You are doing really well. You've inspired me to be a bit more crafty with my points lol. I like the way you shift them around over the week, e.g saving and replacing the overs the next day! I either eat less points and don't carry them forward or eat too many points and don't claw them back later in the week...whoops.
Oh and I looked at your photos, you are beautiful! No wonder you are feeling positive about your image just now, the transformation is awesome. You have done amazing and I would be thrilled to look half as good as you one day!
Hope your gran is ok? Sounds like you've been a little trooper as usual. I had twins when I was 18 and they were very ill, I can hardly set foot in a hospital without feeling awful. Especially that particular hospital and the baby bit....I'm a barrel of laughs visiting friends and family when they have babies! You did so well not to let it all push you off the wagon. Your focus is amazing. *Pat on the back* Yay! xoxo
Aww thank you!

means a lot to hear such kind words, firstly with the points i don't always stick to em so exact lol, i end up like you say going over by a few and not realising to claw back until it's too late! but tbh even going over by 2 or 3 in the whole week doesn't usually change my WI outcome thankfully!
i just feel more hungry some days than others, so i swap and change as long as i have my points for whole week i'm happy, but i do try and work out as much as possible how many i've gone over by (if any, dont bother if im under lol) by thursday and then stick to whatever points i'm left with, whether it be 14, 15, 16 etc! as long as i claw it back

i hope you and your family are doing well, and are coping alright, i only have one brother and then my mom who did support me but it's difficult for them also so i tend not to lean too much on their shoulder so to speak, only other support i got was from my 'uncle' (aunt's partner not married lol) who drove us everywhere to see dad as it was only dad who drived, i carried on with my uni work after it happened two weeks after infact as i was 3 months off finishing my degree

, so just did my assignments, said no to extentions offered and got out of there as i lived away from home all things tend to happen together i feel when it comes to my family, cousins just gave birth... now nan is unwell typical!

i do owe an awful lot to my OH you don't realise how special someone is until everything else crashes around you and they are still standing we had only been together 4months when it all happened, bet he wondered what he let himself in for

hope your twins are ok now, it's awful isn't it, even the smell of those places brings it back, and especially being in same places when visiting dad yuck made me feel sick, lets face it they aren't the pleasant of places anyway ! hope your alright hun i'm always around if you need any help or support even if it's just with ww stuff!

keep smiling and keep at it, your doing amazing!!! and soon will be beating me with finishing goal! shocking how quickly time flies... it's meant to be when your having fun... but it's not so fun when all i want is a big mac

take care and thanks again xxx