Smelly Elle's fantastic diary: Weight Loss? What Weight Loss?

i've googled it and think it's a vacuum leak in the power brake booster - it needs to be replaced.

Oooooooohhh get you with your mechanical diagnostics!! :8855:

Has it been fixed? I hope it wasn't too expensive at this time of year. x
Hi Elle
I'm back for a while but guess what I found...........?
Ha ha - they must be reading our posts x​

*News Update*

Elena has returned from Dublin after a very eventful two days there. After initially feeling sick the moment she woke up (at 5am) on Monday 15th, her situation quickly deteriorated, and by the afternoon on the same day Elena was spending a hefty amount of Dublin time on the toilet, lets say. Evening time approached, and feeling better and RAVENOUS (that's what happens when your stomach throws your food out) she ate a hearty meal at an excellent Dublin restaurant, not before christening their toilet first mind (she felt a lot better afterwards though, hence eating said meal). A spokesperson for Elena has informed us that, although she felt fine during the meal, afterwards the stomach bug hit once more and, unable to go for a lovely walk around Temple Bar with her family, Elena was forced to flee up to her room, where the toilet was waiting for her, taking with her her sister's hot water bottle and a packet of Imodium Instant. Elena refuses to give more details on this, only to say that she felt utterly sh*t.

By the following morning, the stomach pain had ceased and the Imodium Instant seemed have stayed true to it's name. Elena then proceeded to eat quite a bit for breakfast, in anticipation of the fact that if she ate well she wouldn't be hungry for a good few hours. However, she did not consider her stomach in these plans. Although her stomach does not wish to comment on these allegations, rumour has it that it freaked out at the introduction of more food. Although the Imodium Instant had prevented it from sending the food straight out, Elena's stomach did not let her get away with it and proceeded to plague Elena with painful stomach cramps throughout the day. This did indeed impede her enjoyment of Dublin. All in all, however, and bar the stomach bug (still going strong, by the way), Elena had an absolutely spiffing time, especially enjoying the guiness factory, and drinking a pint especially for Gem ;)

Pictures will follow :)

*end of news update*


p.s. thanks for your kind remarks everyone. I've eaten way too much, especially breadwise (soda bread, drooool) and chocolate, so i'm dreading what the scales will throw at me. But i've not been well, as you can see, so i'm allowing myself this crappy time haha.
Irish guinness IS to die for Elle but you're not meant to take that quite so literally x
oh elle. you poor thing. i hope you feel better soon. still, there is that little silver lining... :D

abz xx
Hi Elle

I hope you're feeling MUCH better today x
So do I and I hope she's not still wasting guinness - now, I'm sure I had those red shoes somewhere - I reckon someone's gone clicking off to Dublin in them
Soda bread...the things dreams are made of!
ain't they just puggs. what an eventful day i've had. my nan was taking the bins out and tripped because of the black ice (she lives in a hilly place). ended up breaking her arm in 4 places. she's in hospital and my mum's there with her. i went to have my hair done, had to get a lift with my cousin cos my brakes are still not fixed. on the way back we broke down, had to wait 2 hours to be saved lol. so, neither of us have working cars over christmas and her boyfriend is arriving on saturday from cyprus - we had a load of things planned that require cars!!

anyway i can't get to work tomorrow, which isn't a problem, i can work from home. cant get to the hospital to see gran till my dad goes. he's working tomorrow, my mum's probably staying with my grandad... grrr. anyway haha, point is, everything's in a bit of a fiddle at the moment xxx
Poor you. That doesn't sound very nice - any of it!!!
well, on the bright side, my hair looks pretty good. i had violet put in it instead of red :D x
Grand tonight thanks!! Hows the tum? Thats not fair, arriving in Dublin and feeling sh*te!
Me, I can eat soda bread all day long!! If I wanted to so to speak!! One of my favorite breakfasts is brown soda bread, real butter and sausages, with tomato ketchup. mmmmmmmm.
Sorry. Now Im just going to obsess about it til I get some.
Sorry to hear about your poor Nan. You have had a day of it with one thing and another.

Things can only get better from here:xmascheers:

Love Mini xxx
:) thanks mini!

clarri that brekkie sounds AMAZING. i had a bit too much soda bread during breakfast on tuesday - just why does it taste so good?! yummm... i could eat bread all day really, not just soda bread!

I sometimes used to stay at a guest house in St Ives run by an Irish woman who made her own soda bread. She used to put it on the table in the morning as an alternative to toast with home made marmalade or jam - Yum x