week is fine by me as long as I can eat. I love that I had a huge boost on exante, but also happy to slow it down a bit now for the longterm approach.
I keep getting lots of positive comments from people noticing the loss now. Oh and i'm finally going to take the time tomorrow to go change my uniform trousers for a smaller pair, they are getting beyond ridiculous now. Going to ask to try ones two sizes smaller.